bin ich froh das ich 50% noch gut verkauft habe und bei den restlichen ist mirs wurst auch auf die gefahr ein pennystock mehr im schlafdepot zu haben.
bisher ruhen
BII; zebramart; china online und pearl ori cyber. also lassen wir sie schlafen in der hoffnung.....
TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2000 3:01 AM
- PRNewswire
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended June 30,
1999 2000 2000
Hitmail and related services 204,087 2,181,942 20,557
Hitmail and related services
from related parties -- -- --
Other Hosting services 41,914 10,641 100
System Development services
and other 45,531 6,405 61
Total revenues 291,532 2,198,988 20,718
Cost of revenues:
Hitmail and related services 113,106 654,375 6,165
Other Hosting services 11,710 3,343 32
System Development services
and other 39,746 4,747 45
Total cost of revenues 164,562 662,465 6,242
Gross profit 126,970 1,536,523 14,476
Operating expenses:
Service fee to related parties 88,358 1,069,156 10,073
Sales promotion expenses to
related parties -- 65,811 620
Selling, general and
administrative 91,146 452,713 4,265
Research and development 217 113,198 1,067
Total operating expenses 179,721 1,700,878 16,025
Loss from Operations (52,751) (164,355) (1,549)
Interest income (expense), net (75) 7,605 72
Foreign exchange gain
(loss), net (672) 4,885 46
Loss on disposal of fixed assets -- (7) (0)
Other expense, net (72) (3,918) (37)
Loss before provisions
for income taxes (53,570) (155,790) (1,468)
Provisions for income taxes 247 950 9
Net loss (53,817) (156,740) (1,477)
Net loss per share -
basic and diluted (7,793.92) (15,404.47) (145.13)
Shares used in per share
calculation - basic and
diluted 6,905 10,175 10,175
Nine Months Ended June 30,
1999 2000 2000
Hitmail and related services 301,314 4,554,103 42,906
Hitmail and related services
from related parties -- 11,540 109
Other Hosting services 108,496 52,424 494
System Development services
and other 121,384 28,592 269
Total revenues 531,194 4,646,659 43,778
Cost of revenues:
Hitmail and related services 197,320 1,585,035 14,933
Other Hosting services 25,023 26,545 250
System Development services
and other 91,089 26,601 251
Total cost of revenues 313,432 1,638,181 15,434
Gross profit 217,762 3,008,478 28,344
Operating expenses:
Service fee to
related parties 132,555 2,232,798 21,036
Sales promotion expenses to
related parties -- 204,209 1,924
Selling, general and
administrative 202,187 1,141,982 10,759
Research and development 217 745,862 7,027
Total operating expenses 334,959 4,324,851 40,746
Loss from Operations (117,197) (1,316,373) (12,402)
Interest income
(expense), net (1,134) 6,623 63
Foreign exchange gain
(loss), net (1,327) 7,644 72
Loss on disposal
of fixed assets -- (6,347) (60)
Other expense, net (1,421) (4,533) (43)
Loss before provisions
for income taxes (121,079) (1,312,986) (12,370)
Provisions for income taxes 1,058 2,850 27
Net loss (122,137) (1,315,836) (12,397)
Net loss per share -
basic and diluted (33,099.39) (144,979.74) (1,365.93)
Shares used in per share
calculation - basic and
diluted 3,690 9,076 9,076
(in thousands)
September 30, June 30, June 30,
1999 2000 2000
ASSETS (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 4,179,770 22,136,961 208,564
Restricted cash 1,725,000 200,000 1,884
Accounts Receivable, net 35,417 24,956 235
Accounts Receivable due
from related parties 8,950 -- --
Investments-available for sale -- 1,001,460 9,435
Payment in advance -- 1,472,246 13,871
Prepaid expenses and
other current assets 68,174 348,255 3,281
Total Current Assets 6,017,311 25,183,878 237,270
Investments 31,900 31,900 301
Property and equipment, net 52,356 333,630 3,144
Deposits 141,611 232,687 2,192
Restricted cash 37,500 -- --
Other assets 1,745 2,597 24
Total Assets 6,282,423 25,784,692 242,931
Current liabilities:
Current portion of
long-term debt 1,728,358 1,903 18
Account payable 219,453 331,882 3,127
Account payable due to
related parties 42,053 85,874 809
Accrued liabilities 100,332 101,688 958
Total current
liabilities 2,090,196 521,347 4,912
Long-term debt 49,978 42,002 396
Common stock 2,321,375 8,043,575 75,783
Additional paid-in capital 2,510,515 19,036,670 179,354
Accumulated deficit (376,814) (1,692,650) (15,948)
Legal Reserve 180 180 2
Deferred stock compensation (313,007) (166,432) (1,568)
Total shareholders'
equity 4,142,249 25,221,343 237,623
Total liabilities and
shareholders' equity 6,282,423 25,784,692 242,931
(in thousands)
Nine Months Ended June 30,
1999 2000 2000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Cash flows from
operating activities:
Net loss (122,137) (1,315,836) (12,397)
Adjustments to reconcile
net loss to net cash used
in operating activities:
Amortization of deferred
compensation -- 106,325 1,002
Depreciation and
amortization 10,816 61,819 582
Reverse of allowance for
doubtful accounts (4,529) (171) (2)
Loss on disposal of
fixed assets -- 6,346 60
Changes in operating assets
and liabilities:
Accounts receivable 25,317 22,402 211
Prepaid expenses and
other current assets (49,616) (282,027) (2,657)
Payment in advance -- (1,472,246) (13,871)
Accounts payable 49,227 156,251 1,472
Accrued liabilities 18,757 1,356 13
Other (759) (3,187) (30)
Net cash used in
operating activities (72,924) (2,718,968) (25,617)
Cash flows from
investing activities:
Purchase of investments
- available for sale -- (3,298,321) (31,075)
Proceeds from maturities of
investments - available for sale -- 2,298,321 21,654
Acquisition of property
and equipment (17,762) (347,581) (3,275)
Deposits (6,872) (91,076) (858)
Net cash used in
