Der NEUE unentdeckte Goldminen/Internetstar: TERREX (862304)! HOT INFO! mt

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Der NEUE unentdeckte Goldminen/Internetstar: TERREX (862304)! HO.

04.01.00 07:49

Folgendes aus dem letzten Quartalsbericht. Übrigens ist Mr. Reitmaier (egal was einige von ihm denken) auch der Chairman dieser Company. Der Mann mach uns reich!

Quarterly Report - 30 September 1999


Acquisition of Global Doctor Ltd

       Acquisition of a 60% interest in Global Doctor Ltd, a company which intends to participate in the
       medical industry through the provision of internet communication services to link medical services users
       with providers. The principal terms of the acquisition require the company to issue 26.25 million fully
       paid ordinary shares and to fund the first $450,000 of expenditure to develop the business.

       Mr Gavin Argyle, who was appointed to the board of the company during the quarter, has been
       appointed chief executive officer of Global Doctor and has initiated a plan for the rapid development of
       the business. Facilities are presently being completed in Perth and in two Asian cities in order to trial
       the systems.

       A successful technical trial has been completed of its video conferencing and telemedicine equipment
       from its first clinic in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, China. In addition, key medical and
       administrative appointments have been completed.

D.h. Internetdiagnostic!!!!...laut WFR (World Future Research,Madison,USA) DAS Wachstumsgebiet in den nächsten 10 Jahren. Ich bin gestern zu 0,04 rein (Habe praktisch den Handel alleine gemacht). KZ noch gar nicht abzusehen. Klar, auch ne Mantelspeku....aber wollen wir nicht alle Geld machen??

Hört sich gut an. Und zu verlieren gibt es wenig. Ich geh heute bis 0,.

04.01.00 08:14
Dr. Raitmeier hat mir eigentlich bisher nur Freude gemacht. Letztes Jahr mehrere 100% (wobei das auch am Goldrausch lag). Ich steige ein bis 0,05, akt. Kurs ist 0,04.

Hab schon Adultshop und Abador verpasst. Diesmal mach ich .

04.01.00 08:26
Loverman hat recht. Habe mir die HP von denen angeschaut. Sieht aus wie die von Abador, und das mit dem Quartalsbericht stimmt. Lt. Reitmaier Hotline von gestern soll Terrex im Januar das ganze angehen. ICH WILL NICHT WIEDER ANDEREN BEIM GELDMACHEN ZUSEHEN. Was solls wenn ich 2000,-- verliere. Gegen DIE Chance ist das nichts. Thanx Drogo, auch wenn Du Deine eigenen Aktien puscht.

Was heist da unendeckt, wurde im Aktionär vor 1 Jahr schon erwäh.

04.01.00 08:36
mit hinweis, das diese firma in thailand gebiete zur goldsuche absteckt.
kurs schwankte damals bei 0,01 bis 0,03.

Unentdeckt im Sinne der Internetumwandlung in "" .

04.01.00 08:38
Wir wollen doch keine Goldspekulationen machen. Das hat doch keinen Docht. Das Geld liegt im I-net.

Das Ihr keine Goldmine wollt ist mir klar, nur ist Terrex nicht unend.

04.01.00 08:43
Aktie schon seit einem Jahr im Depot habe. Sollte diesbezüglich i-net sich
etwas positiv verändern, warum nicht.

Dann solltest Du aber besser informiert sein, und das nicht in Frage ste.

04.01.00 08:48
Zumindest die Homepage/Quartalsbericht Dir mal anschauen. Oder sagt Dir USGAAP nicht (oder ist es mit dem Englisch nicht so prall). Sorry wenns unfreundlich klingt, aber ich mag keine Leute die zu faul zur eigenen Research sind und Prior, Förtsch,Aktionär, BO u.a. hinterherrennen.


04.01.00 09:10
nun, wirst du aber persönlich und wenn du meine Zeilen lesen solltest, wirst du bemerken, das ich einiges an researche leiste. Weiter will ich dir mitteilen, das ich nicht ohne grund terrex in meinem depot halte, wie auch adelong und normandy. dies hat einen entscheidenen grund, sehr viel geld verdienen.

