ValiCert and Trintech Announce Alliance to Bring Digital Receipts In e-Payments

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ValiCert and Trintech Announce Alliance to Bring Digital Receipts In e-P.

17.05.00 13:21
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Tuesday May 16, 3:04 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
SOURCE: ValiCert, Inc.
ValiCert and Trintech Announce Alliance to Bring Digital Receipts In e-Payments to More than 35 Countries
Worldwide Licensing and Distribution Agreement Integrates New ValiCert B2B Express Into Trintech Secure Payment Offerings
NET MARKET MAKERS CONFERENCE, BOSTON, May 16 /PRNewswire/ -- ValiCert, Inc., a leading provider of end-to-end secure infrastructure solutions for e-Transactions, today announced that Trintech Group PLC (Nasdaq: TTPA; Neuer Markt: TTP), a leading provider of secure electronic payment infrastructure solutions, has adopted ValiCert's new B2B Express(TM) solution and will also license and distribute ValiCert's Digital Receipt(TM) solutions as part of Trintech's secure payment offerings. (Note to editors: Please see release titled ``ValiCert Debuts Secure B2B e-Transaction Solution'' dated 5/16/00.) The agreement will enable Trintech to incorporate digital receipt capabilities into its electronic payment gateway, providing its worldwide customers streamlined management and storage of e-Transaction details, including time of occurrence, goods/services purchased, relevant prices paid, and parties involved in the transaction.

With this agreement, Trintech's customers -- including B2B marketplaces and participating corporations, financial institutions, brick-and-mortar retailers and e-merchants in more than 35 countries -- can safely and securely send information about transactions over the Internet, an intranet or extranet. Additionally, because digital receipts are digitally time-stamped and signed, they can be used for proof of occurrence in dispute resolution, compliance, and other legal-grade issues.

``Through this alliance, we are enabling B2B and B2C companies worldwide to conduct their e-payment transactions with a higher level of trust and security,'' said Yosi Amram, president and CEO of ValiCert. ``Our comprehensive solution, combined with Trintech's extensive worldwide distribution, provides businesses in multiple industries with the technology they need to enable secure end-to-end e-Transactions. Our combined offering will play an important role in improving the online shopping experience for consumers and enhance the overall security of e-commerce for merchants and transaction processors.''

``By leveraging the strengths of ValiCert's B2B Express offerings, we can provide our customers with proof of their online transactions,'' said John McGuire, CEO of Trintech. ``We are excited about this agreement and feel it represents a major step forward in expanding worldwide participation in e-business. Additionally, as a founding member of the Digital Receipt Alliance, ValiCert has demonstrated leadership in the digital receipt arena which makes them a natural partner.''

ValiCert B2B Express

ValiCert's B2B Express is a secure e-Transaction infrastructure solution that B2B marketplaces, their participants and financial institutions can use to achieve validity, security and proof throughout the e-Transaction life cycle. B2B Express enables transaction notarization, archival, auditing, and dispute resolution by introducing Transaction Event Confirmations (TECs). TECs are tamper-proof, time-stamped, digitally signed confirmation and proof of major events in the B2B transaction life cycle. By utilizing TECs and the other components of ValiCert's secure e-Transaction infrastructure, B2B Express supports the following stages of the B2B transaction life cycle:

Member and Participant Management -- ValiCert's validation solutions provide certificate validity status for leading client or server applications using digital certificates over the Internet, and are designed to enable B2B marketplaces to reduce costs associated with fraud by ensuring that participants are authentic. ValiCert's relationships with the leading CAs (certificate authorities), including Baltimore Technologies, Entegrity Solutions, Entrust Technologies, Microsoft and Netscape, enable ValiCert to offer a B2B solution that works with major CAs for interoperability among marketplaces and enterprises.
Transaction Authorization - ValiCert's Stateful Validation mechanism can be used by B2B marketplaces to authorize participants for particular transactions based upon context-specific and application-specific rules. B2B marketplaces can use participant information, such as credit worthiness or transaction history, to authorize the participant for marketplace entry or for different tiers of transactions.
Secure Payments - The ValiCert open payment solution combines flexibility with security by offering B2B marketplaces an open, multi-vendor and vendor-neutral system with TECs for payments.
Transaction Fulfillment - SecureTransport securely transmits purchase orders, invoices, bills of lading, letters of credit and other transactional documents within B2B marketplaces and between trading partners. TECs provide proof of transactions and transmissions.
About Digital Receipts

A digital receipt is a convenient, easy-to-use tamper-proof digital document that enables consumers, enterprises, retailers, and banks to securely send and receive information about e-commerce transactions via the Internet. Applicable to both online and offline transactions, digital receipts enable end-to-end secure e-Transactions over the Internet, an intranet or an extranet. ValiCert is committed to the digital receipts marketplace. Its Digital Receipt Solutions are customizable by vertical market through the XML Data Type Definition (DTD), which specifies required and optional document attributes. ValiCert is a founding member of the Digital Receipt Alliance (DRA), announced earlier this year, along with other founding members AOL, Microsoft, NCR,, RCS and VeriFone.

