SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te)

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Zugriffe: 4.435 / Heute: 1
SILVER SCREEN. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te)

31.07.06 18:03

anderst steht für anders weil es einfach anders ist!

Hab mal wieder so ein Geniales Teil gefunden,

PulseChart:            Links: <!-- link -->Level II | Chart | PRs | Profile | Insider | SEC Filings <!-- end link -->
1 min Intraday Chart3 Months Daily Chart
6 Months Daily Chart
SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795 SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795 SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795
2 Months Daily Charts
SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795 SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795 SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795



Meiner Meinung nach,sollte jeder wo Geld verdienen will SSSU im Depot haben!


steht unmitelbar vor Ausschüttung von (4) Dividenden!

Record Day läßt laut Chart nicht lange auf sich warten(Angekündigt mit

in Kürze,Bald,schnell usw)

sonstiger NEWSFlOW läßt auch einiges erwarten Dividende

Alles meine Meinung und was ihr daraus macht ist eure EntscheidungSSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) 2703795

47 Beiträge ausgeblendet.
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Entdecke die beliebtesten ETFs von Amundi

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jetzt sollte auch in berlin die taxe mal

22.08.06 16:14
angeglichen werden das passt ja nu null
Jan Langenba.:

das versteht keiner was die da verzapfen

22.08.06 16:18
das der den Kurs auf 0,001€ runter getaxt hat. Das ist vollkommen schwachsinnig!!

ja das ist ein absolutes ding fast

22.08.06 16:20
schon ne frechheit

aber in fra auf 0,005 hoch o. T.

22.08.06 16:22

wenn die 0,007 bricht ist wieder luft o. T.

22.08.06 16:46

ja, jetzt leider nur mehr ein kleines lüftchen....

22.08.06 20:27
schade ;-(

vl gibt es noch eine schlussrallye

So nen Mist

22.08.06 20:49
wird doch nicht der erste ,mal anderst,
wo die Krätsche macht

Bin leider Ungeduldig
und hab das meiste rausgehauen
Jan Langenba.:

Wieso gibts den Wert in Berlin immer noch unter pari?? o. T.

23.08.06 10:23


25.08.06 08:21

Silver Screens Studios Organizes $25 Million Global 1 Real Estate Fund; Global 1 Realty Corporation Selects Portfolios for Fund

2006-08-25 01:01 ET - News Release

ATLANTA -- (Business Wire) -- Aug. 25, 2006

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB: SSSU),,
Traders Nation,, Global 1 Realty
Corporation,, launches $25 million Reg. S fund
for global investors and selects portfolios for investment. Marketing
of the fund will be made through Global 1 Broadband TV in five
languages, i.e., Japanese, German, Spanish, French, and English.

    Global Real Estate Fund Selects Portfolios.

    We have selected the portfolios our initial fund will be
constructed with. The portfolios selected are residential single
family, residential multi-family, commercial properties, mortgages,
and real estate securities. Each portfolio of the fund will be
initialized with $5.0 million and have a dedicated portfolio manager
who will select the assets of that portfolio. The fund will have an
independent auditor and legal counsel.
    Our strategic plan is to use Global 1 as a vehicle to acquire the
necessary assets for SSSU to migrate onto the NASDAQ Small Cap.
Market, raise $5.0 million in capital, and prepare to declare a
dividend to our shareholders of several of the strategic business


Q1------Does Global 1 have any plans to launch a fund for the U.S.

A1------Yes, we are developing a fund with a similar structure under
       Reg. D for accredited investors located within the USA.

Q2------Would it be possible for another company to buy up the shares
       of SSSU and pay a cash dividend to the shareholders of SSSU?

A2------Yes, it is possible for Global 1 to exchange it shares for the
       SSSU at a premium and for Global 1 to trade under its own


    Our initial fund has been organized and filed and we are reading
the marketing material and the website to officially launch the fund.
Our restructuring efforts are achieving the results we intended and we
are confident this as well as our other fund will be successful.

    More information will be forthcoming regarding our funding agenda.

    Disclaimer: The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS
behalf. The statements contained in this released are forward looking
and may or may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc.
Donald Evans, 404-255-0400


Sind das nicht die selben News wie die vom...

