TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07

Beiträge: 172
Zugriffe: 21.622 / Heute: 7
DAX 22.888,06 +2,51% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +193,10%

TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07

04.12.07 08:27
Wat macht HappyEnd bloß?

Die Pivots:

  Resist 3 7939,94    
  Resist 2 7914,77    
  Resist 1 7876,01    
  Pivot 7850,84    
  Support 1 7812,08    
  Support 2 7786,91    
  Support 3 7748,15    

Die Termine für heute:

          §•  - AU RBA Ratssitzung
          §• 01:30 - AU Einzelhandelsumsatz Oktober
          §• 01:30 - AU Baugenehmigungen Oktober
          §• 08:00 - DE Weihnachtsgeschäft im Einzelhandel 1998 - 2006
          §• 08:00 - DE Binnenschifffahrt 3. Quartalr
          §• 09:30 - SE Stabilitätsreport 2007
          §• 11:00 - ! EU Erzeugerpreise Industrie Oktober
          §• 11:00 - SE Riksbank PK zum Stabilitätsbericht
          §• 11:15 - EU EZB Zuteilung Haupt-Refi-Tender
          §• 13:45 - US ICSC-UBS Index (Woche)
          §• 14:55 - US Redbook (Woche)
          §• 15:00 - CA BoC Sitzungsergebnis
          §• 15:00 - EU EZB Wochenausweis Fremdwährungsreserven
          §• 19:00 - US Auktion 4-wöchiger Bills
          §• 23:30 - AU RBA Sitzungsergebnis

Alle Angaben aus "ausgeliehen". Sie kriegen sie heute abend wieder zurück ;-)

Viel Erfolg

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scalper, kannst du das bitte etwas leiser sagen...

04.12.07 21:48
...ich reagiere ja noch völlig gelassen, aber mein computer stürzt daraufhin erst einmal ab. also, muss erst neu gucken...wieso schwäche, dow.fut. lag doch eben noch bei 13295...

hmhmmm gesehen...

04.12.07 21:50
...aber der berappelt sich schon noch...

langsam Lichtschalter suchen...

04.12.07 21:53



TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 3792663


709335 Nochmal einen Blick auf den DAX!

04.12.07 22:00
  Ca. 30 Punkte tiefer als gestern Abend! #efefef no-repeat left 50%"> 
TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07;COMP_IND=0&COMP=&QUALITY=RLT" style="max-width:560px" />

war nur nen schwindelanfall, ;-)

04.12.07 22:01

gruß scalper

 Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, daß er tun kann was er will, sondern daß er nicht tun muß, was er nicht will. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)


good n8 and long is on

04.12.07 22:06
mein tipp für das opening morgen ist 7835 !



TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 3792705


hoffe ich auch, scalper...

04.12.07 22:07
..bin jedenfalls für morgen früh noch weiter positiv gestimmt. so, muss mit meinem frechdachs eine runde drehen (habe dein schönes bild noch vor augen). allen eine gute nacht und morgen sehen wir ja dann, ob`s den thread noch gibt, oder nicht. wunder geschehen immmer wieder. liebe grüße!

Da berappelt sich nichts

04.12.07 22:07
Sieht für einen Laien wie mich eher nach Intraday-SKS-Formation beim Dow aus. Dürfte morgen eine ungemütliche Fahrt beim Dax geben. Denkt an meine Worte, der 3-Tages-Trend ist down.

casaubon ist doch morgen wieder da LACH

04.12.07 22:08
bin weg...bis morgen...



TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 3792714


nacht @all, und allen good trades für morgen

04.12.07 22:11

gruß scalper

 Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, daß er tun kann was er will, sondern daß er nicht tun muß, was er nicht will. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)


Danke ebenfalls, allen eine gute N8!

04.12.07 22:20
# 153:  7.835 Punkte, na, da bin ich mal gespannt! Wundern würde ich mich beim Opti nicht.

# 151 steht um 08:00 Uhr bereit! Opti, meinte sicher die Börseneröffnung um 09:00 Uhr!?.

Notfalls könnt' Ihr ja hier weitermachen.

Gruß Hotte

Aussie overnite cash rate tgt NOT changed

05.12.07 06:55
Australian Central Bank Signals Interest Rate on Hold (Update1)

Australia's central bank said credit market turmoil may contain inflation and slow global economic growth, driving down the nation's currency as investors bet the bank will hold off raising interest rates early next year.

