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27.01.14 10:22
buran und MfG
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Quelle: PR Newswire

04.08.14 16:30
Verde Media Group Inc. Announces the Completion of Land Acquisition and Site Security as Large-Scale Overseas Omega 3 Project Moves Forward In Phase-I
14:20 05.06.14

PR Newswire

LOS ANGELES, June 5, 2014

LOS ANGELES, June 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Verde Media Group Inc. (OTC: VMGI) through its Biotechnology Division (VMBD) is pleased to announce that it has secured its 40,000-square-foot construction site in Asia with joint venture partner, Phoenix Energy.  The joint venture with Phoenix Energy "PXE" is fully financed and involves scaling and co-developing the BTZ omega-3 technology. BTZ has developed a proprietary microbial technology to produce high value omega-3 oils rich in long chain DHA and EPA fatty acids.

Phase-I Construction- Security Boundary On 40,000 sqft Site
The secure boundary wall has been constructed to house the building site for its facility to convert low cost feedstock to organic acids as well as the deep earth fermenters for Omega-3 oil production.  As these initial steps are completed, installation of the first 100,000-liter steel and concrete bio-fermenter can commence.  Additionally, a highly sophisticated laboratory and housing structure will be constructed.

The large-scale omega-3 project is the first of its kind and represents a tremendous opportunity for the company, with secured access to 300 tons of feedstock per day for the next 25 years.  When fully commercialized, the project is expected to generate annual revenues of $25 million.  Butazyme will receive a sum of $500,000.00 payment for technology transfer and up to a 10% royalty as an in-licensing fee per annum as part of its contractual agreement with PXE.

Dr. Hussain Abidi, Ph.D., CEO of the Verde Media Biotech Division stated, "We're very excited to be moving along so smoothly with the construction as we progress towards commercialization.  It's a big step for us and represents tangible forward motion for our expansion plans throughout Asia and the United States in the coming year."

About Verde Media Group Inc.

Verde Media Group Inc. is a publicly traded company listed on the OTC Markets trading under the stock symbol: VMGI. Verde Media Group Inc.  The company consists of three divisions:

Agency Division - The innovative Agency division services- public relations, marketing, and transaction functions for corporate clientele.

BioTech Division - The Biotech Division manages a portfolio of biotech companies and the VMBD division undertakes the business of developing and producing high value bio-products from renewable biomass.  The focus and criterion is to develop proprietary microbial technologies with low risk scale-up methods employing low cost feedstock.  

Entertainment Division - The Company operates a managed media company with production, distribution, development, and acquisition functions for film and television.

For more information, visit, or connect with the company on Facebook. Twitter- @Verdemediagroup


The results described herein cannot be guaranteed. This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this news release other than statements of historical fact are "forward-looking statements" that are based on current expectations and assumptions.

Verde Media Group, Inc. logo
Photo -

Logo -

SOURCE Verde Media Group Inc.

Quelle: PR Newswire

Verde Media Group Inc. Announces

04.08.14 16:31
Signing of Definitive Agreement with Power Shark Capital for the North American Launch of Beautyject Inc.
21:05 12.06.14

PR Newswire

LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2014

LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Verde Media Group Inc. (OTC: VMGI) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive agreement, through its subsidiary Beautyject Inc., with an internationally-recognized team from Power Shark Capital (PSC) for the marketing, sale and distribution of its cosmetic products throughout the United States and Canada.

Power Shark Capital is a coordinated effort of global entrepreneur Jean Jean Pelletier and advertising guru Kevin Harrington, popularly known as star of the network television show, Shark Tank.  The group has a storied history of experience in business and advertising, Mr. Harrington having personally sold more than $4 Billion worth of products through television-based promotional campaigns and defining the infomercial industry as it is known today.

According to the terms of the Agreement, Beautyject has granted to PSC exclusive distribution, sales and marketing rights of its cosmetic needle-free kits and products for North America.  In correlation with Mr. Harrington's proven methods, PSC will be handling all sales and distribution through infomercials, TV commercials and other direct marketing methods at PSC's cost.

Verde Media Group President, William Veve, stated, "We now have a cutting edge, over-the-counter boutique cosmetic product to be marketed and sold by the world's best minds in advertising and sales.  Needless to say, we're delighted to have Power Shark involved as Beautyject is developed for a full product launch."

About Power Shark Capital

Power Shark Capital is a business development company focusing on starting and growing new ventures by providing expertise in consumer goods products, infomercials, financial services, public relations, and celebrity endorsements.

About Verde Media Group Inc.

Verde Media Group Inc. is a publicly traded company listed on the OTC Markets trading under the stock symbol: VMGI. Verde Media Group Inc.  The company consists of three divisions:

Agency Division-  The innovative Agency division services- public relations, marketing, and transaction functions for corporate clientele.

BioTech Division- The BioTech Division manages a portfolio of biotech companies and the VMBD division undertakes the business of developing and producing high value bio-products from renewable biomass.  The focus and criterion is to develop proprietary microbial technologies with low risk scale-up methods employing low cost feedstock.  

Entertainment Division-  The company operates a managed media company with production, distribution, development, and acquisition functions for film and television.

For more information, visit, or connect with the company on Facebook. Twitter- @Verdemediagroup


The results described herein cannot be guaranteed. This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this news release other than statements of historical fact are "forward-looking statements" that are based on current expectations and assumptions.

Verde Media Group, Inc. logo.
Logo -

SOURCE Verde Media Group Inc.