25.08.06 08:45
22.08.06? Oder neue? Wenn das neue sind, dann erwartet uns heute endlich mal wieder ein richtiges Feuerwerk! Oder was meint ihr?

Die Schreiben von Übernahme

25.08.06 08:59
Ü" style="max-width:560px" >?

Silber schirmt Studios ab organisiert $ 25 Millionen globale 1 Immobilien finanzieren; Globale 1 Grundbesitzcorporation wählt Portefeuilles für finanzieren

01:01 ET - Nachrichtenfreigabe

ATLANTA (Geschäftsleitung) am 25. Aug 2006

versilbern Bildschirmstudios, Inc. (OTCBB : SSSU)

Händler Nation, globaler 1 Grundbesitz
Corporation, Einführungen $ 25 Millionen Reg. S Fonds
für globale Anleger und wählt Portefeuilles für Investition.
vom Fonds zu vermarkten, wird durch globales 1 Breitband das Fernsehen auf fünf
Sprachen, d.h. Japanisch deutsch, spanisch, französisch und englisch gemacht.

Globaler Immobilienfonds wählt Portefeuilles.

Wir haben die Portefeuilles gewählt unser Anfangsfonds wird
sein, gebaut, mit. Die gewählten Portefeuilles sind Wohneinzelne
Familie, Wohnmultifamilie, kommerzielle Eigenschaften, Hypotheken,
und Immobiliensicherheiten. Jedes Portefeuille vom Fonds und
sein, initialisiert mit $ 5,0 Millionen, einen hingebungsvollen Portefeuillemanager haben

wer wählt die Vermögenswerte dieses Portefeuilles. Der Fonds hat einen
unabhängigen Revisor und legalen Rat.
Unser strategischer Plan soll globale 1 als ein Fahrzeug verwenden, um die
notwendigen Vermögenswerte zu erwerben, damit SSSU auf den NASDAQ kleinen Verschluß umstellt.
Vermarkten, anzuheben $ 5,0 Millionen in Kapital und zu planen, eine
SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te)" style="max-width:560px" >Dividende zu unseren Aktionären von mehreren des strategischen Geschäfts
zu erklären, Einheiten.


Q1 -----hat globale 1 Pläne dafür, einen Fonds für den US-
Anleger einzuführen?

A1 -----Ja, wir entwickle einen Fonds mit einer ähnlichen Struktur unter
Reg. D für bevollmächtigte Anleger, die sich innerhalb der USA befinden.

Q2 -----wäre es möglich, daß eine andere Gesellschaft die Aktien aufkauft,
of SSSU und zu bezahlen den Aktionären von SSSU eine" style="max-width:560px" >?

A2 -----Ja, es ist möglicher Kandidat, damit globale 1 es tauscht, teilt für das
SSSU an einer Prämie und für globale 1, um unter seinem eigenen
Symbol zu" style="max-width:560px" >


unser Anfangsfonds ist sich organisiert und gefeilt worden, und wir lesen
das Marketingmaterial und die Web-Site, um den Fonds offiziell einzuführen.
Unsere Umstrukturierungsbemühungen erreichen die Ergebnisse, die wir beabsichtigten, und wir
sind zuversichtlich dies wie auch unser anderer Fonds wird erfolgreich sein.

Weitere Informationen werden bevorstehend bezüglich unserer finanzierenden Tagesordnung sein.

Dementi: D unterhalb in Dementi ist integriert durch Referenz als
, wenn vollständig heraus hierin gesetzt, dies wie auch alle Medien gibt auf SSS
Interesse frei. Die in diesem enthaltenen Erklärungen gaben frei sieht
vorwärts aus und kann oder kann aufgrund Gewalten über die Kontrolle der Gesellschaft nicht auftreten.
Jan Langenba.:

Wie sieht es denn Vorbörslich bei den Amis aus? o. T.

25.08.06 15:14
Jan Langenba.:

Heute 18,18 % im Plus

25.08.06 16:22
Das kann noch was geben :)

man kann nur hoffen, dass es wieder

25.08.06 16:34
gegen handelsende runter geht...

wäre ja nicht nicht das erste mal.

