aber da gibt es unzählige Minenaktien,die ähnliche Gewinne oder bessere aufweisen,guck die die Charts von CDE,BGO,GSS,oder gar Norilsk Nickel an,die ja auch Gold schürfen und wohl das grösste Feld in Sibirien ersteigern werden
es fragt sich nur ,ob da nicht wieder ne Konsolidierung folgt...
hab da nen interessanten Artikel von einer etwas fragwürdigen Figur bei WO kopiert:
*THE STALKER input has been incredible.
Every time I get word this " Gold buying group" is in
the market, Gold moves higher.
Just as I was writing this, I received a phone call from
" Mike," my STALKER source.
He tells me THE STALKER was in the market today and they
are going after $1.4 to $1.6 billion worth of more Gold in
the near term.
*Now, it appears my silver source is spot on too.
From the December 23 MIDAS:
Hi Bill,
A gold and silver dealer that I know told me today that he
recently spoke
with a very large coin and bullion dealer that he deals
with, who told him last week
that Warren Buffet has been buying a lot of silver.
Buffett is also buying futures and
plans to take delivery. This large dealer said that he
expects a short squeeze by Buffett soon.
My dealer stressed that he has dealt with this large
dealer for twenty years and he is not
prone to exaggerate…..
also das Gerücht über die Stalkergruppe und über Warren Buffett,ich weiss nicht ob es stimmt,ein short squeeze wär ja denkbar