und die 2 Öre erfolgreich eingeworfen haben ..geht der glitzernd Ticker Vorhang auf ..und dann rufen wir alle ganz ganz laut ..Der Waaaa haaaaaald pass auf DAS KROKODIL ..okay ..jut ..denn hinne ..yöah ..::hopshops
buran,Die Börsen VICTORIA Überaus Freundliche Bedaddelte Kassentante Prösterlie
Vancouver, British Columbia, February 23, 2015 (LVCA:OTCBB) Lake Victoria Mining Company, Inc. represented by Mr. Ahmed Magoma, our Tanzania director along with James Mabula, Senior Geologist attended the Bunda District Economic Forum February 20th, 2015. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/news/feb-23-2015/
the Company’s planned Kinyambwiga Gold Mine, Mr. Magoma organized some preliminary investigation into local service companies and suppliers that will be able to provide necessary staples and services for the Kinyambwiga gold mine when it commences development. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/news/feb-23-2015/
conference because it has all the necessary approvals to open a small to medium scale gold mine at Kununga Village (PR, June 3, 2014). It will commence development as soon as the Company has secured the funding to build the mine. From commencement of construction the Company’s independent consultants believe it will be approximately eight months to reach the first gold pour. The mine development will have a very positive economic impact on the local Bunda District as it will create an increased demand for labor and supplies to satisfy the mine construction and operations. Please visit the Company’s website (Media Room) to view pictures related to the above. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/news/feb-23-2015/
Lake Victoria Mining Company's is a company focused on gold mining in Tanzania. We concentrate on identifying, acquiring, exploring and developing gold mining deposits in Tanzania’s world famous Lake Victoria Greenstone Belt. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/corporate/overview/
team and that’s exactly what we’ve developed. The talent of experienced Tanzanian geologists in mining and gold exploration, coupled with an experienced management team in the resource industry, has created a diverse and forward moving Company in the field of exploration. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/corporate/overview/
acquisition criteria and only acquire prospecting licenses that can potentially be developed into proven reserves or productive gold mines. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/corporate/overview/
benefits to be had, marrying the international investor to the peaceful country of Tanzania, its people and its mineral wealth. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/corporate/overview/
role and responsibility to treat not only the natural resources of the country, but also every person, with the utmost respect in all aspects of it's business dealings. www.lakevictoriaminingcompany.com/corporate/overview/
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Der Dow Jones Industrial hat am Donnerstag - belastet vom wieder steigenden Dollarkurs und weiter fallenden Ölpreisen - an Boden verloren. Der US-Leitindex schloss mit einem Minus von 0,65 Prozent bei 17 959,03 Punkten und gab damit einen Teil seiner klaren Vortagesgewinne nach den Ergebnissen der US-Notenbanksitzung (Fed) wieder ab. Die Fed hatte den Weg für eine Leitzinsanhebung im Juni frei gemacht, aber gleichzeitig die Erwartungen an das Tempo der geldpolitischen Straffung gedämpft. http://www.ariva.de/news/...ch-Dollar-Plus-und-Oelpreis-Minus-5315621