Quelle: PR Newswire

29er Gusti

30.08.14 08:30
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  29.08.14     0,004    0,0048§0,0033 0,0048 $ 735.831 3.267


schöne 0,0041er Halte TOP

04.09.14 11:20
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  03.09.14    0,0046    0,0046§0,0041 0,0041 $ 215.045 900


über eine Millionas und kein bischen leise ON AIR

04.09.14 21:44

(kommt gleich)::::::

07.09.14 22:07
:::::::::::::::::: 0,0031 $ +3,33% +0,0001 $
In Euro: 0,0024 € | Nasdaq OTC Other, 05.09.14::::::: was kommt wenn wir zusammen sind ..::hopshops ..buran und MfG

Mario Meierhof 29. September um 21:38 .

30.10.14 09:55
buran: nur ein börsenboard geführt von 21:18 #1
achte er einfach auf die links
Mit freundlichen Grüssen Mario Meierhof 39517 Lüderitz Gartenstrasse 6
Tel.:039361/96548 Atelier Meierhof 039361/51273 Kuhle
gez MARIO alias buran…/nur-ein-boersenboard-gefuehrt-von-www…

Deutsche Bundesbank - Startseite
Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zentrales Geschäftsfeld ist die Geldpolitik des Eurosystems.


31.12.14 19:47
Als Verbindlichkeiten gelten die Schulden (aller Art) einer Unternehmung.

schöne 0,0007er Halte im 13er Ticker TOP

16.02.15 15:29
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  13.02.15    0,0007    0,0008§0,0006 0,0007 $ 274.995.326 176 T


on air:::

09.03.15 19:48
:::::: 0,0005 $ ,GrB
Der Wald:

Perf. seit Threadbeginn :

09.03.15 21:11





Satz 20

21.03.15 12:49
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  20.03.15    0,0007    0,0007§0,0005 0,0006 $ 279.407.509 179 T


Wochen Handelsschluss NY

21.03.15 12:50
21:25 20.03.15

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Die US-Aktienmärkte haben am Freitag ihre Rekordjagd wieder aufgenommen. Unerwartet starke Quartalszahlen des weltgrößten Sportartikelkonzerns Nike, ein nachgebender US-Dollar sowie deutlich anziehende Ölpreise hätten die Kurse gestützt, hieß es. Für Bewegung sorgte auch der vierteljährliche "Hexensabbat": An diesem Freitag liefen an den Terminbörsen zahlreiche Wetten auf Aktienkurse und Indexstände aus.


Dow Jones 18.128 +0,94%

21.03.15 12:51
Dollarkurs 1,082 +1,42% ,GrB
Der Wald:


21.03.15 20:22
:::::::::::::pupsi::::::::Schrotti::::::Burani:::::::::PUSHI PUSHI :::::::::::::::::::

18:00 14.05.15 FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX)

15.05.15 06:16
In einem dünnen Feiertagshandel an Christi Himmelfahrt hat der Dax (DAX) seine frühen Verluste abgeschüttelt und zur Rally angesetzt. Zunächst hatten steigende Kurse von Stahlwerten am Donnerstagnachmittag die Stimmung aufgehellt. Erfreuliche wöchentliche Arbeitsmarktdaten aus den USA sorgten für Gewinne an den US-Börsen, was die Laune an den deutschen Börsen zusätzlich aufhellte. Zudem konnte der Eurokurs die an diesem Tag kurzzeitig zurückeroberte Marke von 1,14 US-Dollar nicht halten.

DENVER, July 8, 2015

10.07.15 20:20
Verde Media Group Inc. Announces Shareholder Update
15:45 08.07.15

PR Newswire

DENVER, July 8, 2015

DENVER, July 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Verde Media Group Inc. (OTC: VMGI) announces a shareholder update.  The company has completed the requisite disclosure and posted the first quarter financials for 2015.  Upon review by OTC Markets the company will be brought back to current information status.

About Verde Media Group Inc.

10.07.15 20:22
Verde Media Group Inc. is a publicly traded company listed on the OTC Markets trading under the stock symbol: VMGI. Verde Media Group Inc.  The company consists of three divisions:

Entertainment Division-  

Green Rusher follows the exploits of all the characters involved from the growers, retailers, to the venture capitalists and companies claiming their stake in today's modern 'green rush'.  If you are and you have what it takes to be a Green Rusher go to and upload your submission and be part of the show.  This open casting call will be opened for a limited time as we begin production of the first season of Green Rusher.

Connect with Green Rusher-




The company operates a managed media company with production, distribution, development, and acquisition functions for film and television.

Agency Division-  The innovative Agency division services - public relations, marketing, and transaction functions for corporate clientele.

BioTech Division- The BioTech Division manages a portfolio of biotech companies.

For more information, visit, or connect with the company on Facebook. Twitter - @Verdemediagroup


23.08.16 10:52
Kap Hoorn:

Jo, die guten Kursbücher gab's ....

23.08.16 13:04
früher bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn, cool !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ansonsten ned mehr viel bis zu MINUS 100% seit Threadbeginn  hier, nochmals COOOOOOOOL !!!

Verde Media Group Inc. is a publicly traded

23.06.17 23:23
company listed on the OTC Markets trading under the symbol VMGI. It operates a managed media financing company with production, distribution, and development functions for film and television. The company also incorporates an Agency division managing multi-media, public relations and marketing functions for corporate clientele. The company is listed on the OTC Markets and trades under the ticker- VMGI


25.06.17 20:48
::::::::::::::::::::::: 0,0001 $ 0,00% +0,00 $
In Euro: -    € | 19.06.17 Nasdaq OTC Other ,GrB

@Heike so wie Du sagst

17.11.17 23:57
Ergebnisse für
Verde Media Group (Unternehmen)
Aktienkurs: VMGI (OTCMKTS) 0,00 $ 0,00 (0,00 %)
16. Nov., 16:26 GMT-5
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