Videoclip von GATA über GOLD.

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Ivar Kreuger:

Videoclip von GATA über GOLD.

05.12.03 08:03
Videoclip von GATA über GOLD.

Eurasia Gold Corp. - Strong Bull Trend Start

Marketwatch EGX chart TA Signal Alert -
Strong Bull Trend Start -

EGX has started a repeat...

of *** EGX 1996 performance ***

..EGX bigchart TA Alert Signal Strong Bull Start...

A record production of 8,596 ounces of GOLD
was precipitated during the 3rd quarter of 2003,
compared to 7,328 ounces in the 2nd quarter.

EGX is doing extremely well and making a good profit
as well, compared to a lot of other Gold expl.
companies - who trading 100 times more in market
cap values than EGX?

EGX has plenty of more hard assets Gold Mines
today and should be trading in a much higher
market cap values than in 1996...

a hidden EGX TI - Top trendline
shows the next target closer to $2.00.

- - - - - - - - - -


Eurasia Gold Corp. - History...

Statement by the President and CEO: Elmer Stewart

In 1997 the company changed its name to signal the new
focus of its activities and bought Centramining Ltd,
a private company with rights to four
gold projects in Kazakstan.

The following year Eurasia acquired Andas-Altyn for shares.

This brought in two Gold projects,

a resource of 850,000 ozs Gold,

infrastructure with annual leach capacity of
a million tonnes and an operating entity
with 4 years experience in heap leach mines operations

At the beginning of 1999
Ourominas Minerals –
now Thistle Mining –
reversed into the company
via a private placement to raise C$6 million.

These funds are now being used to commence commercial
production at...

Myaly and Central Mukur.

The company is therefore poised on the next phase
of its life with Thistle as controlling shareholder.

- - - - - - -

Today, current EGX...

the history often repeat itself...
EGX has started a repeat...

of *** EGX 1996 performance ***

..EGX bigchart TA Alert Signal Strong Bull Start...

EGX has more hard assets of precious metal
Gold Mines in current good profitable production
and should be trading in a much higher
market cap values than in 1996...

a hidden EGX TI - Top trendline
shows the next target closer to $2.00,

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