Governor Glenn Stevens left the overnight cash rate target at an 11-year high of 6.75 percent in Sydney today, and for the first time released a statement explaining his decision to leave borrowing costs unchanged. The current stance on monetary policy should be maintained ``for the time being,'' the bank said.

The local dollar fell against the 16 most-actively traded currencies and bonds surged after the statement and a government report showed annual economic growth was slower than analysts had estimated. The currency, a favorite for investors who borrow in yen, soared to a 23-year high last month as investors bet Stevens would raise rates as soon as February, widening the yield gap with Japan.

``The tone of the statement suggests less pressure on interest rates, so the market should take out expectations for a near-term hike,'' said Tony Morriss, a currency strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Sydney.

Australia's dollar fell to 87.08 U.S. cents at 4:30 p.m. in Sydney from 84.40 cents before the bank's decision was announced. The yield on the benchmark two-year government bond fell 8 basis points to 6.47 percent. Bond yields move inversely to prices and a basis point is 0.01 percentage point.

The Canadian dollar, another favorite target for carry trades, slid 0.3 percent to C$1.0135 per U.S. dollar after the Bank of Canada unexpectedly cut its benchmark interest rate a quarter- percentage point to 4.25 percent yesterday, citing ``global financial-market difficulties.'' Japan's benchmark rate is 0.5 percent.

`Big Fad'

In carry trades, investors get funds in a country with low borrowing costs and invest in one with higher interest rates, earning the difference between the two. The risk is exchange rate moves erode the profits.

``One of the big fads of the last one or two years has been the so-called carry trade,'' said Peter Pontikis, treasury strategist at Suncorp-Metway Ltd. in Brisbane. ``With the downgrading of world growth by the Reserve Bank, the carry trade currencies should go down faster.''

Canada's central bank is ``the first of the major carry-trade economies to cut their cash rate, which supports the Reserve Bank's view that growth will decelerate.''

Today's Reserve Bank of Australia statement said that ``sentiment in global credit markets has deteriorated recently'' and ``prospects for growth in the major economies appear to be weakening.''

Economic Growth

Australia's A$1 trillion ($870 billion) economy expanded 4.3 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier, less than the 4.8 percent median forecast by economists in a Bloomberg News survey, as drought and bottlenecks at ports and railways restrained exports.

The economy grew 1 percent from the third quarter, when it expanded a revised 0.7 percent, the statistics bureau said today. Growth in the quarter was driven by consumer spending and exports. Australia's economy has been expanding for 16 years.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said last week volatility in credit markets has ``affected'' prospects for the world's largest economy. The U.S. housing slump has made banks reluctant to lend to each other, pushing up credit costs and forcing the Fed to cut interest rates twice in the past three months, taking its benchmark to 4.5 percent, to shore up growth.

The Reserve Bank said today it remained concerned about the outlook for inflation.

Inflation Forecast

The central bank raised its inflation forecasts last month, fueling speculation it may need to boost borrowing costs again after this year's two quarter-point increases.

Nineteen of 24 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News last week expected the central bank to raise its interest rate to 7 percent in the first quarter next year to stem accelerating inflation. All forecast today's decision, which follows quarter-point increases last month and in August.

Underlying inflation is likely to accelerate above 3 percent in the first half of 2008, and ``to decline somewhat thereafter,'' the bank said today. The central bank aims to keep price gains to between 2 percent and 3 percent.

Today's Reserve Bank statement ``lifts the bar for a rate hike in February, or thereafter,'' said Matthew Johnson, senior economist at ICAP Australia Ltd. in Sydney. The central bank ``has shifted toward neutral, and is worried about the same things that the rest of the world is worried about -- tightening credit conditions, and slowing global growth.''

Business Borrowers

The bank said borrowing costs have risen ``appreciably since mid-year, particularly for business borrowers, as a result of both changes in monetary policy and market-driven increases in funding costs for intermediaries.'' Higher credit costs ``will help to contain private demand over the period ahead.''

Australia's retail sales growth slowed for a second month in October and home-building approvals fell, the government reported yesterday. Company profits unexpectedly declined in the third quarter for the first time in more than two years.