Hab meine Endgültig Rausgeschmissen

25.08.06 17:22
viel Bla Bla

man muß auch mal Verluste realisieren

Jan Langenba.:

News zu SSSU

28.08.06 15:21

Silver Screens Studios: Global 1 Realty Corporation Organizes International Real Estate Investors Assn.

2006-08-28 09:14 ET - News Release

ATLANTA -- (Business Wire) -- Aug. 28, 2006

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB: SSSU),,,
Traders Nation,, Global 1 Realty
Corporation,, launches $25 million Reg. S fund
for global investors and selects portfolios for investment. To assist
the launching of several new real estate funds we have in development,
our strategic business unit Global 1 has established: International
Real Estate Investors Assn. as an information exchange and market
analysis group for the real estate investor.

    International Real Estate Investors Assn.:

    The International Real Estate Investors Assn. ("IREI") was
organized as a means to reach and market to the global real estate
investor with opportunities for investment in USA real estate assets.
Given the strength of the dollar against other major currencies, and
the lack of inflation in the USA, real estate assets are poised to
grow at an accelerated rate now that the Federal Reserve has paused in
its interest rate hiking.
    The flattening of the yield curve is an indicator of a slowdown
in the global stock market. We feel the investor will make a
re-allocation of assets into different sectors with real estate along
with energy as the most likely place for asset re-deployment.

    Strategic Positioning of Portfolio:

    As part of our mission to educate the investor of the virtues of
real estate investing, we will prepare comprehensive reports on what
we believe are opportunities in the American real estate sector. Our
fund and portfolio construction will reflect these opportunities.

    About Global 1 Realty Corporation:

    Global 1 is organized as a vertically integrated real estate
company. Although newly formed, Global 1 is part of the SSSU
restructuring new business model. Global 1 will seek out and develop
opportunities exclusively in the real estate sector by the creation of
various funds for different classes of properties. The family of funds
we construct will have equity, fixed income, real estate securities,
mortgage, affordable housing and commercial assets as investment
opportunities of different classes of investors.

    Disclaimer: The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS
behalf. The statements contained in this released are forward looking
and may or may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc., Atlanta
Donald Evans, 404-255-0400
Jan Langenba.:

News zu SSSU

31.08.06 13:05
Silver Screens Studios: Global 1 Realty Corporation to Merge into Free Trading Shell Corporation; Global 1 Realty Corporation to Apply for Symbol to Trade on the Pink Sheets

2006-08-31 02:36 ET - News Release

ATLANTA -- (Business Wire) -- Aug. 31, 2006

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB:SSSU),,,
Traders Nation,, Global 1 Realty
Corporation,, launches $25 million Reg. S fund
for global investors and selects portfolios for investment. Global 1
Realty Corporation to apply for a symbol for the Pink Sheets and trade
under its own symbol.

    Global 1 Realty Merger:

    Global 1 Realty Corporation will merge into the free trading share
acquisition corporation we recently acquired. This development will
enable Global 1 to trade in the market and will enable Global 1 to
fund its operations and business plan. We estimate that Global 1 will
begin trading as soon as the symbol is approved. Global 1 Realty has
organized its first investment fund for real estate assets for the
international investor. We have several other funds in development and
we are exploring the possibility of establishing a fund to trade under
its own symbol.

    Wholesale Distressed Property Sector:

    Once funded our fund will operate in the wholesale distressed
market sector. The profit spread on our acquisition will range from
25-50%. We will limit our acquisition to properties that can be
acquired for 25-50% of the appraised value.
    Barry Thomas our real estate consultant is actively seeking
acquisitions and has identified several properties that fit our
acquisition profile. We will open escrow upon initiate seeding of the

    About Global 1 Realty Corporation:

    Global 1 is organized as a vertically integrated real estate
company. Although newly formed, Global 1 is part of the SSSU
restructuring new business model. Global 1 will seek out and develop
opportunities exclusively in the real estate sector by the creation of
various funds for different classes of properties. The family of funds
we construct will have equity, fixed income, real estate securities,
mortgage, affordable housing and commercial assets as investment
opportunities for different classes of investors.

