The Vampire Economy

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The Vampire Economy

12.07.09 21:03
"Überall gab es eine doppelte Buchführung: Plan- und faktische Zahlen. Ohne den parallel existierenden Schwarzmarkt wäre das System nicht überlebensfähig gewesen."

Als ich dieses Zitat von Günter Reimann (geboren 1904 in Angermünde als Hans Steinicke) gelesen habe, dachte er beschreibt die Planwirtschaft im Ostblock. Doch ging estatsächlich um die Zeit der NS-Diktatur ! Dass die Ähnlichkeit der Systeme so groß war hat mich gewundert.

Dieser Günter Reimann hat diese NS-Wirtschaft in seinem Buch "The Vampire Economy" aus dem Jahre 1939 beschrieben.
Zitat :

Formerly the purchasing agent and the salesmanager were among the most important members of a business organization. Today the emphasis has shifted and a curious new business aide, a sort of combination "gobetween" and public relations counsel, is now all-important.

His job—not the least interesting outgrowth of the Nazi economic system—is to maintain good personal relations with officials in the Economic Ministry, where he is an almost daily caller; he studies all the new regulations and decrees, knows how to interpret them in relation to his particular firm and is able to guess at what may be permitted or forbidden. In other words, it is his business to know how far one can go without being caught. He also develops special knowledge on how to camouflage private interests so that they appear to be "interests of the community" or of the State.

Zitiert aus dem Buch :

Abbildung im Buch

12.07.09 21:04

Sein Motiv war die Frage

12.07.09 21:06
melden Why did Hitler start another war? How did it become possible that the "Fuehrer" could lead millions of intelligent and cultured people, who hate senseless slaughter, into a war which must have devastating effects upon Germany as well as upon the whole of mankind?

We cannot be satisfied with the answer that Hitler is a madman and that the German people are fools and slaves willing to go to war to satisfy a madman's dreams. Most people in Germany are like people in other countries, hard working and decent, with human qualities as good and as bad as those of other people throughout the world. But a system has been built up which has enabled one man to decide about war or peace; a system which held and still holds a whole nation in its iron grip and does not allow any individual German to escape the inherent fatalities of this regime.

Quelle :


12.07.09 21:07
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