Economists expect the European Central Bank also to leave its main interest rate unchanged this week at 4 percent and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to keep its benchmark at 8.25 percent tomorrow, separate Bloomberg News surveys showed.

HSI +1.55% & Schluss "what a ride again.."

05.12.07 09:02

          §Index CHG %CHG
HSI 29328.35 +448.76 +1.55%
HSI FIN 41921.41 +657.53 +1.59%
HSI UTI 40689.85 +718.79 +1.80%
HSI PROP 39475.28 -28.88 -0.07%
HSI COM&IND 17563.32 +336.23 +1.95%
HSCEI 17630.60 +435.51 +2.53%
HS Red-chip 6416.94 +106.25 +1.68%
GEM 1420.22 -0.71 -0.05%
HSCI 4141.66 +66.98 +1.64%
HSHKCI 2978.60 +26.66 +0.90%
HSMLCI 5576.81 +113.64 +2.08%
HSHKLI 2413.43 +17.57 +0.73%
HSHKMI 5842.46 +77.92 +1.35%
HSHKSI 3215.03 +23.11 +0.72%

HSI + 1.61% futures -++

05.12.07 09:04

NIKKEI225 15608.88 +128.69 +0.83%

SSE A 5291.46 +133.10 +2.58%
SSE B 354.72 +7.86 +2.27%
SZSE A 1359.30 +37.31 +2.82%
SZSE B 712.75 +16.17 +2.32%

Taiwan 8676.95 +25.67 +0.30%
Singapore 3533.29 +5.42 +0.15%
Thailand 833.34 +2.22 +0.27%
Philippines 3648.71 +4.26 +0.12%
Jakarta 2747.94 -5.00 -0.18%
Kuala Lumpur 1421.44 +5.63 +0.40%

HSI extends gains, +0.5% at 29024.28 vs 28945.97 midday,

driven by A-shares' rally,

Nikkei's rebound;

though volume still unexciting at HK$59.030 billion.

Despite sluggish, directionless trade recently, senior broker at Emperor Securities confident of more market upside in short term, 30000 likely tested before year-end, if not this week; thinks after huge outperformance by HK developers,

"it's going to be China plays that will drive the market higher," as believes A-shares, after some 20% correction from peak, poised to rebound.

Sinopec (0386.HK) +3.4% at HK$12.06, providing largest point contribution to HSI; top cap China Mobile (0941.HK) +0.7% at HK$142.90.

HSI HK shares +2.59%

05.12.07 09:06
17,640.15 445.06 2.59%
  Open  17,231.25
  Day High  17,676.46 Day Low  17,169.90

viel Glück in D / EU

PS warum ahbt ihr noch 'nen 2.ten Mittwoch thread aufgemacht ??
TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 134709

VK Dax Long 7857 Posi KK 7800 und KK 7808

05.12.07 09:29
offen bleibt KK 7818
IFX KK 7,96 (heute Platz 1 !)

und Citi

wer mein Posting gestern ernst genommen hätte, wäre heute mit einem Lächeln wie ich aufgestanden....

bis später...



TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 3793584

astrid isenberg:

manchmal wird mut an der börse auch belohnt....

05.12.07 09:31

man seit ihr alle toll

05.12.07 10:47
aber nix auf der naht!

und jetzt alle in die sandkiste!

05.12.07 10:52


05.12.07 13:15

Ich hab dir schonmal geschrieben dass man in diesem Fall "seit" mit 'd' screibt, also "seid"! Aber du lernst wohl nicht dazu! Das sind die Schlimmsten!

Mit freundl. Grüßen TraderonTour


05.12.07 15:50
ich kann nicht schreiben und du nicht traden, so hat jeder seine mankos.......
was macht das schon!

Thread schliessen und ab in dem vom 05.12. !!

05.12.07 15:52



TTT-Dienstag, 04.12.07 3795043


# 153: Ja super, Opti - das stimmte genau!

05.12.07 19:55
Die Tendenz richtig erkannt!


05.12.07 19:57
Danke... sieht immer noch gut aus...retest 13400 und wieder hoch im Dow..13600 sehen wir bald und Dax sollte dann die 8000 testen..wenn wir 13600 knacken, dann sehen wir im Dax neue Highs
" Keiner bleibt Jungfrau, die Börse fickt jeden "

Heute ist der 06.12. !

06.12.21 20:53
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