Expands Team
London (ots-PRNewswire) - (NASD OTC BB: YBBL,
BSX: YBBL BH), has doubled the size of its team over the last two
weeks. The new staff appointments have been made necessary by the
explosive growth in's membership base.
On the financial management side David Fletcher CPA will join the
companyas financial controller from Amey Property Services Ltd at the
end of August.
In the meantime Carmen Taylor will serve as interim controller.
Donna-MarieAnderson is also joining the finance team as a bookkeeper
with responsibilityfor the sales ledger and cashbook and Robert
Quartey as bookkeeper withresponsibility for purchase ledger and VAT.
For membership development Rachel Kittridge is joining
yellowbubble.comas Strategic Alliance Partner (SAP) manager.
Rachel's current role is Business Development Manager of Genclick in
a pay-to-surf company and willtake up her new responsibilities with in July.The membership support team has been
increased by two people - Kate Halland Alan Jones. All of these
individuals have experience in customer care andwill be handling the
executive applications and queries.
Finally Sue Wood has joined the company as PA to the Marketing
Team andShirley Khalili will join as PA to the operational's CEO Narinder (Shami) Dhillon welcomed the
newappointments, ``We always planned to take on new staff in line
with ourbusiness development, however even we have been surprised at
the growth innumbers of both the on-line members and the executive
membership team. Ittherefore became important that we got the right
people in place quickly tomanage the inquiries, applications and our
financial development.
''Note to makes it possible for its
members to interact directlywith advertisers and product and service
providers through its desktopAdbubble. Initially the company intends
to bring together advertisers andsurfers through Yellowbubble's
proprietary Profiling Engine software. Thisallows the user to share
in the `advertising' revenue stream it receives.Yellowbubble's USP's
It manages the customer acquisition relationship on behalf of
theproduct, and service supplier by providing demographic, profiling
analytics tomedia buyers, to enable them to cost effectively reach
the advertisers' targetaudience.
It will also pay its members for bringing more valuable consumers
intoits community through the well-established ``member-get-member''
This press release contains forward-looking statements,
particularly asrelated to the business plans of the Company, within
the meaning of Section27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section
21E of the Securities Act of 1934 and are subject to safe harbour
created by these sections. Actual resultsmay differ materially from
the Company's expectations and estimates.
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