    Disclaimer: The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS
behalf. The statements contained in this released are forward looking
and may or may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc., Atlanta
Donald Evans, 404-255-0400
Jan Langenba.:

News zu SSSU

14.09.06 13:31

Silver Screens Studios: Initiates Third Phase of Restructuring; Global 1 Entertainment Tax Credit Production Fund I, LLP Launched

2006-09-14 00:15 ET - News Release

ATLANTA -- (Business Wire) -- Sept. 14, 2006

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB: SSSU),,
Traders Nation,, and Global 1 Realty
Corporation,, launch $25 million Reg. S fund
for global investors and selects portfolios for investment. We have
initiated the third phase of restructuring of our business model with
the formation of Global 1 Entertainment Production Fund I, LLP.

    Global 1 Entertainment Production Fund I, LLP:

    We have entered the third phase of our restructuring with the
formation of our most recent fund for the production of feature films
to take advantage of the Federal Tax Credits under sec. 181 and 199 of
the Internal Revenue Code, as well as the Georgia Film Tax Credits,
    The entertainment fund is structured as a companion to our real
estate funds. An investor in one of our real estate funds will be able
to shelter the profits by the deductions against passive income
offered by an investment in the film fund. One hundred percent of the
investment in the film fund is tax deductible against passive income
by the investor. A Georgia investor will receive an additional credit
of 12% against GA income taxes.
    This fund is available to U.S., as well as international,
investors. We are exploring the distribution of our funds via a
broker/dealer network and Registered Investment Advisors. We expect to
raise up to $25 million in this fund. The $25 million invested in the
fund will generate, assuming a 40% tax bracket, $10 million in passive
income tax savings at the federal level and $3,000,000 in savings at
the state level.


    The restructuring of our company is nearing completion. The
financial services business unit is being readied and we will launch
the final phase of our new business model shortly. Upon completion,
SSSU will be an integrated financial assets company with interests in
real estate, entertainment and asset management growth sectors. We
feel we are poised for rapid growth.


    The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as if fully set
forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS behalf. The
statements contained in this release are forward looking and may or
may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc.
Donald Evans, 404-255-0400
Jan Langenba.:

Die News scheinen bei den Amis auch angekommen zu sein

14.09.06 19:31
Plus 20% und das Volumen steigt!!

Recent Trades - Last 10  
Time Ex Price Change Volume
12:55:08  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  660  

12:43:08  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  60,000  

12:43:03  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  100,000  

12:42:15  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  80,000  

12:42:14  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  80,000  

12:42:11  Q  0.0051  +0.0008  200,000  

12:42:00  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  80,000  

12:41:44  Q  0.0052  +0.0009  80,000  

12:40:09  Q  0.0051  +0.0008  50,000  

12:38:35  Q  0.005  +0.0007  100,000  
Jan Langenba.:

NEWS!! - SSSU hat einen neuen Chef

25.09.06 15:38

Silver Screen Studios Appoints New CEO Continues with Restructuring

2006-09-25 07:28 ET - News Release

ATLANTA, Ga. -- (Business Wire) --

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB: SSSU),, appoints a new CEO, Barry Thomas and
creates a venture capital/private equity group.

    New CEO:

    We have appointed a new CEO, Barry Thomas. Mr. Thomas has many
years experience in the investment arena including the distressed
property market and risk management. Mr. Thomas was initially hired as
a consultant and the board increased Mr. Thomas's responsibilities by
the appointment to the CEO slot. As part of the restructuring we are
seeking a CFO and other management positions.

    Mr. Thomas stated, "I am pleased to be appointed to the CEO
position and I can assure the shareholders that I will do my best to
create value for the company. Since we started the restructuring, we
have seen a 100% increase in the price of our equity and our trading
volume has increased substantially. We will continue to work and find
attractive opportunities for the company."

