Blockchain Transaction of $6Billion by China's Med

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Blockchain Transaction of $6Billion by China's Med

19.11.19 14:07
Chinese publication QNSB wrote about Nov.18 that China's Zhejiang area has prepared almost $6 billion utilizing Ant Financial's blockchain technology through a blockchain medical billing platform.

Making doctor’s appointments, getting solutions just as paying, recording and putting away doctor's visit expenses online are a portion of the critical highlights gave by this blockchain empowered stage.

The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance reported at a blockchain occasion on Nov.18 that, as of Oct. 28, the stage had 480 medical institutions over the region.

The stage, dependent on Ant Blockchain, an innovation created by Alibaba backup Ant financial, forms around 41.7 billion Chinese Yuan ($5.9 Billion) as of October.

News Source: TheCoinRepublic
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