Entwicklung berichten, obwohl Internet Captial dort seinen Anteil von 37% auf 53% erhöht hat. Klingt seltsam, was der der snag da schreibt, meint Ihr? So seltsam nun auch wieder nicht, wenn Ihr bedenkt, dass wir seit über einem Jahr, als Internet Capital bei GoIndustry den Anteil von 30% auf 54% steigert, offensichtlich für GoIndustry ein Quasi-Nachrichtenverbot verhängte, nicht mehr gehört hat - denn davor konnte man beispielsweise zumindest als zwei bis drei Monate in deutschen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften etwas lesen. Aber vielleicht geht es ja dem Management und seinem Umfeld wie mir, dass sie ihre Zielstückzahl an Aktien von Internet Capital erreicht haben, nicht mehr so wie früher an billigen Einkäufen interessiert sind, sondern jetzt auch Steigerungen des Aktienkurs ganz gern sehen würden. Da ich mir nicht ganz sicher war, ob sie weiter den Anlegern wichtige Informationen vorenthalten wollen oder nicht, habe ich sie einmal vorsichtshalber aufgefordert (in einem Mail an die PR-Chefin Mrs. Green) die Unterdrückung von Informationen in Zukünft zu unterlassen und ihr auch beispielhaft dargestellt, wie sie das bei Linkshare praktiziert haben. Dort hätte ja schon im Januar 2005 ein Bericht über ein Quartal mit den höchsten Neukundengewinnen aller Zeiten kommen müssen. Aber der CEO Buckley und CFO Dolansky im Februar bekanntlich noch selber kaufen wollten, ging das natürlich nicht. Auf die SEC und Herrn Spitzer habe ich in diesem Mail auch hingewiesen - und der SEC habe ich ebenfalls ein Mail gesandt, in dem ich mich über die Information der Investoren durch Internet Capital beschwert habe.
Ich will jetzt nicht behaupten, dass dies der Grund dafür war, dass jetzt innerhalb kürzester viel Positives von Satrcite berichtet wrid. Vielleicht wird das Unterdrücken von positiven Information für Internet Capital gefährlicher, weil die dort jetzt mehr als 50% halten - und da könnte die SEC manchen Sachverhalt anders auslegen als bei 37%. Wie gesagt, hier weiter Positives von Starcite.
ICGE hält 53% an StarCite
May 09, 2005 10:00 AM US Eastern Timezone
Morgans Hotel Group First To Integrate Daylight, StarCite To Speed Group Meeting Response
NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 9, 2005--Morgans Hotel Group is the first hotel company in the USA to incorporate an integrated group lead solution from Daylight Software and StarCite, Inc., the companies announced today. In utilizing the integrated technology, Morgans will gain the ability to seamlessly view, analyze, price, and book meetings into any of its nine properties, thereby streamlining the meeting Request For Proposal process and enabling its sales executives to faster and more accurately respond to planners.
As part of its overall sales distribution strategy, Morgans Hotel Group has also:
-- Purchased marketing packages for each property in the StarCite Online Marketplace;
-- Added StarCite's private-label Group RapidRFP(TM) to its own hotel web site,
www.morganshotels.com, to provide planners with a response mechanism;
-- Partnered with intermediaries including American Express and HelmsBriscoe, both of which use StarCite technology; and
-- Trained its 45 sales representatives to understand and leverage the technology in changing market conditions.
Morgans Hotel Group is known for its boutique hotels and savvy database marketing. A collection of nine properties with meeting space ranging from 2,000 to 18,000 square feet, Morgans Hotel Group began looking for a single technology solution to replace nine disparate systems last fall.
" We had superstar salespeople in many cities, but we needed a way to leverage their relationships for all our properties," said T. Blake Danner, Senior Vice President of Sales, Morgans Hotel Group, New York. " We knew we couldn't be the largest sales force, so we focused on providing our team the tools to create better synergy between our hotels. We sought technology that would encourage more cross-selling, provide more robust property information and increased flexibility, acquire more accurate customer data, and access real-time availability for all hotels. All of this while at any property, customer office, home or location," Danner said.
