Bei eBay zu ersteigern: 24-jaehrige Topmanagerin a

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Bei eBay zu ersteigern: 24-jaehrige Topmanagerin a

15.12.01 22:27
Managing director auctions herself as wife on internet

A 24-year-old internet entrepreneur is auctioning herself as a wife, with a £250,000 reserve price.

Bei eBay zu ersteigern: 24-jaehrige Topmanagerin a 512316

Kay Hammond from Birmingham says she wants to push the boundaries of the internet with the EBay sale.

She says she's sacrificed her private life building up her business.

The auction ends on Christmas Eve.

Bidders have to be aged between 24 and 35, be UK citizens and be able to meet basic health requirements.

She told Ananova: "One of the few things I haven't yet done in my life is get married. With the high reserve price, I expect the people who'll be bidding will be from the business world."

The money would be put into her personal account and she says she'd want to sign a pre-nuptial agreement before going through with the marriage.

Ms Hammond, who's MD of TAMBA Internet, added: "There have got to be similar people to me who work long hours and have sacrificed their personal life making a success of their professional life."

Story filed: 09:27 Friday 14th December 2001

Jedem Menschen sollte das Recht zugestanden

15.12.01 22:29
werden, sich in dem Maße selbst zu betrügen, wie er es zu nichts gebracht hat und wie er keine Zukunft sieht.

Danke DarkKnight! o.T.

15.12.01 23:02

business or pleasure (Zitat aus Pretty Woman)

16.12.01 00:53
und ich dachte im ersten Moment die sucht einen Job!

Vielleicht sollten wir alle zusammenlegen? ;-)

Wenigstens hat SIE ja dann genug Geld, oder?

da is meine mutti o.T.

16.12.01 02:30
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