China Coal Energy +++

Beiträge: 12
Zugriffe: 6.073 / Heute: 1
China Coal Energ. 0,98 € +4,26% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -59,17%

China Coal Energy +++

23.10.07 08:47
-Substential Improvement in gross margin
-coal reserves of !!! 3,471m tonnes !!!
-coal sales vol forecast CAGR of 53% for FY 06-09
up to 1.525m A shares listed
tgt 39.1h$

China Coal Energy Co Limited and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in mining and processing of coal and coke products, and manufacturing and sales of coal mining machinery. The Company’s operations are divided into three segments: coal production, sales and trading, coking and coal mining equipment manufacturing. The Company’s coking operations include the production and sale of coke and coal-based chemicals. The Company’s operates in People’s Republic of China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. During the year ended December 31, 2006, the revenue of the Company from the largest customer and the top five largest customers accounted for approximately 7.1% and 26.4% of the operating revenue of the Company respectively. The Company’s subsidiaries include Shanghai Datun Energy Resources Co., Limited, China Coal and Coke Holdings Limited, China Coal Tendering Company Limited and China Coal Tendering Company Limited
China Coal Energy +++ 127066


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C Coal gegen den Sturm...

27.11.07 06:43
1898 CHINA COAL 21.4 +0.7 +3.38% 509,300 24,015

guten morgen skunk...

27.11.07 09:33
verstehe Deinen Komemntar leider nicht. Willst du ihn bitte ein kleines bischen erklären. Bin bei Coal investiert und kann mir den aktuellen Abwärtstrend eigentlich nur duch die Gesamtlage erklären. Weißt Du mehr ? :-)




27.11.07 09:50

Kommentar= positiv, HSI rappelt sich heute wieder hoch aus den Tiefen. Gestern +4% = technische Reaktion + Vorgaben aus den US + die Leute haben das "rumgejammer " satt und sehen die C Wirtschaft eher pos und "überlgene" (nicht ganz unabhängig, aber..)

alle stehen in den Startlöchern zu kaufen, es fehlt eher der Auslöser, vielleicht US heute PM...

C Coal, Yanzhou Coal, C Shenhua, C Resources  alles Werte die auf Jahressicht definitiv steigen

es gibt keine schlcehten Nachrichten, ausser der "Gesamtlage", die bewertungen (KGV, EBITAs, etc etc) sind schlecht mit EU/US zu vergleichen, obschon grosse Anstrengunen unternommen werden alles durchsichtiger zu machen
ABER es gibt noch viel zu tun und die Sehweise hier ist anderst.....

viel Glück


Bin mit dabei um 1,60€ Es geht weiter aufwärt´s.

02.12.07 23:02

C Coal HK -0,61%24,25h$

04.12.07 06:46
China Coal (1898.HK) slipped 1.6 percent to HK$24.05. The mainland coal producer said there was no time table for issuance of A shares in mainland stock markets, denying a media report it planned to launch a 22 billion yuan ($2.97 billion) share offer before the end of the year
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
China Coal Energy +++ 134454

1898 CHINA COAL 21.05 -1.5 -6.65% 601,067

17.12.07 08:51

Heute wieder über 2€.

19.12.07 22:47

15,78h$ = +1%

08.04.08 06:56
China Coal (01898) Coal stocks have risen strongly recently. Strong demand and strong prices drove up the profits of major coal mines. There was no price control on coal prices. Buy $15.50 Target $20.00 Cut loss $12.00
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
China Coal Energy +++ 158278

C Coal 15,84 = +,68 = +4,49%

11.04.08 06:43
China Coal Energy 2008 earnings seen up 66 pct yr-on-yr

Deutsche Bank said it expects China Coal Energy's earnings this year to grow 66 pct year-on-year as it presses on with a further increase in production and reduction in operating costs.

"China Coal's decent 2007 results show management's ability to deliver growth through steady volume growth, above-peer price increases and controlled cost," it said.

China's second largest coal producer yesterday reported that its 2007 net profit rose 90.35 pct to 5.17 bln yuan due to higher coal prices and increased output.

The German bank said it is reiterating its "buy" recommendation on China Coal, citing its attractive investment return potential.

As of 12.08 pm, China Coal's H-shares were up 0.58 hkd or 3.83 pct at 15.74.  
China Coal Energy +++ 158861

C Coal +++

28.04.08 11:44
China Kohle korrigiert - Kaufchance heute mehr als 2%...
- sehr gute Aussichten
- höhere Produktionserwartungen
- derzeit bei 22x 08PE
Erwartungen Profit 08 = 165%
                  09 = 22%
Ziel : 20,08h$

C Coal +6% = 3,43h$

21.11.08 06:58
01898 CHINA COAL 3.430 0.210 6.12% 114,915 33,452
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  11 China Coal Energy +++ 21.11.08 06:58
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