    Private Equity Venture Capital Companies:

    We have formed a group of funds under the Global 1 brand that are
the foundation of our business model. The private equity venture
capital funds, Reg. E Business Development Companies, will be used to
purchase an operating company as well as make investments in companies
and ventures we feel are attractive. Our internal investment banking
group is currently conducting research on several industries where an
acquisition would be feasible. We are currently seeking acquisitions
in the real estate, financial services, technology, manufacturing

Shareholder Q&A:

   1. How will the shareholders of SSSU benefit from the

      Our current restructuring was conducted primarily as a means to
      enhance our shareholder base. We based our restructuring on
      several recent successful restructurings: Viacom, (NYSE:VIA),
      splitting into two separate companies, Apple Computer,
      (NASDAQ:AAPL) with the sale of Pixar Entertainment to Disney
      (NYSE:DIS). We have based our investment banking unit on the
      Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) business model incorporating vertical

    Disclaimer: The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS
behalf. The statements contained in this released are forward looking
and may or may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc.
Barry Thomas, 404-255-0400
Jan Langenba.:

News zur Finanzierung

29.09.06 10:38

Silver Screens Studios forms Venture Capital Private Equity Investment Funds

2006-09-29 00:05 ET - News Release

ATLANTA -- (Business Wire)

    Silver Screen Studios, Inc. (OTCBB: SSSU),,
Traders Nation,, and Global 1 Realty
Corporation,, form venture capital private
equity investment funds for acquisitions of companies, finance
investments in other entities, and files to do business as Silver
Screen Holdings to reflect our new business model.

    Barry Thomas, the CEO stated, "Global 1 Investment Corporation,
our strategic business unit, has formed several Business Development
Companies, ("BDC") and will use Reg. E. to fund each company with $5.0
million. Reg. E will allow us to immediately begin raising the funds
for the companies and investment in the funds is available to all
investors, international as well as domestic, accredited or

    "The funds are structured as a venture capital fund, a private
equity fund, and a mergers and acquisitions fund. The funds will
function as part of the investment banking group's operations. We are
seeking to acquire a broker/dealer for distribution of portfolio

    Investment Strategy:

    Real Estate

    The funds will use an acquisition strategy of industry
consolidation and integration. The first venture to be funded will be
an investment in an integrated real estate operation, i.e., a mortgage
company, construction, management, and agency operations focusing on
the distressed asset class.


    The publishing industry will be the second industry where we will
invest to create an integrated operation with similar functions as our
real estate venture.


    The entertainment SBU will be funded and operations will commence
once a funding commitment is obtained from the private equity BDC

    We are seeking a listing on the OTCBB for each of the funds.

    About Global 1 Investment Corporation:

    The family of funds we construct will have equity, fixed income,
real estate securities, mortgages, affordable housing and commercial
assets as investment opportunities for different classes of investors.

    Disclaimer: The below disclaimer is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein this as well as all media releases on SSS
behalf. The statements contained in this released are forward looking
and may or may not occur due to forces beyond the company's control.

Silver Screen Studios, Inc.
Barry Thomas, 404-255-0400

Source: Silver Screen Studios, Inc.

Gedult zahlt sich halt doch aus

04.10.06 10:10


wenigstens hat bis jetzt, kein OTC-mal anderst
die Krätsche gemacht,sondern alle 100% und mehr


gleich mal wieder einen suchen

Mann oh Mann 400% verdattelt

06.10.06 22:52

1000% verdattelt

22.10.06 13:40


22.10.06 14:01
ja, schade, dass du zu früh verkauft hast.

aber keine sorge, ich habe nach den ersten steilen anstieg auch zu früh verkauft, da ich monatelang im minus war und diesen anstieg genützt habe und ein wenig gewinn gemacht habe. jetzt im nachhinein ist es natürlich schade, aber was solls...
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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Neueste Beiträge aus dem SILVER SCREEN STUDIOS INC Forum

Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
7 458 $$ Neuer Subpennyplay $$ Calibra21 buran 06.12.06 19:50
  1 WAS ist los mit 911698 Teichbau buran 14.11.06 16:17
3 72 SSSU+OTC+mal anderst(der11te) RoulettProfi stockpower 22.10.06 14:01
  70 wenn alles berab geht sollte man eh nicht zocken o. T. cleverer Calibra21 29.06.06 20:27
