bekommen willst,kopiere doch einfach irgendwelche Analysen hier rein,am Besten noch in Englisch(das müsstest Du doch inzwischen von SI gelernt haben!!).
Der Aufwand ist minimal,zum Beispiel bei!
Das könnte dann zum Beispiel so aussehen(Überschrift wie gehabt):" style="max-width:560px" >
Risk Analysis
Alpha -0.006
Beta 1.03
R2 0.32
Relative Performance -49.22%
Relative Festigkeit -0.45
Rückgang vom Höchststand -79.89%
Vierteljährliche Volatilität 146.52%
Abstand zum beweglichen Durchschnitt 20 -60.68%
Abstand zum beweglichen Durchschnitt 200 -75.74%
Dann nimmst Du noch einen deutschen Text und übersetzt ihn mit Babel Fish:
Frankfurt (Reuters) - the Telematikdienstleister Comroad aims at also after the loss of its past chartered accoutant KPMG a publication of its reference numbers for 2001 in March. " we hope, this still in March to do to be able ", said an employer speaker on Friday. That so far DISPLAY planned date for a bilanzpressekonferenz on 21 March 2002 is however at least in question placed. The society wanted first numbers on 25 February originally already admits to give. The set of rules of the new market designates that the end-of-year procedure must be submitted by 31 March. After the company of auditors KPMG had laid down its mandate with Comroad, the society is now on the search for a new examiner. KPMG had justified the retreat without notice with doubts about the trustworthiness of the society. The enterprise has to find no problems a new renowned examiner surely, said the speaker. Discussions were already led. Additionally the society wants to let a special test execute. With Comroad there are disclaimed rumors for weeks always again over allegedly not existing business relations to Asia. Bill pointed these repeated back. " we can submit the appropriate information and become we also do ", said it. The Comroad shares lost than 13 per cent on 2,01 euro on Friday morning in a very weak market from time to time more. Since 14 February the paper lost approximately 70 per cent at value.
Alles in allem eine Sache von 3-5 Minuten und mit ein bischen Glück bekommst Du statt 2 Schwarzen einen Grünen!!
Also:Gleichberechtigung für alle Puscher!!;-))
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