They are also listed on the US Exhange

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Zugriffe: 2.500 / Heute: 1
Isign Media Soluti. 0,00001 $ +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -99,97%

They are also listed on the US Exhange

21.05.20 02:25

Sign has recently offered its dynamic Safety Alert Messaging System offering instant alerts on Covid 19 for free to any and all governments  

Senior care facilities with seniors and underlying conditions have had to go through strict guidelines and changes..

The opportunity for Sam Alert to scale across the senior home care sector is staggering scalability

All provided by isign patented ip

What nursing won’t want to have a safety alert system with potential monthly revenue streams

By having all family  members and older grandchildren etc registered on Sam. All daily alerts and daily activities can be sponserd by local buz…

Just the potential to get local sponsors to help bring a safer nursing home..Its a win win for all

It’s a win win for all
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  3 ISIGN MEDIA (ca. 19 Mio cap) Nanostox Nanostox 15.06.21 18:52
  15 ISIGN! iwanooze rust 24.04.21 23:23
    They are also listed on the US Exhange   21.05.20 02:25
  34 Von nun an auf höhere Kurse wetten ?! cookies123 iwanooze 13.11.14 18:38
  46 iSign Media Solutions Chartsignal bei $0.50 thekey sekko-1982 30.06.11 16:12
