TravelShop: Good News!
Unser Depotwert TravelShop Limited (WKN 878.123, Code TV5.BER, erfreut mit sehr guten Neuigkeiten. Die Firma hat ihr neues Call-Center eröffnet, das rund fünf Mal so viele Anrufe wie das bisherige bearbeiten kann und ein Umsatzvolumen von 100 Millionen AUD (63 Millionen Euro) ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Kooperation mit der populären Reise-Sendung Getaway-TV war diese Kapazitätsausweitung notwendig geworden, da deutliche Umsatzsteigerungen erwartet werden.
Online ist nun auch die neue Homepage von TravelShop. Das Design ist wesentlich ansprechender als jenes der alten Internetseite, die Technik (wie z.B. das Buchungssystem) ist auf allerneuestem Stand.
Wir sehen für unseren Depotwert ein mittelfristiges Kursziel von 3 Euro.
25.05.2000: Pty Ltd Launches New National Call Centre
The Directors of TravelShop Limited are pleased to announce that the wholly owned subsidiary Pty Ltd (TravelShop) has launched a new state-of-the-art National Call Centre with up to five times the capacity of the previous operation. The Call Centre comes into operation from this Thursday to coincide with the return season of the top-rating Channel Nine TV Series "Getaway".
"Getaway" attracts more than 2.2 million viewers a week, and will this week feature the first of a variety of holiday and flight deals purely for viewers organised in conjunction with TravelShop.
As previously announced TravelShop has an agreement with Ninemsn to become the major travel provider on the site, part of Australia's most visited Internet site, The agreement enables TravelShop to offer its range of products, including the most extensive selection of special travel offers and 100,000 discontinued airfares.
The Directors consider that the "Getaway" season launch underlines the Company strategy of forming high-profile alliances and partnerships enabling it to capture as large a pool of potential customers as possible. "Getaway" is one of the most popular travel programs of its kind in Australia and will give TravelShop a unique promotional opportunity with one of the biggest viewing audiences in the country.
TravelShop's new National Call Centre in West Perth, has increased the 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week operation's capacity from 36 to 140 operating positions. The new Call Centre can handle up to A$100 million turnover annually through the latest communications systems, giving TravelShop the capacity to build significantly on present turnover through the Call Centre operations.
Along with its growing retail network - which provides "clicks and mortar" fulfilment centres for TravelShop's online operation - the National Call Centre offers support for TravelShop's Internet site.
Updated figures provided to the Directors confirm that the site is one of Australia's most popular travel sites, registering an average of 1.5 million hits per week and up to 5,000 user sessions per day.
P Stedwell
Unser Depotwert TravelShop Limited (WKN 878.123, Code TV5.BER, erfreut mit sehr guten Neuigkeiten. Die Firma hat ihr neues Call-Center eröffnet, das rund fünf Mal so viele Anrufe wie das bisherige bearbeiten kann und ein Umsatzvolumen von 100 Millionen AUD (63 Millionen Euro) ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Kooperation mit der populären Reise-Sendung Getaway-TV war diese Kapazitätsausweitung notwendig geworden, da deutliche Umsatzsteigerungen erwartet werden.
Online ist nun auch die neue Homepage von TravelShop. Das Design ist wesentlich ansprechender als jenes der alten Internetseite, die Technik (wie z.B. das Buchungssystem) ist auf allerneuestem Stand.
Wir sehen für unseren Depotwert ein mittelfristiges Kursziel von 3 Euro.
25.05.2000: Pty Ltd Launches New National Call Centre
The Directors of TravelShop Limited are pleased to announce that the wholly owned subsidiary Pty Ltd (TravelShop) has launched a new state-of-the-art National Call Centre with up to five times the capacity of the previous operation. The Call Centre comes into operation from this Thursday to coincide with the return season of the top-rating Channel Nine TV Series "Getaway".
"Getaway" attracts more than 2.2 million viewers a week, and will this week feature the first of a variety of holiday and flight deals purely for viewers organised in conjunction with TravelShop.
As previously announced TravelShop has an agreement with Ninemsn to become the major travel provider on the site, part of Australia's most visited Internet site, The agreement enables TravelShop to offer its range of products, including the most extensive selection of special travel offers and 100,000 discontinued airfares.
The Directors consider that the "Getaway" season launch underlines the Company strategy of forming high-profile alliances and partnerships enabling it to capture as large a pool of potential customers as possible. "Getaway" is one of the most popular travel programs of its kind in Australia and will give TravelShop a unique promotional opportunity with one of the biggest viewing audiences in the country.
TravelShop's new National Call Centre in West Perth, has increased the 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week operation's capacity from 36 to 140 operating positions. The new Call Centre can handle up to A$100 million turnover annually through the latest communications systems, giving TravelShop the capacity to build significantly on present turnover through the Call Centre operations.
Along with its growing retail network - which provides "clicks and mortar" fulfilment centres for TravelShop's online operation - the National Call Centre offers support for TravelShop's Internet site.
Updated figures provided to the Directors confirm that the site is one of Australia's most popular travel sites, registering an average of 1.5 million hits per week and up to 5,000 user sessions per day.
P Stedwell