ad hoc aap

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ad hoc aap

13.05.02 08:45

DGAP-Ad hoc: aap Implantate AG  english

aap gains CE approval for knee endoprosthetics sector

Ad-hoc-announcement processed and transmitted by DGAP.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

aap gains CE approval for knee endoprosthetics sector

Metal and biological implant specialist aap Implantate AG has
received  European  certification  for  an  innovative  knee
endoprosthesis and, accordingly, for the knee endoprosthetics
sector.  The  new  knee  endoprosthesis  was  taken  to  market
maturity by aap as part of a development contract for Munich-
based HJS Gelenk-System GmbH. In securing CE approval, aap has
successfully completed a substantial part of the development

The HJS implant makes almost natural movements possible by
means of a surface geometry that has been patented worldwide.
The   interdisciplinary  development   team  expects   implant
patients to be able to be able to move their knees after a
relatively short time without pain once more and without major

Data  Monitor  estimates  the  current  total  European  market
volume for knee endoprostheses to amount to roughly US $ 450
million.  In combining the competence areas of shoulder, hip
and knee endoprosthetics along with its already established
cement and cement technology products,  aap has succeeded in
taking  a  decisive  step  toward  becoming  a  single-point

end of ad-hoc-announcement  (c)DGAP 13.05.2002
WKN: 506660; ISIN: DE0005066609; Index:
Listed: Neuer Markt Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf,
Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart

130835 Mai 02

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