Tschuldigung Fuchs..hab Stress heut morgen. Freuen wir uns..ASK 0,0.

04.01.00 09:13
Wollte nicht persönlich werden. Ich denke wir sehen noch eine ordentliche Taxe heute.


04.01.00 09:44
Hot News von Abador: ( Auszug des heutigen announcements )

..., the company is pleased to announce that it has entered into
an agreement to acquire a 100% interest in Casinos Australasia, a
company operating an Internet Casino.

The Company has signed a Heads of Agreement with the shareholders of
Casinos Australasia that operate an Internet Casino based in Vanuatu.
The Internet Casino was granted a license for a ten year period in
December 1997, renewable for a further ten years.

Casinos Australasia`s major assets, apart from the license, are its
highly experienced casino management team which collectively has over
80 years of hands on casino experience, its internet casino software
developed in conjunction with American International Entertainment
of the USA, and the banking/credit card interface developed in
conjunction with Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom. The chief
executive of Casinos Australasia is Mr Gordon McIntosh, who it is
proposed will become Managing Director of the Company on completion
of the current transaction.

Initially, Casinos Australasia is targeting customers in South East
Asia where exclusive marketing contracts have been signed with two
groups in Hong Kong and Indonesia. Casino Australasia`s management
team has forged very strong business and personal relationships in
the region over a period of many years and is confident of working
with these agents to develop a viable business within a short period
of time. Once operations in South East Asia are operating profitably
expansion into other key markets in Europe is planned. In addition to
the online casino, the group also has a license from the Vanuatu

government which allows it to undertake sports betting in Asia.


The Company proposes to raise $7,680,000 pursuant to the making of
two placements, both of which will be subject to shareholders

The first placement will raise $1,280,000 via the issue of 32
million shares at an issue price of 4 cents.

The proceeds of the first issue, together with the Company`s existing
cash resources of approximately $500,000 are proposed to fund due
diligence, provide loan funds to assist Casinos Australasia, satisfy
overseas creditors, to provide interim working capital to Casinos
Australasia, and for the Company`s working capital purposes.

The second issue will raise $6,400,000 via the issue of 32
million shares at an issue price of 20 cents with an attached option
exercisable at 40 cents.

The proceeds of the second issue are proposed to be expended as

* Fund ongoing development of Casino Australasia Internet site and
associated marketing initiatives ($3,000,000).

* Bank security deposits related to the above activity ($2,000,000).

* Fund ongoing exploration activity on the Company`s current
portfolio of mineral assets ($200,000).

* Pursue further investment opportunities ($200,000).

* Provide working capital ($1,000,000).

The Company has requested that the ASX suspend its securities from
quotation as of January 4th 2000 until the Company meets the criteria
for relisting.

The Company will commence its due diligence investigations
immediately, and proposes to issue a Notice Of Meeting seeking
shareholder approval of the first placement later this week. Upon
satisfactory completion of the due diligence investigations,
shareholder approval will be sought to complete the transaction and
the second capital raising. A prospectus will be issued for this
second capital rising.  


04.01.00 09:45
Hot News von Abador: ( Auszug des heutigen announcements )

..., the company is pleased to announce that it has entered into
an agreement to acquire a 100% interest in Casinos Australasia, a
company operating an Internet Casino.

The Company has signed a Heads of Agreement with the shareholders of
Casinos Australasia that operate an Internet Casino based in Vanuatu.
The Internet Casino was granted a license for a ten year period in
December 1997, renewable for a further ten years.

Casinos Australasia`s major assets, apart from the license, are its
highly experienced casino management team which collectively has over
80 years of hands on casino experience, its internet casino software
developed in conjunction with American International Entertainment
of the USA, and the banking/credit card interface developed in
conjunction with Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom. The chief
executive of Casinos Australasia is Mr Gordon McIntosh, who it is
proposed will become Managing Director of the Company on completion
of the current transaction.

