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Thursday January 13, 2:21 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
ADVISORY/VocalTec Conference Call Advisory
NORTHVALE, NJ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 13, 2000--VocalTec Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ:VOCL - news) invites you to listen to an investment community conference call on Tuesday, January 18, at 8:30 a.m. (EST). The purpose of the call is to report on the progress of the company's strategic planning efforts and to describe various initiatives aimed at accelerating growth and enhancing shareholder value.
These initiatives do not materially impact results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1999 which are expected to meet analyst's estimates. VocalTec will report Q4 results on January 26. Although there will be a conference call in connection with the earnings announcement, a separate call is being scheduled for the 18th to permit a more in-depth discussion of these strategic issues than the normal earnings call format affords.
Participating in the call will be Elon Ganor, Chairman and CEO and Jeff Dykan, Chief Financial Officer.
To access the call, please dial: Domestic:800-230-1059 International: 612-332-0637. You will be in listen-only mode.
A live webcast of the conference call will also be available. For details visit www.streetevents.com or VocalTec's website at www.vocaltec.com
A replay of the call will be available beginning at 12:00 noon EST on January 18. To access the replay, please dial: Domestic 800-475-6701 or International: 320-365-3844. The access code is: 494707.
If you have any questions please call Nedda Hernandez 201/228-7005.
Nedda Hernandez
Schaut Euch Vocaltec doch mal an. Es handelt sich um eine israelische Firma aus dem Bereich Internet-Telefonie. Sehr interessant.
1. Kooperation mit Cisco
2. Vor kurzem wurde ein Deal aus China gemeldet.
3. 20%ige Beteiligung an ITXC (Diese Beteiligung ist mehr Wert als das ganze Unternehmen Vocaltec selbst!)
4. Mit ca. 260 Mio. Dollar sehr günstig bewertet (z.B. Net2Phone kostet rund das 10fache)
2. Tip: Open Market
Hat seit heute einen neuen CEO, womit der bisherige CEO Gary Eichhorn abgelöst wird, der in Amerika offensichtlich nicht sehr beliebt war. Marktkap. von OMKT: ca. 1,6 Mrd Dollar (= sehr viel billiger als BVSN)
Gute Geschäfte.
Thursday January 13, 2:21 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
ADVISORY/VocalTec Conference Call Advisory
NORTHVALE, NJ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 13, 2000--VocalTec Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ:VOCL - news) invites you to listen to an investment community conference call on Tuesday, January 18, at 8:30 a.m. (EST). The purpose of the call is to report on the progress of the company's strategic planning efforts and to describe various initiatives aimed at accelerating growth and enhancing shareholder value.
These initiatives do not materially impact results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1999 which are expected to meet analyst's estimates. VocalTec will report Q4 results on January 26. Although there will be a conference call in connection with the earnings announcement, a separate call is being scheduled for the 18th to permit a more in-depth discussion of these strategic issues than the normal earnings call format affords.
Participating in the call will be Elon Ganor, Chairman and CEO and Jeff Dykan, Chief Financial Officer.
To access the call, please dial: Domestic:800-230-1059 International: 612-332-0637. You will be in listen-only mode.
A live webcast of the conference call will also be available. For details visit www.streetevents.com or VocalTec's website at www.vocaltec.com
A replay of the call will be available beginning at 12:00 noon EST on January 18. To access the replay, please dial: Domestic 800-475-6701 or International: 320-365-3844. The access code is: 494707.
If you have any questions please call Nedda Hernandez 201/228-7005.
Nedda Hernandez
Schaut Euch Vocaltec doch mal an. Es handelt sich um eine israelische Firma aus dem Bereich Internet-Telefonie. Sehr interessant.
1. Kooperation mit Cisco
2. Vor kurzem wurde ein Deal aus China gemeldet.
3. 20%ige Beteiligung an ITXC (Diese Beteiligung ist mehr Wert als das ganze Unternehmen Vocaltec selbst!)
4. Mit ca. 260 Mio. Dollar sehr günstig bewertet (z.B. Net2Phone kostet rund das 10fache)
2. Tip: Open Market
Hat seit heute einen neuen CEO, womit der bisherige CEO Gary Eichhorn abgelöst wird, der in Amerika offensichtlich nicht sehr beliebt war. Marktkap. von OMKT: ca. 1,6 Mrd Dollar (= sehr viel billiger als BVSN)
Gute Geschäfte.