Bei dem Wert ist heute Trubbel in den USA

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Bei dem Wert ist heute Trubbel in den USA

08.06.09 09:34
Hier gab es Freitag nachbörslich gute NEWS und der Kurs ging nachbörslich stark rauf.

Hier die NEWS:

June 5, 2009 - 4:31 PM EDT          

Metabasis Therapeutics Receives a Development Event Payment from Roche and Notification That Roche Plans to Advance MB11362 into Development for the Treatment of Hepatitis C
Metabasis Therapeutics Receives a Development Event Payment from Roche and Notification That Roche Plans to Advance MB11362 into Development for the Treatment of Hepatitis C
Metabasis Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MBRX) announced today that it received a $2 million payment from Roche in recognition of advances made on their research collaboration, which is focused on applying Metabasis’ HepDirect® liver-targeting technology to Roche’s proprietary lead nucleosides in order to develop new treatments for hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. In addition, Metabasis announced that Roche has formally accepted MB11362 as a clinical candidate for development.

Metabasis and Roche entered into a collaboration and license agreement in August 2008 which included a $10 million upfront payment and provided for additional payments upon achievement of predetermined preclinical and clinical development events, as well as regulatory and commercialization events for each product, and royalties on net sales of products from the collaboration. As part of the collaboration, a HepDirect prodrug of a Roche proprietary nucleoside monophosphate was identified and evaluated in various pre-clinical studies conducted by scientists at Metabasis and Roche. The results of these studies led to a decision by Roche to advance MB11362 into pre-clinical development.

Metabasis reported last week that it had restructured the Company due to difficulties in raising capital from a financing or other sources. Metabasis continues to seek additional capital in the near-term, and if it is unsuccessful in raising additional capital, the Company may be forced to cease its operations entirely.


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rt 1,02 Dollar + 180%

08.06.09 15:43
Na geht doch.

Glückwunsch an die die heute früh noch rein sind.

Schitt hätte ich mal mehr gekauft aber konnte einen Anstieg um fast 200% vorahnen.

Nur gut aus "wenig" kann auch viel werden.

Wie weit

08.06.09 15:51
wird der wert heut noch fallen? Lohnt sich der Einstieg noch?

Na klar friend

08.06.09 16:39
Aus wenig wird viel,hahaha!

Kümmere dich lieber um die Lemminge ,die du mal wieder in schrottaktie XTENT reingetrieben hast,oder hast du jeden Tag ne andere aktie ???? Verbrecher !!


ist doch wie immer

11.06.09 14:28
Rein - Pushen - Raus - und die Dummen bleiben dann auf ihren Anteilen sitzen

Second Quarter 2009 Financial Results

07.08.09 16:04


07.01.10 11:26
könnte es bald wieder los gehen.
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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