und Maikilein?
ich zitiere cashburner von Anfang Juni:"Schaut euch mal die Umsätze der letzten zwei Tage an: so hoch wie in einem ganzen Monat Explosionsgefahr (siehe e-net)!!!!! Sommerzeit ist TRAVELzeit.........."
und hier der Chart mit Volumen

chart.yahoo.com/c/3m/t/tvs.ax.gif" style="max-width:560px" >
und hier Zitate aus dem Bord von Stockhouse.com zu TVS November 2000:
"Late yesterday online travel retailer Travelshop.com.au was forced to take the time to stop and explain its Appendix 4C Commitments Test Entity statement to the Australian Stock Exchange. Concerns over the level of cash outflows from some recently-floated Internet-related companies has led the ASX to send “please explain” letters to quite a number including Pocketmail (PKT) and B Digital (BBB). The ASX had asked for confirmation on whether or not Travelshop.com.au “may only have sufficient cash to fund activities until approximately February 2001.” The Appendix 4C showed that although Travelshop.com.au’s generated revenue for the quarter of $9.0 million, its operating loss was $1.5 million and it had cash reserves of just $2.6 million left. Travelshop.com.au explained that that the cash expenditure over the last quarter was higher than average as its new CEO brought many previously disputed and unknown amounts to account to be settled. The company said it expects the cash expenditure rate to approximate $1-1.2 million per quarter, instead of $10.5 million."
und noch was:
"Is there anyone who has ever booked a flight or trip in a travelshop store? What is your impression about the company?What do you think about the new deal? Do you see any chance for tvs to get no. 1 in australia???
THere are so many information about tvs in usa and europe about tvs but there is no response from Australia..."
oder hier die Kapitalerhöhungen vom 15.5.01
www.stockhouse.com/news/news.asp?newsid=771883&tick=TVSund mehrere weitere Optionausgaben etc
hier will wohl jemand Geld auf Kosten der nichsahnenden Kleinaktionäre verdienen?