Turnaround-Aktie - GIGAMEDIA - Spekulativ!

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Turnaround-Aktie - GIGAMEDIA - Spekulativ!

15.08.12 18:44
Hab mir mal ein paar Gigamedia Aktien an der Nasdaq gegönnt! Spekulative Aktie! Bodenbildung bzw. Flat bei etwa 1USD. Langfristig ein paar hundert Prozent möglich, sollte die Aktie wieder in den Fokus geraten, denn der Wert ist ziemlich ausgelutscht und hat eine niedrige Marktkapitalisierung. Die letzten News und Daten siehe unten!

Typ: Aktie  WKN: 935037
GigaMedia: New Growth Plans for Online Games
11:05 09.08.12

Marktkapital.§48,89 Mio. EUR
Streubesitz        --§
  Nennwert§-- --
    Stücke§50,72 Mio.

PR Newswire

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Aug. 9, 2012

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Aug. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- GigaMedia Limited (NASDAQ: GIGM) announced today new growth initiatives for its online games business and unveiled GigaCloud, a new cloud computing business.

Online Games Business

Management is extending GigaMedia's online games platform to Web-based/mobile "light" games, with focus on growing revenue organically and through partnerships and acquisitions in emerging markets.

Currently, GigaMedia operates primarily PC-based casual and "heavy" MMO games in Taiwan and Hong Kong through its wholly-owned subsidiary FunTown.

The company's plans capitalize on the strong global growth of Web-based/mobile games, particularly in Asia.

Plans to scale Giga's online games business follow initiatives executed in the first and second quarters of 2012 to improve margins by simplifying operations, lowering operating costs and driving productivity.

Cloud Computing Business

GigaMedia also announced today development of a new cloud computing business - GigaCloud. GigaCloud provides a unique, integrated platform of critical services and tools for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) enabling SMEs to increase flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness.

The business leverages strategic partnerships with a consortium of technology leaders, including Taiwan's telecom leader Far EasTone and global computer hardware and electronics leader Asus, and allows SMEs to outsource key IT needs.  

GigaCloud's unique, integrated service will initially include the following:

office software tools for mobile business flexibility and productivity;
cloud-based phone services that lower telecom costs and increase quality and flexibility;
cloud faxing; and
hardware and storage.

GigaMedia's cloud-based service takes advantage of the growing trend toward providing software, storage and other services from remote data centers over the Web instead of relying on software or data on individual PCs.

Management is pleased to announce that beta testing is set to begin in September 2012, with product launch expected in early 2013.

Initial product launch is planned in strategic partnership with Taiwan-based Chailease Holding Co Ltd to capitalize on the firm's large SME customer base. Chailease is Taiwan's number one leasing company with approximately 42 percent market share. The firm has a wide product offering, including financial services, leasing, and installment sales and serves approximately 15 thousand SMEs in Greater China.

Further details on all growth initiatives will be provided on GigaMedia's second-quarter conference call in August 2012.

About GigaMedia

Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a diversified provider of online games and cloud computing services. GigaMedia's online games business develops and operates a suite of games in Asia, with focus on Web-based/mobile games in emerging markets. The company's cloud computing business is focused on providing SMEs in Greater China with critical IT solutions that increase flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from www.gigamedia.com.

The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the company's current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in April 2012.

For further information contact:

Brad Miller, Investor Relations Director

Tel: +886-2-2656-8016


SOURCE GigaMedia Limited

Langfristchart hier!

15.08.12 18:51

Financial Results on August 16

15.08.12 19:01
Quelle: www.gigamedia.com.tw/news/2Q12%20Call%20Announcement.htm

GigaMedia to Report Second-Quarter 2012 Financial Results on August 16

TAIPEI, Taiwan, August 7, 2012 – GigaMedia Limited (NASDAQ: GIGM) announced today that it will report its second-quarter 2012 financial results on Thursday, August 16, 2012 after the market closes.

Management will hold an investor conference call and webcast on August 16, 2012 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, which is 8:30 a.m. Taipei Time on August 17, 2012, to discuss GigaMedia's second-quarter 2012 performance.

Dial-in numbers:

U.S.: +1-718-354-1231
International: +65-6723-9381
Passcode: 18895123

A replay will be available from 10:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 16, 2012 for seven days.

U.S.: +1-718-354-1232
International: +612-8235-5000
Passcode: 18895123

A link to the live and archived webcast will be available at www.gigamedia.com.

Conference Call Format

The call will consist of brief prepared remarks, followed by live Q&A and management responses to questions submitted via email. Questions may be sent in advance to IR@gigamedia.com.tw.

About GigaMedia

GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a major provider of online entertainment software and services. Through its subsidiaries, GigaMedia develops and operates a suite of online games in Asia, covering the regions of Greater China and Southeast Asia. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from www.gigamedia.com.

