US-Notenbank Fed.....keine Zinserhöhung im August ! ? ! ? !

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US-Notenbank Fed.....keine Zinserhöhung im August ! ? ! ? !

11.08.00 11:03
US-Zinsen im August konstant
Merrill Lynch
Die US-Notenbank Fed werde nach Einschaetzung von Michael Sauerborn,
bei Merrill Lynch, im August die Zinsen nicht anheben. Der aktuelle
Konjunkturbericht der Fed, das sogenannte Beige Book, beinhalte keinerlei
Anhaltspunkte fuer eine Zinsanhebung, so Sauerborn in einem Interview im
Nachrichtensender n-tv.
Zwar sei das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im zweiten Quartal sehr stark um 5,2
Prozent gestiegen, doch seien im gleichen Zeitraum die Kosumentenausgaben
nur um drei Prozent nach sieben Prozent im ersten Quartal angewachsen. Eine
weitere Staerke der US-Wirtschaft komme nach Meinung von Sauerborn aus der
gestiegenen Produktivitaet.
Da die Gewinne der Unternehmen im ersten Halbjahr gestiegen seien und
gleichzeitig die Aktienkurse seit Jahresbeginn etwa stagnieren wuerden, sei
nun auch der US-Aktienmarkt nach Ansicht des Experten wieder guenstig
bewertet. Nachdem die Sommerrallye wohl ausgefallen sei, hoffe Sauerborn
nun, dass in der Wahlkampfphase mehr Stimulans aufkomme und dies die Kurse
nach oben treiben koenne.


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Mir fällt aus, dass Threads mit US-Wirtschafts-

11.08.00 14:31
daten von Arivanern nicht allzu oft gelesen und kommentiert werden. Bisher gerade mal 22.

Dabei hängt doch so viel für unseren NM davon ab, wie es über'm grossen Teich aussieht.

Vielleicht können wir diesen Thread hier dazu verwenden, stets aktuelle Daten und Zahlen zur US-Wirtschaft - inkl. Analysen und Meinungen hier posten.

Dann könnten wir uns rasch ein Bild davon machen, wie sich so die Stimmung in den USA entwickelt - auch über den 22.8 hinaus.


Retail sales überraschend +0,7%,d.h. Consumer Spen

11.08.00 14:51
Spending ist nicht so stark verlangsamt wie man hoffte.Erwartet waren offenbar 0,1%.         Retail sales up 0.7% in July
--8:33 am - By Rex Nutting
Retail sales rose a surprising 0.7 percent to $270.5 billion in July, the Commerce Department said Friday, an indication consumer spending may not be slowing as much as some believed.
Excluding autos, retail sales ($RLX: news, msgs) rose 0.6 percent to $203.1 billion.
The Street was expecting overall retail sales and ex-auto sales to rise 0.4 percent.
July’s numbers throw some cold water on the theory that the economy has permanently entered a new phase of slower growth.
The financial markets had nearly discounted any chance that the Fed would raise rates for a seventh time on Aug. 22. The strong retail sales report could force a re-evaluation of that conclusion.
Producer prices flat in July
--8:33 am - By Rachel Koning
Prices at the wholesale level were flat in July, the Labor Department reported on Friday, while the core rate -- excluding food and energy -- rose just 0.1 percent. Economists surveyed by had expected both the producer price index and the core PPI to have risen 0.1 percent last month. The news bodes well for those in the financial markets betting the Federal Reserve will take a pass on raising interest rates for a seventh time in a little over a year when the group next meets on Aug. 22. Within the report, finished energy goods fell 0.7 percent, food prices were flat, prescription drugs rose 0.5 percent while the cost of cars and trucks both fell.
ICGE slips in pre-market
--8:32 am - By Tomi Kilgore
Internet Capital Group (ICGE: news, msgs) is sliding 2 1/8 to 29 1/2 in pre-market trading. The Internet venture capital firm said late Thursday that it lost 70 cents a share in the second quarter, compared with the 6 cents a share it lost in the year-earlier period. There were no consensus analyst estimates available.
und hier ein nützlicher Link für aktuelle Wirtschaftsdaten und wichtige

also wieder keine eindeutigen Daten

11.08.00 14:58
Privatausgaben steigen weiter, Preise aber stabil.

Das ist ein ewiges hinundher - so schnell wird sichdaran nichts ändern.


Das wäre auch völlig neu das im Vorfeld die

11.08.00 15:14
Analysten alle Recht hätten. Vor dem 22. wird keiner eine Bank auf die eine oder andere Meinung setzen. Hier gabs doch auch schon Vorhersageversuche mit mageren Erfolgen. (Auch meine Eigenen). Diskutieren kann man höchsten ob danach Ruhe bis zu der Wahl im November ist. Mit Mister Bush gibts dann schnellere Todesurteile, ein schickes teures Anti-Raketen-Raketen-Abwehrsystem (auch wenns nicht funktioniert kurbelts die entsprechende Industrie an ) und  stabile konservative Wirtschaftsaufschwünge. mfg Bewe

Us Worker Produktivität +4,5%,bedeutet niedrige In

11.08.00 15:23
flation!Mein Gott,diese kurzen Überschriften sind lästig!                     U.S. 2Q Productivity Probably Rose 4.5%: Survey
8/8/00 4:11:00 AM
Source: Bloomberg News

(Changes headline to reflect productivity rate in story.)

Washington, Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. worker productivity during the second quarter probably grew at almost double the pace of the first three months of this year, analysts said.

Productivity, measured as worker output per hour, probably increased at a 4.5 percent annual rate in the second quarter compared with the previous quarter, according the median of 44 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey.

That compares with a 2.4 percent rise at an annual rate in the first quarter. Compared with the same quarter last year, productivity likely grew 4.6 percent, the fastest year-over-year increase since a 4.8 percent rise in the fourth quarter of 1983, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News.

''Strong productivity means low inflation'' because it helps companies offset higher costs, said Mike Niemira, an economist with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd. The Labor Department will release the statistics tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. EDT.

Productivity is a key reason the economy has been able to grow faster without causing inflation to accelerate. Companies are investing in equipment that enables workers to do their jobs with greater efficiency. This means firms can hold the line on prices even if wages accelerate.

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan implied as much in congressional testimony last month. He suggested inflation won't become a problem as long as productivity increases offset the rise in labor costs. Fed policy-makers meet again Aug. 22 to decide whether to raise interest rates for a seventh time since June 1999.

Unit labor costs, which show changes in worker compensation and productivity, probably rose at a 0.4 percent pace in the second quarter compared with a 1.6 percent rate in the first quarter, according to the Bloomberg survey.

Economic Growth

A gain in productivity is assured because U.S. gross domestic product, a measure of the nation's total output of goods and services, increased at a 5.2 percent pace in the second quarter.

That increase occurred without triggering inflation. The personal consumption expenditure price index, a measure watched by central bankers, rose at a 2.3 percent pace in the second quarter after a 3.5 percent increase in the previous three months.

The Labor Department will also issue annual revisions to its productivity numbers. The changes come in conjunction with the government's recent revisions to its GDP numbers, which measure output. When output changes, so do numbers tracking productivity, which is worker output per hour.

After languishing at about 1 percent in the 1970s and 1980s, productivity growth in all U.S. businesses has been nearly triple that rate during the past three years. Technology has been doing its part to boost productivity.

Bloomberg Survey

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