St. Andrew Goldfields New CA7871885074

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St. Andrew Goldfields New CA7871885074

01.07.08 13:21

St. Andrew Goldfields New CA7871885074 4457221

 interessanter wert aus kanada mit minen (gold) in alaska  

hier bilder der nixon fork mine
St. Andrew Goldfields New CA7871885074 4457221St. Andrew Goldfields New CA7871885074 4457221

Owner:   St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd.  
Operator: Mystery Creek Resources
Location: 35 Miles Northeast of McGrath  
Commissioned: 2007  
Description: An underground gold mine, Nixon Fork plans an annual outpout of 40,000 oz per year. the mine will provide 97 year round jobs and has an expected mine life of 4 years.    

In 2006:  
Production: None Measured: 26,000 tons @ 1.06 oz/ton /(27,700 oz. Au)  
Indicated: 139,000 tons @ 0.631 oz/ton (87,700 oz. Au)  
Inferred: 102,000 tons @ 0.45 oz/ton (46,300 oz. Au)  
Total Mineral Resources: 267,000 tons containing 161,700 oz.Au)

>>>  das leben ist zu kurz um zu zögern  <<<


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St Andrew

04.04.12 13:12
hohe cash costs von über 1000 $

St Andrew Goldfields 0,366 $

21.06.12 10:08


16.07.13 23:14

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