An alle Biotech-Freaks:

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An alle Biotech-Freaks:

06.09.00 22:33
Habe eben beim "stöbern" dieses gute Stück gefunden:

WKN/Local ID 940545
Aktueller Kurs 21,80

Ist erst kurze Zeit in Deutschland, konnte aufgrund des Fundes gerade eben, noch keine Info einholen, Volumina steigen aber praktisch täglich, werde ich aber schon mal auf die Watchlist setzen (um nichts zu verpassen;) und mir das Unternehmen etwas genauer ansehen!

Oder kennt Jemand/Ihr die Aktie schon genauer?


p.s.: habe jetzt leider nichts gesehen bezgl. doppelposting, dann sorry!


Ein schöner Link zu US-IPO´s:

06.09.00 22:42


Mehr zu der Aktie gibt es unter:

06.09.00 22:45


Pressemeldung vom 06.09.00:

06.09.00 22:50

Cambridge, UK – September 6, 2000 Gemini Genomics plc (NASDAQ: GMNI), the clinical genomics company, today announced the filing of a key patent in the field of drug metabolism and pharmacogenetics.

The patent, filed in conjunction with collaborators at the Karolinska Institute and Huddinge Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, describes DNA sequence variations (polymorphisms) in the CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes and their relationship to drug metabolism. A significant proportion of patients suffer from poor or no response to drugs due to ultra-rapid metabolism. In these individuals, therapeutic blood levels of the drugs are never achieved with normal doses because of their rapid clearance. There are currently no genetic diagnostic tests that can reliably identify individuals with ultra-rapid drug metabolism. Gemini Genomics and their collaborators have now identified DNA polymorphism patterns in the CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes that are associated with rapid or ultra-rapid metabolism of many drugs. In particular, the patent filed by Gemini Genomics identifies DNA polymorphisms and describes their use alone or in combination to predict a patient’s drug metabolizing status.

The vast majority of drugs are degraded via metabolic enzymes mainly localized in the liver. A very important group of these enzymes are the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes. CYP2D6 alone is thought to be involved in the metabolism of about one quarter of all drugs. DNA polymorphisms in the CYP genes can lead to therapeutic failure, adverse effects and toxicity in selected sub-populations undergoing treatment. Over 30% of drugs that enter clinical trials are withdrawn from further development due to unfavorable drug metabolism causing unnecessary and costly clinical trials. Thus, better diagnostic tools for drug metabolism would be beneficial both for physicians when prescribing drugs (for both dosage and drug selection) and for the pharmaceutical industry when designing clinical trials.

Paul Kelly, Gemini's President and Chief Executive Officer, said “Diagnostic markers predictive of drug metabolism are critical not only to enable the vision of personalized medicine, but also to identify those at highest risk of serious adverse reaction to drugs. In the USA alone, serious and fatal adverse drug events cause over 100,000 deaths per year, making it the fourth leading cause of death in 1994.”

"Once again, Gemini has demonstrated that the union of genomics research with clinical genetics promises new routes to the understanding of complex disorders and their treatment, enabling the identification of new areas of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. These will be the cornerstone of a truly "integrated" healthcare approach in the 21st century".

Gemini is a unique clinical genomics company focused on the discovery of novel gene based targets that offer maximum potential for the development of therapeutics or diagnostics by the pharmaceutical and health care industries. Gemini's approach integrates comprehensive clinical data and detailed genetic information from a wide range of human population groups, including twins, disease affected families, isolated (founder) populations and drug trial subjects. By investing in leading edge bioinformatics technologies, Gemini is able to effectively apply these resources to the acceleration of disease gene identification, target discovery, and drug development.

Statements in this press announcement regarding Gemini's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include discovering and developing the potential applications based on this association and developing increased understanding of complex disorders.


Dr Patrick Kleyn, Chief Scientific Officer
Gemini Genomics plc Tel: +44 (0)1223 435 300

Dr Paul Kelly, Chief Executive Officer
Gemini Genomics plc Tel: +44 (0)1223 435 300

Tammy Bishop, Corporate Communications
Gemini Genomics plc Tel: +1 781-449-4328

Visit us on the world wide web at:

Nana ,eine von den Biotechipos,die es längst in

06.09.00 23:07
Schweden und Cambridge gibt und die mit der Ipo prima Geld in USA gemacht hat ,Greenshoe ist ausgeübt,Empfehlungen zu der Aktie v.21.8. stammen von den Konsortialführern.Hat heute -wie Du oben schreibst-in 2 Genen die Beziehung zu einer seltenen Krankheit entdeckt bei Leuten,die auf  Medizin nicht richtig reagieren,weil diese zu schnell umgesetzt wird.Heute plus 7,5%,ich denke mit Ipos muss man besonders vorsichtig sein,da wird wild rumgezockt.                                                                Gemini is a clinical genomics company that identifies the relationships between human genes and human health and disease. Gemini collects clinical and medical information from human volunteers from a number of different groups such as twins, disease affected individuals and founder type populations and uses this data to identify genes relevant to disease. Discoveries from this research will be licensed to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other companies engaged in drug discovery and or gene-based diagnostic applications. Gemini is headquartered in Cambridge England with further facilities in Uppsala, Sweden and Boston, Massachusetts USA.

Im übrigen gibt es wirklich bessere Links zu US-Ipos:
und dann gibt es auch ein ipobord bei ,in dem die heissesten Ipos empfohlen werden,aber Vorsicht,sehr spekulativ

*uuuaah* danke für die tollen links!

06.09.00 23:20
ich wollte jetzt nicht extra.. keine frage, "die" ipo-links sind erste sahne, danke!

da brauche ich ja wohl nicht viel länger zu "researchen", he?

na ja.. ich lasse sie mal trotzdem auf der watchlist! ;)

(hab ja auch erst 1/3 von deinem alter erreicht, hab also noch ein bissl zeit! *naa na na naaaa na* ;)

gute nacht!

@ kicky

06.09.00 23:27
kenne ausser relativ wenige us-sites.. das hat sich ja jetzt aber geändert! thanx a lot!

p.s.: hast du evtl. eine antwort auf eine frage die ich gestern gestellt hatte? -ich suche einen deutschen ableger von z.b. "investors business daily" oder "multex investor". solch kompetente schriften sucht man im deutschen bereich vergeblich.... meiner meinung nach!

endgültig abmeld *chhhrr*

Versuchs mal hier

07.09.00 00:15

thanx! 1 A !!!! o.T.

07.09.00 07:43
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