$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$

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$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$

15.08.06 10:46
Universal Detection Technology
WKN: 357992
US-Kürzel: UDTT
Firmen Homepage: www.udetection.com

Handelbar in Berlin, Frankfurt und USA. Totalverlust möglich.
Dies stellt keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar, sondern spiegelt nur meine Meinung wieder. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko.

Im Jahr 2001 haben Briefe mit dem Milzbranderreger die westliche Welt in Atem gehalten und das lange vernachlässigte Thema der biologischen Waffen wieder auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt. Die Milzbrand-Anschläge haben in den USA zu mehreren Todesfällen geführt.

Im Gegensatz zu Nuklearwaffen sind biologische Kampfstoffe verhältnismäßig leicht herstellbar. Sie lassen sich ohne größeren Aufwand lagern, transportieren und einsetzen. Kein Wunder, dass sie zuweilen als "die Massenvernichtungswaffe des kleinen Mannes" firmieren.

Und genau hier setzt Universal Detection Technology an.

BSM-2000 nennt sich das von Universal Detection Technology hergestellte Anthrax-Frühwarnsystem. BSM steht für "bacterial spore monitors"

Diese Technologie kann überall angewandt werden. Sei es in Postämtern, Flughäfen oder Bürokomplexen.

Universal Detection Technology generierte bisher kein Revenue. Daher auch die dramatischen Kursverluste.

Nach den jüngsten Anschlagsversuchen in Großbritannien könnte UDTT nun ins Rampenlicht rücken.

UDTT war bereits in verschiedenen TV-Sendungen zu sehen (Fox, NBC etc.):


Die Nationale Bedrohung wächst, und das US-Budget für "Homeland Security" ebenfalls.

Auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau für mich ein klarer Kauf. Man bedenke Anfang 2006 stand der Kurs noch bei 8 Cent. Kämen wir wieder dorthin könnte man über 400 % realisieren...
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 51642


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15.08.06 11:11
hast du in den usa gekauft oder in germany?

Ich kauf fast immer in USA

15.08.06 11:13
selten in D. Es kommt aber vor dass ich auch in D kaufe.

Das sollte man auch bei UDTT tun

15.08.06 11:57
Wenn kaufen dann in US

@ Calibra

15.08.06 12:04
bin bei einem online broker angemeldet. wenn ich aktien handeln will die im otcbb notiert sind, muss ich das denn mit hilfe eines handelspartners wie zb abn amro machen - direkthandel?
wenn ja, woher weiß ich dann wie hoch meine unkosten sein werden?
entschuldige wenn die frage dämlich ist, aber bin noch blutiger anfänger was hot stocks angeht...  

Das ist von Broker zu Broker verschieden

15.08.06 12:19
Um die Unkosten zu erfahren musst du dich an den Broker wenden.

Bei mir kosten die Orders 25 Euro.

Wenn natürlich in D auch Handel aufkommen sollte kann man selbstverständlich auch in D handeln.


Gerade war Handel in Berlin

15.08.06 13:32
nicht viel. Aber trotzdem...

RT 0,013

23.08.06 18:10
Fast 30 % im Plus

Hammervolumen heute

23.08.06 23:25
Schade, dass die 0,013-Marke nicht gehalten hat.

Change Change (%)Cur Bid Offer  Hoch    Tief       Open  Volumen
0.0019 18.81   0.012 0.012 0.013 0.0139 0.0101 0.0101 3026977
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 53368


28.08.06 14:15


07.09.06 22:17


15.09.06 19:18
UDTT [...announced today that it is included in the Commercial Service's list of Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) in Canada... The U.S. Commercial Service through its offices at the American Embassy in Canada is pleased to promote UDTT's products.]

(Verkleinert auf 90%) vergrößern
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 57030

After hours: Friday September 15, 6:35 pm ET

16.09.06 02:01
UDTT [...announced today that to coincide with the five-year anniversary of the deadly anthrax attacks in the united States, the Company has published a comprehensive paper on the biological threats facing the world and the steps taken to combat this threat. The paper focuses mainly on the vulnerability of buildings to an anthrax threat...]

UDTT hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass zum Fünfjahresjahrestag der tödlichen Anthraxangriffe in den Vereinigten Staaten die Firma ein komplettes Papier veröffentlicht hat, wo biologischen Drohungen  gegenüber der Welt und die Schritte, um diese Drohung zu bekämpfen, beschrieben sind. Das Papier konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die Verwundbarkeit der Gebäuden durch einer Anthraxdrohung.


press release

19.09.06 02:12
Universal Detection Technology Ships Second Unit of Anthrax Detection System to Repeat Customer
Monday September 18, 5:02 pm ET

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Universal Detection Technology (OTC Bulletin Board: UDTT; FWB: PO8), a developer of early-warning monitoring technologies to protect people from bioterrorism and other infectious health threats, announced today that it has shipped the second of two units of its BSM-2000 Anthrax Detector, to a repeat customer pursuant to a purchase order.