The integrated solution from Daylight-StarCite addresses these requirements. With single access to their custom Daylight Advanced Sales and Catering(TM) sites, sales representatives can view, respond to, and manage all leads and gain access to any information in the database about properties, space, bookings, customers, etc. All leads sent through StarCite technology to a Morgans property automatically populate the company's Daylight solution. All RFP responses entered into Daylight automatically populate the planner's custom site within StarCite.
To ensure that planners consider Morgans Hotel Group properties including the Delano or The Shore Club in Miami, Hudson, Royalton or flagship Morgans in New York City, or others in San Francisco, London and Los Angeles, the hotel company has enhanced its StarCite's marketing programs and banner advertising.
On its own web site, MHG added StarCite's Group RapidRFP(TM) technology to give users an easy, quick way to communicate all group needs to one property, or all. Leads from the site are automatically flowed to MHG's Daylight application.
Since the two-way interface between Daylight and StarCite was implemented, " our operation is more efficient, faster, more customer-focused and clearly gives us a competitive edge. In some cases, we have responded to the planner and begun negotiations before our competitors have even found the lead in their stack of faxes," Danner added.
" It's clear that Morgans executives understand how to embrace advanced technology now available to level the playing field with much larger competitors," said John Pino, chairman and CEO of StarCite, Inc., Philadelphia. " We commend their innovative approach to developing the strategy, and executing it so well. We look forward to working with Morgans in driving more RFPs to their growing portfolio of unique hotels."
About StarCite, Inc.
StarCite, Inc. provides the most comprehensive suite of applications and services to the $300 billion meeting and events industry. StarCite helps drive efficiencies and cost savings to both corporate buyers and suppliers. More than 400 corporate, association and third-party meeting buyers rely on StarCite's Enterprise Meeting Solutions for workflow, procurement, supply chain management, spend analysis and attendee management. Thousands of industry suppliers rely on the StarCite Online Marketplace, Supplier Marketing Programs and Enabling Technologies to increase meeting revenues. StarCite's international division represents destination management companies and other premier international travel suppliers using both technology and traditional means. StarCite is based in Philadelphia. Investors in StarCite include Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE); Maritz Travel Company; Seaport Capital; Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.; and TL Ventures. For more information about StarCite, or its technologies and services, please visit
www.StarCite.com. Und heute das von Starcite
wo Internet Capital gerade seinen Anteil von 37 auf 53% erhöht hat und das ein rasantes Wachstum hinlegt, für das die Expansion in Europa das Tüpfelchen auf dem "i" ist:
Maritz Europa, StarCite Announce Strategic Partnership
Strengthens StarCite Marketplace As Largest In Europe, North America
LONDON and PHILADELPHIA – May 10 , 2005 – Maritz Europa and StarCite, Inc. today announced a new strategic partnership designed to help both companies grow their share of the corporate strategic meetings management business in the burgeoning European market. StarCite is recognized as the largest North American, electronic lead generator for European-bound meetings. This agreement, combined with StarCite’s growing global customer deployments, will make StarCite the largest electronic lead generator in Europe.
The technology, distribution and marketing agreement is designed to help StarCite expand its sales, use and service capabilities in Europe and help Maritz Europa leverage leading edge technology for both client and internal use.
Acting as a general sales agent for StarCite, Maritz Europa will bring StarCite’s leading meeting management technology to its customers, suppliers, and other enterprises in the region. Maritz Europa serves clients in the automotive, pharmaceutical, technology, consumer products and other sectors. Additionally, Maritz Europa will encourage and promote the adoption of StarCite’s technology in the European Supplier Community.
Internally, Maritz Europa plans to use StarCite’s leading sourcing, marketplace and attendee management technologies for the meetings and events it manages for clients. The StarCite Online Marketplace is currently the largest, global marketplace for meetings and events with 77,000 suppliers. The technology allows enterprises to identify and manage sourcing to preferred suppliers, create a central calendar of all meetings and effortlessly consolidate data by business unit, vendor or enterprise.
