Statistiker haben einen neuen Parameter für steigende Wirtschaftsleistung gefunden: In Japan ist die Zahl der ökonomisch motivierten Selbstmorde - immerhin 15014 in 2005 - seit 2004 um 2,4 % zurückgegangen, weil die Leute finanziell besser klarkommen. Bemerkenswert ist das insofern, als die Selbstmord-Rate insgesamt mit 32552 um 0,7 % zunahm (Japan hat eine doppelt so hohe Quote wie Europa und USA).
Fehlt nur noch, dass irgendein Zyniker einen Chart malt, der die Selbstmordrate gegen den Nikkei-225 abträgt und Fibonacci-Retracements bei den Leichenbergen einzeichnet...
Japan's economic suicides down in 2005
By Ilya Garger, MarketWatch
Last Update: 1:27 AM ET Jun 1, 2006
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Fewer Japanese are killing themselves because of financial difficulty, according to a media report Thursday.
In 2005, 15,014 suicides were attributed to economic problems, according to data released by the country's National Police Agency and reported in the Nikkei daily.
That's a 2.4% drop from 2004.
The trend is in line with other recent data indicating an economic recovery. Japan's first-quarter GDP growth of 1.9% topped analyst forecasts.
[Den Chart hat sich der Autor zum Glück verkniffen - A.L.]
Overall, the national suicide total rose 0.7% to 32,552. It was the eighth straight year that the total topped 30,000. Japan's suicide rate of about 25 per 100,000 people is twice that in the U.S. and Europe.
Of people committing suicide, 43% were unemployed. In another notable trend, suicides by company employees rose 5.3%, while those by self-employed people fell 4.1%
Fehlt nur noch, dass irgendein Zyniker einen Chart malt, der die Selbstmordrate gegen den Nikkei-225 abträgt und Fibonacci-Retracements bei den Leichenbergen einzeichnet...
Japan's economic suicides down in 2005
By Ilya Garger, MarketWatch
Last Update: 1:27 AM ET Jun 1, 2006
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Fewer Japanese are killing themselves because of financial difficulty, according to a media report Thursday.
In 2005, 15,014 suicides were attributed to economic problems, according to data released by the country's National Police Agency and reported in the Nikkei daily.
That's a 2.4% drop from 2004.
The trend is in line with other recent data indicating an economic recovery. Japan's first-quarter GDP growth of 1.9% topped analyst forecasts.
[Den Chart hat sich der Autor zum Glück verkniffen - A.L.]
Overall, the national suicide total rose 0.7% to 32,552. It was the eighth straight year that the total topped 30,000. Japan's suicide rate of about 25 per 100,000 people is twice that in the U.S. and Europe.
Of people committing suicide, 43% were unemployed. In another notable trend, suicides by company employees rose 5.3%, while those by self-employed people fell 4.1%