The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the company's current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia's Annual Report on Form

Nasdaq: Geld: 0,87 und Brief: 2,65 - ups!

16.08.12 12:43
Bin mal gespannt, wann es bei gigamedia plötzlich ab geht! Die Leute lieben es ja, meistens aufzuspringen und dem Herdentrieb zu folgen, als anstatt gemütlich zuvor billig einzusteigen und waaaaarten! ;-)

     Börse    Nasdaq§
   Aktuell§1,06 USD
Diff. Vortag 0,00%
Gehandelte Stück 27.327
     Brief 2,65
      Zeit 16.08.1210:27§
Geld Stk. 500
Brief Stk. 2.500

TAIPEI, Taiwan, August 7, 2012 – GigaMedia Limited (NASDAQ: GIGM) announced today that it will report its second-quarter 2012 financial results on Thursday, August 16, 2012 after the market closes.

Management will hold an investor conference call and webcast on August 16, 2012 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, which is 8:30 a.m. Taipei Time on August 17, 2012, to discuss GigaMedia's second-quarter 2012 performance.

Langfrist-Chart Gigamedia - Nasdaq

18.08.12 13:23

@ SOROS:Endlich auch mal Handel in Deutschland

20.08.12 21:48
Hey Soros,
ich bin dein Unterbewusstsein! Halt schön durch und halte deine Aktien an der Nasdaq! Auch wenn die Leute es noch nicht geschnallt haben, der Turnaround wird kommen und die größten Prozente machen diejenigen, die bei Ebbe einkaufen und warten können!;-) Wenn die Dialoge hier euphorisch zunehmen, kannste verkaufen!;-)

     Börse Frankfurt§
   Aktuell§0,868 EUR
Diff. Vortag +6,24%
Gehandelte Stück 3.000
     Brief 0,904
      Zeit 20.08.1219:55§
Geld Stk. 3.000
Brief Stk. 3.000

Einmal geht noch! Lachflash

20.08.12 22:53
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GigaMedia Turnaround Continues: Positive Operating

22.08.12 06:44
Ich habs euch doch gesagt ab 15.08.12! Kurse um die 1USD sind ein Witz bei dieser Marktkapitalisierung! Kurse bei 3-5 USD sollten nach einer "ersten" Korrektur drin sein, mit einer Marktkapitalisierung um die 50mio Stücke.

GigaMedia Turnaround Continues: Positive Operating Income in Online Games Business and Stronger Cash Position in 3Q12
12:37 20.08.12

PR Newswire

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Aug. 20, 2012

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Aug. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- GigaMedia Limited (NASDAQ: GIGM) announced today that as a result of continued strong execution of the company's turnaround plans by new management, the company expects positive operating income in its online games business and a stronger cash position in the third quarter of 2012.

The company's turnaround plans, driven by Chief Executive Officer John Stringer, are based on effectively managing cash, driving productivity, and executing new growth plans in online games and cloud computing.

In the first quarter of 2012, to better manage cash and improve productivity, the company merged its offices in Hong Kong and began implementation of a disposal and asset optimization program targeting non-core investments and underperforming assets.

GigaMedia has continued to make progress in these efforts.

In the second quarter of 2012, to further simplify its operations and reduce its cost structure, GigaMedia reduced personnel, closed its loss-making online game operations Jidi Joy in Shanghai, and initiated the disposal of its underperforming online game operations IAHGames in Singapore. GigaMedia also continued to sell part of its non-core game studio holdings.

In the third quarter of 2012, the company has completed the disposal of its IAHGames business unit and continues to dispose of non-core game studio holdings.

Productivity and cost savings from turnaround initiatives executed in the first half of 2012 are benefiting GigaMedia's financial performance. As a result of these actions and the timing of new game licensing revenues, management expects a quarterly sequential decrease in consolidated operating loss with positive operating income in GigaMedia's online games business in the third quarter of 2012 and an operating margin in online games of approximately 15 percent.

GigaMedia's balance sheet remains healthy. The company's current cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and marketable securities-current were approximately $96 million as of July 31, 2012; management expects to add to this net cash proceeds of approximately $5 million in the third quarter of 2012, primarily from sales of game studio holdings.

About GigaMedia

Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a diversified provider of online games and cloud computing services. GigaMedia's online games business develops and operates a suite of games in Asia, with focus on Web-based/mobile games in emerging markets. The company's cloud computing business is focused on providing SMEs in Greater China with critical communications services and IT solutions that increase flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from www.gigamedia.com.

The statements included above and elsewhere in this press release that are not historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. GigaMedia cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on the company's current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. Information as to certain factors that could cause actual results to vary can be found in GigaMedia's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in April 2012.

For further information contact:

Brad Miller

Investor Relations Director

Tel: +886-2-2656-8016

Email: Brad.Miller@GigaMedia.com

SOURCE GigaMedia Limited

Gigamedia halbiert den Verlust! 28.08.12

30.08.12 23:49
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