CEO Greg Reyes said that growth in the second quarter will be flat or modestly higher on a sequential basis and that "this a point where short term visibility has never been more opaque."
Reyes said that he has not seen any customer order delays, but rather his customers are being very conservative with their planning and are not booking orders as far in advance as in the past.
Shares fell more than 20 percent in Wednesday evening trading, sliding firmly into the $30 range. This descent takes out a support level at $40 and puts the price at a 14-month low.
Shares (BRCD: news, msgs) closed Wednesday down 19 cents at $44.69, but fell to $35 on Island ECN after the market closed." style="max-width:560px" >
gestern um 700% erhöhtes Volumen,intakter Abwärtstrend,allerdings überverkauft nach Stochastik-14Monatstief!