investing activities (24,634) (1,438,657) (13,554)
Cash flows from
financing activities:
Change in short-term
borrowings (2,000) -- --
Proceeds from issuance of
common stock 747,728 22,288,605 209,992
Repayment of long-term debt (22,831) -- --
Redemption of long-term bonds (72,000) (1,725,000) (16,252)
Principal payments on
capital leases (1,600) (11,289) (106)
Proceeds from issuance of stock
options/warrants exercised 174,500 -- --
Change in restricted cash -- 1,562,500 14,721
Net cash provided by
financing activities 823,797 22,114,816 208,355
Net increase in cash and
cash equivalents 726,239 17,957,191 169,184
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period 111,702 4,179,770 39,380
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period 837,941 22,136,961 208,564
Supplemental Cash Flows Information:
Non-cash transactions:
Capitalized lease obligations
incurred 13,189 1,618 15
1. Basis of presentation
The Company maintains its records and prepares its financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Japan. Certain adjustments and reclassifications, including those relating to the recognition of deferred income taxes resulting from temporary differences and net operating loss carry-forward and related valuation allowance, stock compensation expenses, accounting for leases and accrual of certain expenses, have been incorporated in the accompanying financial statements to conform with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America ("U.S. GAAP"). These adjustments were not recorded in the statutory accounts.
Accounts denominated in foreign currencies have been remeasured into Japanese yen, the Company's functional currency. Foreign currency gains and losses from remeasurement, which have been insignificant, are included in the statements of operations.
In the opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements contain all material adjustments (consisting of only normal, recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2000, its results of operations for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2000 and June 30, 1999, and cash flows for the nine months ended June 30, 2000 and June 30, 1999. The results of operations for the three months and the nine months ended June 30, 2000 may not be indicative of the results operation that can be expected for the full fiscal year. The notes to the unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with these condensed financial statements. The balance sheet at September 30, 1999 was derived from audited financial statements; however, it does not include all disclosures required by U.S. GAAP.
2. U.S. dollars amounts
U.S. dollar amounts presented in the accompanying financial statements are included solely for the convenience of the reader. These translations should not be construed as presentations that the Japanese yen amounts actually represent, or have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars. As the amounts shown in U.S. dollars are for convenience only, the approximate current rate at June 30, 2000(106.14 yen = U.S.$1) has been used for the purpose of presentation of U.S. dollar amounts in accompanying financial statements.
3. Computation of net loss per share
Net loss per share is calculated in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 128, "Earning per Share" and Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 98 ("SAB 98"). Under the provisions of SFAS No. 128 and SAB 98, basic net loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss available common shareholders for period by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted net loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss for the period by the weighted average number of common and potential common shares outstanding during the period if their effect is dilutive.
4. Segment information
The Company's reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different services. They are managed separately because each business requires different technology and marketing strategies. The Company's three reportable segments are Hitmail, Other Hosting services, and System Development services and other, as reviewed by the Company's management. Common assets are used by all product segments and the management does not review this information separately. All of the Company's long-lived assets are located in Japan. The key segment information for the three months and the nine months ended June 30,1999 and 2000 were as follows (in thousands):
For the three months ended June 30, 1999 and 2000
System Development
Other Hosting Service
Hitmail Service and other Corporate Total
1999 Y 204,087 Y 41,914 Y 45,531 Y -- Y 291,532
2000 2,181,942 10,641 6,405 -- 2,198,988
2000 $20,557 $100 $61 $-- $20,718
profit (loss):
1999 Y (6,329) Y 29,850 Y (3,308) Y (72,964) Y (52,751)
2000 333,596 (125,410) 46 (372,587) (164,355)
2000 $3,143 $(1,182) $0 $(3,510) $(1,549)
For the nine months ended June 30, 1999 and 2000
System Development
Other Hosting Service
Hitmail Service and other Corporate Total
1999 Y 301,314 Y 108,496 Y 121,384 Y -- Y 531,194
2000 4,565,643 52,424 28,593 -- 4,646,660
2000 $43,015 $494 $269 $-- $43,778
profit (loss):
1999 Y (40,227) Y 82,739 Y 5,217 Y (164,926) Y (117,197)
2000 762 (347,431) (5,243) (964,461) (1,316,373)
2000 $7 $(3,273) $(49) $(9,087) $(12,402)
SOURCE Crayfish Co. Ltd.
CONTACT: Japan - Naoko Tomita, Chief Financial Officer of Crayfish Co.,
Ltd., 813-5324-6784,; or United States - Investor Relations,
Mami Ogawa of Thomson Financial Investor Relations, 212-701-1824, or, for Crayfish Co. Ltd.