About Trintech

Trintech Group PLC is a leading provider of secure electronic payment infrastructure solutions for real-world, Internet and wireless transactions. The company, which was founded in 1987, offers a complete range of payment software products for credit, debit, commercial and procurement card applications. Trintech's secure product range is deployed in over 35 countries worldwide and covers the payment requirements of consumers, card issuing banks, merchant acquiring institutions, merchants, eMerchants, telcos, wireless operators, ISPs/CSPs, Portals and large corporations. Trintech's range of scalable, open systems architecture solutions for UNIX® and Windows NT(TM) platforms cover consumer, merchant and financial institution requirements for all card-based payments, including e-commerce and the emerging world of mobile commerce. Trintech can be contacted in the U.S. at 2755 Campus Drive, San Mateo, CA 94003 (Tel: 650-227-7000) and in Ireland at Trintech Building, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 (Tel: 353-1-207-4000). Trintech can be reached on the Web at . Investor information can be found at

About ValiCert

ValiCert is a leading provider of secure e-Transaction infrastructure products and services for conducting business safely over the Internet. ValiCert's validation, security and proof offering provides enterprises and service providers with a certificate- and payment-neutral infrastructure for protecting the phases of the e-Transaction life cycle. ValiCert's products and services are available through its direct sales force, resellers and service providers.

ValiCert has technology and marketing alliances with providers and users of security services and products. The company's customers include Global 2000 organizations in financial services, telecom, healthcare and government sectors. ValiCert is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and is available on the World Wide Web at

NOTE: ValiCert, ValiCert B2B Express, ValiCert Digital Receipt Solutions, ValiCert Receipt Notary, ValiCert Receipt Vault, ValiCert Receipt Toolkit, ValiCert Receipt Service, Validation Authority and SecureTransport are trademarks of ValiCert, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

SOURCE: ValiCert, Inc.


Raiffeisen Zentralbank Selects Trintech Technology to Power Secure eP.

17.05.00 13:23
Tuesday May 16, 7:00 am Eastern Time
Company Press Release
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Selects Trintech Technology to Power Secure ePayment Subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe
SAN MATEO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2000--Trintech Group (Nasdaq: TTPA; Neuer Markt: TTP), a leading provider of secure electronic payment infrastructure solutions, today announced that Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich (RZB-Austria), one of Austria's leading banks, is implementing PayWare eCMS (Card Management System), Trintech's secure card issuing and payment solution. The agreement enables RZB's subsidiaries in up to nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe to issue payment cards and acquire transactions in the physical world and the Internet.

The initial rollout will be for RZB's primary operating subsidiaries in Central Europe - Tatra Banka in Slovakia and Raiffeisen Bank Polska in Poland. PayWare eCMS offers features that support end-to-end payment processing for RZB's subsidiary banks, as well as the SET(TM) and SSL Internet security protocols. Trintech's card management solution provides speed, flexibility and security along all steps of the process, from the issuing of a card through transaction acquisition and settlement.

PayWare eCMS is comprised of two major modules. PayWare eIssuer Card Manager enables card issuers to set up and easily manage feature-rich programs for cards issued in physical world or the Internet. PayWare eAcquirer Merchant Manager is a merchant account handling and settlement solution that allows acquirers to fully manage their merchant acquiring services including account set-up and settlement of funds.

Tatra Banka is using PayWare eAcquirer Merchant Manager to manage its merchant account handling and settlement of all card-based payments originating from real world and Internet transactions. The RZB subsidiaries are also using PayWare eIssuer Card Manager to authorize, distribute and manage payment cards, which will expand their brand presence in the physical and virtual worlds.

``Our strong presence in emerging markets requires that we have a secure and extensible electronic payment solution,'' says Chris Davis, EVP Consumer Banking International at Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich. ``We are committed to being at the forefront of e-commerce and taking full advantage of the opportunities in this industry.''

``RZB has positioned itself at the leading edge of the banking community in Eastern Europe by implementing an advanced electronic payment solution for the physical world and the Web,'' said John Harte, EVP of Global Sales, Marketing and Services at Trintech. ``With robust security and efficient transaction processing provided by Trintech products, RZB can take advantage of these exciting new opportunities in these emerging markets. Trintech technology allows Raiffeisen to embrace electronic payments and e-commerce with the flexibility, speed and security necessary in the current business environment.''

About PayWare eCMS

Multi-card and brand support - Issue a single card or several brands at the same time. Each card can be set up with its own unique set of processing parameters.

Multi-Issuer - Organize all card issuing as a single business unit or across several business units. Each issuing unit can be set up with its own set of unique business rules.

Multi-Currency Support - Each card in the system can be settled in the local currency or in the local and reference currency. Payment to merchants can be made either in the local or international currency.

Multi-language Support - PayWare eCMS can be configured to display a multi-language user interface without core process changes.

Scalable Solution - Using a relational database with standardized structures together with the ability to expand base systems infrastructure as required, allows institutions to grow their card system as their processing and business needs grow.

Open Architecture - PayWare eCMS will run on any combination of standard hardware, operating system and database management system.

Flexible Modular Architecture - PayWare eCMS is made up of multiple modules that can be configured to meet the exact requirements of an institution's card management system.

End to end payment processing - The product integrates seamlessly with Trintech secure ePayment gateway products and virtual card issuing solution, Trintech provides an integrated suite of solutions providing the infrastructure to your card processing requirements.

About Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich

Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich (RZB) is the leading East-West bank and operates the densest banking network of any western bank in Central and Eastern Europe. Companies active on the international level can benefit from RZB services ranging from market analysis, financing and global account management to global credit facilities, risk management and electronic banking - services that support their market activities. RZB also focuses on the promising ``emerging markets'' of the Far East. RZB can be reached on the Web at

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