75% der Amerikaner erwarten eine Rezession.

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Hans Dampf:

75% der Amerikaner erwarten eine Rezession.

18.03.01 20:05
Invstitionen werden zurückgestellt(Auto,Haus).
Die Umfrage ist zwar nicht unbedingt repräsentativ bei knapp über 1000 Personen, verheißt aber wahrlich nichts Gutes...

Nearly 3/4 of Americans See Recession

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly three-quarters of Americans think a recession is on
the way, a significantly higher percentage than three months ago, according to a Newsweek
magazine poll issued on Saturday.

Fully 71 percent of adults consider a recession either very likely or somewhat likely within
the next year, compared with 54 percent who thought so in December, the poll found.

Economists usually define a recession as two consecutive quarters of contraction in the gross domestic product.

Falling stock prices and uncertainty about the economy's future also appeared to be taking a toll on consumers' spending
plans. The poll found that 69 percent of respondents less likely to make a major purchase over the next year.

Forty-three percent said they were less inclined to buy a new home or make major home improvements and 44 percent were
less likely to purchase a new car.

The survey was conducted by telephone among 1,004 adults aged 18 and older last Thursday and Friday, as U.S. stock
markets were finishing up one of their worst weeks in history.

Gruß Dampf 75% der Amerikaner erwarten eine Rezession. 295177
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