was ist denn da im Busch bei der Pharmaindustrie?

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was ist denn da im Busch bei der Pharmaindustrie?

31.03.05 23:06
BOSTON (AFX) - A joint effort by the Securities and Exchange Commission and
the Food and Drug Administration to help prevent drug makers from misleading
investors about their progress with FDA approvals has resulted in
investigations, the head of the SEC's Boston office said Thursday.
In February 2004, the SEC said the two agencies were taking steps to enhance
their cooperation.
Among initiatives described were a centralized procedure adopted by the FDA for
referring possible instances of securities laws violations to SEC staff, and the
continued sharing of non-public information by the FDA with the SEC, and a
commitment to further expedite the process.
"It's been a fruitful working relationship," Walter Ricciardi, head of the SEC's
Boston office, said. "We do have certain investigations that have resulted from
our cooperation with the FDA."
The SEC doesn't disclose investigations, he said. While no complaints have been
filed yet, Ricciardi, whose comments about the effort were reported earlier by
the Boston Globe, said some may be forthcoming.
"Stay tuned," he said
Ricciardi emphasized, however, that the agencies are not targeting the
biotechnology industry.
"I don't want anyone thinking we are targeting the biotechnology industry," he
said. "That's not happening."
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