StarCite also will rely on Maritz Europa’s 30-year expertise in the European market to help it expand its presence in Europe and service an expanding client base.
Headquartered in Philadelphia, StarCite, Inc. is the leading provider of technology and services for the $300 billion global meetings and events industry. Its StarCite Online Marketplace last year delivered nearly 31,500 unique requests for proposals, representing $1.3 billion worth of lead opportunities to suppliers in 2004. StarCite offers the industry’s leading online attendee management tools with more than 1 million transactions a year. More than 400 corporations, associations and third-parties rely on its technologies, processes and services to gain a competitive edge by more effectively managing their meetings and events spend.
Headquartered in Marlow, with offices in Germany, Spain and France, Maritz Europa is a division of Maritz, Inc., the world’s largest source of integrated performance improvement, travel and marketing research services. Clients include 28 of the 50 largest companies in the world.
“More and more European companies are embarking on the road to drive through efficiencies and take costs out of their business. Whilst Europe presents a more complex cultural business environment than the U.S., the partnership with StarCite in Europe will allow us to mirror our successful strategy in the U.S. By using one common tool we can now move decisively towards meeting our clients’ corporate objectives on an in-country, regional and global basis,” said Dave Watkins, Chief Operating Officer of Maritz Europa. “We are all very excited about the partnership with StarCite in Europe as it allows Maritz to reinforce its position as market leader in Meetings Consolidation. Whilst not limited to the pharmaceutical market by any means, a number of our clients in this sector have already expressed a keen desire to adopt the technology as part of their pan-European approach to strategic sourcing.”
Shaun Casey, Director of Maritz Europa, will lead this pan-European service with strategic sourcing centers in the UK and Germany. Having worked in several of these Continental European markets, Casey has gained a thorough understanding of marketplace realities.
“With global demand growing significantly, StarCite is committed to advancing our sales and servicing capabilities around the world. We’re delighted to be partnering with Maritz Europa, one of the leading service providers in Europe, that shares our values and passion for improving meeting management in global corporations,” said John Pino, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of StarCite, Inc., Philadelphia. “We look forward to working together to capitalize on the tremendous synergies that come from this partnership, which will allow us both to better serve our respective customers.”
About Maritz Europa
Maritz Europa is one of Europe’s market leaders in communications, event management and research services. With more than 400 employees in the UK, France, Germany and Spain, Maritz Europa provides customized marketing communications solutions to local, regional and global companies within EMEA. With more than 30 years’ operating experience in Event Management alone in Europe, Maritz Europa provides local language support for a whole range of meetings, conferences, product launches and incentive travel worldwide.
For more information about Maritz Europa, please visit
www.maritz.co.uk. About StarCite, Inc.
StarCite, Inc. provides the most comprehensive suite of applications and services to the $300 billion meeting and events industry. StarCite helps drive efficiencies and cost savings to both corporate buyers and suppliers. More than 400 corporate, association and third-party meeting buyers rely on StarCite’s Enterprise Meeting Solutions for workflow, procurement, supply chain management, spend analysis and attendee management. Thousands of industry suppliers rely on the StarCite Online Marketplace, Supplier Marketing Programs and Enabling Technologies to increase meeting revenues. Its StarCite International division represents destination management companies and other premier international travel suppliers using both technology and traditional means. StarCite is based in Philadelphia. Investors in StarCite include Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE); Maritz Travel Company; Seaport Capital; Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.; and TL Ventures.
For more information about StarCite, or its technologies and services, please visit
www.StarCite.comM edia Contacts:
Shaun Casey
+44 (0) 1628
496121 E-Mail to: shaun.casey@maritz.co.uk< br>
Mary Ann McNulty
StarCite, Inc.
(267) 330-0510
E-Mail to: mmcnulty@StarCite.com