In 2003, the demand for bio-terrorism defense products and services was estimated at $4.8 billion. 19% of the current bio-terror market is accounted for by vaccines, biodetection equipment, protective clothing, and respirators. Demand for bioterrorism equipment and services is forecast to grow 16% annually, reaching $10 billion in 2008. The second growing market segment will be biodetection equipment where sales will grow from $345 million in 2003 to $1.9 billion in 2008, equal to a 41% average annual growth rate.

"We are excited and look forward to more widespread interest in BSM-2000 as we approach the 5 year anniversary of the anthrax attacks in the U.S.," said Jacques Tizabi, UDTT's Chief Executive Officer. "Our bio-terror detection units have been developed based on a technology licensed from NASA's JPL and has been used in NASA's Planetary Protection Program. BSM-2000 has been designed to utilize this technology to provide a real time air monitor capable of detecting abnormal levels of bacterial spores, an indication of a possible anthrax attack," he added.

About Universal Detection Technology

Universal Detection Technology is a developer of monitoring technologies, including bio-terrorism detection devices. The Company on its own and with development partners is positioned it to capitalize on opportunities related to Homeland Security. For example, the Company, in cooperation with NASA has developed a bio-terror 'smoke' detector that detects certain bio hazard substances. For more information, please visit www.udetection.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

Except for historical information contained herein, the statements in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause the Company's actual results, performance and achievement in the future to differ materially from forecasted results, performance, and achievement. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes in the Company's plans or expectations.

Quelle: www.danceswithbulls.com/link.php?url=http:/...am105.html?.v=51

An Appraisal by Universal Detection Technology

29.09.06 00:18
www.udetection.com, of the Anthrax Investigation Five Years After the Attacks of 2001

A Brief Look by Universal Detection Technology at the Findings of the Five-Year Investigation into the Anthrax Attack


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- In a September 25, 2006 article, "FBI is Casting a Wider Net in Anthrax Attacks," published in The Washington Post, the FBI is said to believe that the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks was "far less sophisticated than originally believed." This means that the perpetrators behind the attacks do not necessarily have to possess the high level of scientific knowledge and the high-tech equipment that was originally assumed. The implication is that it is no longer plausible to assume that only highly qualified experts with access to top secret laboratories are capable of conducting an anthrax attack on the US or its allies.

"It is a very scary piece of information which indicates that a lone terrorist with a degree in biology may be able to produce 'clean' anthrax similar to the ones used in 2001. It was previously assumed that the spores were 'weaponized' and so sophisticated that only a country with an advanced bio-warfare program was able to produce them. This is no longer valid. In light of our present knowledge, we need to take serious actions to defend ourselves against potential anthrax attacks. We need to be prepared, detect an assault early and have the necessary evacuation and decontamination protocols in place well in advance of an attack," said Jacques Tizabi, UDTT's Chairman and CEO. "Action has been taken but a wider scale attack with anthrax than the 2001 scenario can still cripple the economy and cause mass casualties," he added.

Before 2001, the US Postal Service had no way of identifying whether an envelope was contaminated with anthrax or not. According to Thomas Day, VP of US Postal Service, after the anthrax-laden letters were sent via the Postal Service, authorities conducted detailed studies at Fort Detrick, Maryland to identify the specific point during the mail sorting process when anthrax spores were dispersed in the air. The conclusion was that the initial sorting step where envelopes enter a single line and travel at high speeds was the most critical point. Today, the Postal Service collects and analyses air samples from these vulnerable points but the majority of US buildings are still defenseless and incapable of detecting biological attacks early enough to reduce or eliminate casualties. Even at the postal service only a small percentage of mail is being monitored.

A critical factor in preparing for an anthrax attack is wide-spread adoption of economically feasible early detection systems that can serve as a first line of defense. Universal Detection's BSM-2000 can serve as a cost-saving alternative to present anthrax detection systems. The detection technology used in BSM-2000 has been developed by NASA's JPL and can effectively warn the authorities of elevated levels of bacterial spores, a signature of an anthrax attack. "Our 'detect to treat' approach as well as the affordability of BSM-2000 can substantially increase buildings' preparedness in the event of an anthrax attack," added Tizabi.

