Travelbyus - wer sagt hier eigentlich, daß die Seite nicht läuft.

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Travelbyus - wer sagt hier eigentlich, daß die Seite nicht läuft.

13.12.99 20:11
befolgt mal die untenstehenden anweisungen und ihr werdet sehen, daß
bei der aktie wirklich was hintersteckt. hier handelt es sich bestimmt nicht nur um zwei studenten, die mal eben irgendeine homepage aufgemacht haben. I'm computer illiterate so I don't know how to make this link work but this is were you have to go:

When you get there, go to the box [entire site] at top right corner, click on country and go; then double click on destination guide; double click on destinations; when countries come up, double click on it; then Canada; then locations; then in the city box, click on Vancouver and explore city; then dining; then to your right click on Greater Vancouver Dining Guide to Restaurants; then click on Bridges.
What a trip!! Visit the pub etc. After you done this for a bit and you've wiped away the tears of joy and ecstasy, think of what the 3D streaming video library will do.
Take a minute or two to recover and then go and visit some or all of our competitors. Go on, do it. And then tell me if I exaggerated when I said they are bloody brilliant.

Truckloads of investors have taken 100's of millions out of the North American market in the last 6 months. They're sitting on it or have otherwise parked it in "less volatile" places, all in fear of market meltdown/y2k. When on the morning of January 1st they discover that live is going to go on after all, they'll be running to be the first to put it back in. They'll be looking for promising stocks and believe you me, TBU will be one of them. Mark my words, January is going to be a month that'll make market history. GroomeCapital won't be able to keep up with new updates on their 12 month target price [they're already having difficulty with that lately].
If I'm wrong the drinks in Tahiti will be on me.
regards and nite to all, oldleo

danke an oldleo

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