Was geht´n da bei Check Point ab? ( 901638 )

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Was geht´n da bei Check Point ab? ( 901638 )

24.04.01 14:37

Ich dachte die Zahlen kommen erst in einer Stunde. Kann mir einer die Verkäufe in Frankfurt usw. erklären?
Oder bin ich von gestern?


Vergesst es, bin dösig

24.04.01 14:49
Zahlen sind doch schon da, verstehe die Gewinnmitnahmen aber trotzdem nicht.
Andreres Posting ist ein Versehen durch Netscape-Absturz.

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Reports Record
Financial Results for the First Quarter 2001

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - April 24, 2001 - Check Point™ Software Technologies.

(Nasdaq: CHKP), the worldwide leader in securing the Internet, today announced record financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2001.

Net income for the quarter was $83.7 million or $0.32 per share (diluted), an increase of 140% and 141% respectively over the same period last year. Revenues for the quarter were $145.0 million, an increase of 86% over the first quarter of last year.

Balance sheet performance continued to be strong, with deferred revenues growing $2.2 million in the quarter and $51.0 million from the first quarter of last year to total $123.4 million.

During the first quarter, the company generated positive cash flow of $108.6 million, bringing the total cash and interest bearing investments to $764.5 million as of March 31, 2001. Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) were 53 days compared to 54 for the same period last year.

"We delivered record results in challenging market conditions, demonstrating the importance of Internet security," said Gil Shwed, chief executive officer and founder of Check Point Software Technologies. "In today's markets, customers are looking for solutions that enable dependable, fast and secure connectivity that help them reduce operating costs," added Shwed.

whispers waren 0,39

24.04.01 14:53
und wurden verfehlt
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