Initially, Casinos Australasia is targeting customers in South East
Asia where exclusive marketing contracts have been signed with two
groups in Hong Kong and Indonesia. Casino Australasia`s management
team has forged very strong business and personal relationships in
the region over a period of many years and is confident of working
with these agents to develop a viable business within a short period
of time. Once operations in South East Asia are operating profitably
expansion into other key markets in Europe is planned. In addition to
the online casino, the group also has a license from the Vanuatu

government which allows it to undertake sports betting in Asia.


The Company proposes to raise $7,680,000 pursuant to the making of
two placements, both of which will be subject to shareholders

The first placement will raise $1,280,000 via the issue of 32
million shares at an issue price of 4 cents.

The proceeds of the first issue, together with the Company`s existing
cash resources of approximately $500,000 are proposed to fund due
diligence, provide loan funds to assist Casinos Australasia, satisfy
overseas creditors, to provide interim working capital to Casinos
Australasia, and for the Company`s working capital purposes.

The second issue will raise $6,400,000 via the issue of 32
million shares at an issue price of 20 cents with an attached option
exercisable at 40 cents.

The proceeds of the second issue are proposed to be expended as

* Fund ongoing development of Casino Australasia Internet site and
associated marketing initiatives ($3,000,000).

* Bank security deposits related to the above activity ($2,000,000).

* Fund ongoing exploration activity on the Company`s current
portfolio of mineral assets ($200,000).

* Pursue further investment opportunities ($200,000).

* Provide working capital ($1,000,000).

The Company has requested that the ASX suspend its securities from
quotation as of January 4th 2000 until the Company meets the criteria
for relisting.

The Company will commence its due diligence investigations
immediately, and proposes to issue a Notice Of Meeting seeking
shareholder approval of the first placement later this week. Upon
satisfactory completion of the due diligence investigations,
shareholder approval will be sought to complete the transaction and
the second capital raising. A prospectus will be issued for this
second capital rising.  
auf geht´s:

Re: Der NEUE unentdeckte Goldminen/Internetstar: TERREX (8623.

04.01.00 11:28
Dan ist nur noch zu hoffen das der Kurs bald wieder freigegeben wird !!

Weiß jemand schon was Neues ???


TERREX..ich bin drin zu 0,05, war ganz einfach....ot

04.01.00 13:10

Terrex - Vorsicht!

04.01.00 14:20
Der Kurs in Berlin wurde durch einen einzigen Umsatz von 827.400 Aktien gemacht, d.h. ein Händler hat den Kurs nach oben getrieben. Daher befindet sich der im Vergleich zu Australien viel höhere Kurs auf dünnem Eis. Fraglich wo alle ihre Aktien gekauft haben wollen...


Leute kauft was das Zeug hält.Der Kurs steht Ende der Woche 100% be.

04.01.00 14:23

neuer thread , gleicher mist

04.01.00 16:12

sie den anderen thread zum gleichen thema

da es nur eine einzige preisfestellung am tag gibt bei diesem wert, sind entweder alle käufe der letzten zwei tage von drogo und loverman( wie immer eine id die frisch vor dem posting aufgemacht wurde ) vorgenommen worden, oder der ganze kasperkram ist eine lüge

Von wegen Mist...bin halt ein spekulativer Anleger: Hier die Terrex Info:

04.01.00 16:15
Quarterly Report - 30 September 1999
Acquisition of Global Doctor Ltd

       Acquisition of a 60% interest in Global Doctor Ltd, a company which intends to participate in the
       medical industry through the provision of internet communication services to link medical services users
       with providers. The principal terms of the acquisition require the company to issue 26.25 million fully
       paid ordinary shares and to fund the first $450,000 of expenditure to develop the business.

       Mr Gavin Argyle, who was appointed to the board of the company during the quarter, has been
       appointed chief executive officer of Global Doctor and has initiated a plan for the rapid development of
       the business. Facilities are presently being completed in Perth and in two Asian cities in order to trial
       the systems.

       A successful technical trial has been completed of its video conferencing and telemedicine equipment
       from its first clinic in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, China. In addition, key medical and
       administrative appointments have been completed.
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