Up 0.0040 Up 80.00% 14,877,646 (1,245,000)

23.10.06 17:46
Press Release
Source: Universal Detection Technology

Universal Detection Technology, www.udetection.com, Anthrax Detector Featured on NBC News

Das Video: www.udetection.com/pressroom-video-NBC1006.htm

Q.: biz.yahoo.com/prnews/061023/lam023.html?.v=70


That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Press Release

25.10.06 15:47

Source: Universal Detection Technology

Universal Detection Technology Completes Sale of Two Anthrax Detection Systems to the British Government
Wednesday October 25, 7:37 am ET

Der Link: biz.yahoo.com/prnews/061025/law045.html?.v=79

Jetzt einstegen?     *smile*

That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Up 0.0018 Up 32.73% 2,573,310 (1,637,510)

25.10.06 16:54
Es sieht nicht schlecht aus, bin erstmal dabei   ;)

That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Vol: 5,777,953

25.10.06 17:31

That’s it... let’s make some money now!

$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 63688

0,012 ;-)

25.10.06 17:36

That’s it... let’s make some money now!



25.10.06 17:46
ich gratuliere, wollte mit 0,007 rein, zu geizig, hätte 0,0075 zahlen sollen *g*.


Danke Matzel,

25.10.06 17:59

bin auch wech: der (beinah) Verdoppler in weniger als zwei Stunden lauter Rumsitzerei sollte ja beim besten Willen reichen.

Mag sein gewinnt er heute noch an Power, will kein Risiko eingehn.


That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Hier, Matzel

25.10.06 18:40
schau dir die obere grüne Linie an: jedes mal, wenn der Kurs da ausbricht, wird er wieder drunter "reingeschoben".

Möglicherweise läuft er (bei den Volumen(!), vorausgesetzt: Interesse des Käufers *lol*) morgen weiter, da die grüne Linie sich weiter nach oben umplatziert bzw. die Richtung steiler nach oben annimmt.

Heute, nehme ich an, wird nicht mehr viel passieren.

That’s it... let’s make some money now!

(Verkleinert auf 90%) vergrößern
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 63702

Schon wieder knapp 80 % im Plus o. T.

26.10.06 17:29

Gerade 56% im Plus, aber trotzdem Spitzeeeeeeeeeee o. T.

26.10.06 19:38

SK: 0.0169 Up 0.0069 Up 69.00% 8,216,280(2,423,180

01.11.06 22:35
Press Release Source: Universal Detection Technology

Universal Detection Technology Signs Exclusive Distribution Agreement With Technowave Co for Marketing in the Middle Eastern Country of Qatar
Wednesday November 1, 7:30 am ET
BSM-2000 to Be Marketed in Qatar by Local Firm

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Universal Detection Technology (www.udetection.com) (OTC Bulletin Board: UDTT; FWB:PO8) announced today that its Anthrax Detection system, BSM-2000, will be marketed in the Middle Eastern country of Qatar through newly assigned exclusive distribution partner, Technowave Co.

That’s it... let’s make some money now!

(Verkleinert auf 90%) vergrößern
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 64958

News! Mal wieder interessant? ;-)

20.11.06 16:02
News! Mal wieder interessant? ;-)

Universal Detection Technology to Expand Sales and Marketing of Anthrax Detection and Counter-terrorism Services to Australia
Monday November 20, 7:29 am ET
Experienced Local Agent to Promote BSM-2000 and other UDTT products in Australia

...announced today that it has assigned Mr. Arnon Rodriguez to represent the Company in Australia. Mr. Rodriguez will be responsible for marketing and sales of company's line of anthrax detectors, BSM-2000, and other counter-terrorism related products and services.

Hmmm, die Verlingkung nimmt er nicht mit! Quelle: yahoo.com

That’s it... let’s make some money now!

(Verkleinert auf 90%) vergrößern
$$ Anthrax - Aktie vor Turnaround? $$ 67704

Q10: Company Reports Highest Quarterly Revenue

21.11.06 15:12
Universal Detection Technology Reports Third Quarter 2006 Results
Tuesday November 21, 7:01 am ET

Company Reports Highest Quarterly Revenue Since Entering the Bio-Defense Field


Nun ja, somit haben wir einhundertelf Tausend und fünfzehn Dollar eingenommen! *lol*

That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Hoppla, nix Q10 :-( Third Quarter 2006 Results!

21.11.06 15:15
Mein Fehler! Sorry

That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Up 0.0011 Up 21.15% 6,586,746, Avg. 3 M. 3,218,850

18.12.06 18:37
...announced today that it has received a purchase order for anthrax detection strips from Meade Strategic Solutions, an Australian security and defense firm. ...


Weihnachten kann losgehn!
That’s it... let’s make some money now!


Copyright on Research granted

08.01.07 16:12

That’s it... let’s make some money now!
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