SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ?

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SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ?

21.10.02 23:24
Sequenom beobachte ich seit über 2 Jahren, seit Bernd aus Kulmbach und seine Crew dieses Unternehmen vorgestellt hat in einem ganzseitigen Artikel.
Der Kurs ging nur rapide in den Keller, jetzt schauts nach einer netten Tradingchance aus, sofern SQNM morgen über 1,90 schliesst.
Nach der Übernahme von Gemini Genomics hat der CEO von Sequenom verkündet, vorläufig keine Gewinne zu erzielen, aber daß die Abstrafung dermassen heftig ausfallen musste, ich meine zu Unrecht.
Auch Orchid Bio spielt in der SNP Ecke, könnte auch nen prima Turnaround werden, natürlich beide hochspekulativ.
Wer beide nicht kennt, darf mal bei WO nachlesen, dort gibts mindestens 100
Beiträge über Sequenom.

SEQUENOM Sells Two Additional MassARRAY Systems to GlaxoSmithKline  
Updated: Thursday, October 17, 2002 06:31 AM ET  Printer-friendly version  
SAN DIEGO, Oct. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SEQUENOM, Inc. (Nasdaq: SQNM, news) today announced that it has sold two additional MassARRAY(TM) systems to GlaxoSmithKline. The additional sales follow an initial MassARRAY system purchase by GlaxoSmithKline earlier this year and a collaborative project between the two companies that generated a significant portion of SEQUENOM's genome-wide portfolio of validated SNP assays. The MassARRAY system is SEQUENOM's industry leading technology platform for high-performance analysis of genetic variation.
   (Photo:  www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20011120/SQNMLOGO )

"We are very pleased with the two additional MassARRAY system installations at GlaxoSmithKline following our initial placement less than four months ago," said Toni Schuh, Ph.D., SEQUENOM's President and Chief Executive Officer. "These systems are supported by the launch of our Allelotyping product for quantitative gene analysis, which complements our existing platform, software and consumable products. We are happy to see large pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline continuing to make a significant investment in our MassARRAY technology."


SEQUENOM is a leading genetics company organized into two distinct business units: SEQUENOM Genetic Systems and SEQUENOM Pharmaceuticals. The two business units combine to capitalize on the Company's high performance MassARRAY technology, SNP assay portfolio, disease gene discovery programs and extensive DNA sample repository. The genetic systems unit is dedicated to the sales and support of SEQUENOM's MassARRAY hardware, consumables and software product offerings, and the provision of genetic services. SEQUENOM Pharmaceuticals focuses on disease gene discovery, target identification, functional validation and ultimately diagnostic and therapeutic product development. Utilizing a strategic population genetics approach, the pharmaceutical unit is systematically identifying potential disease-related genes that affect significant portions of the overall population.

   SEQUENOM(R) and MassARRAY(TM) are trademarks of SEQUENOM, Inc.

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including statements relating to the systematic identification of potential disease-related genes, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including the risks and uncertainties inherent in introducing new products, drug discovery, development and commercialization, the risks and uncertainties associated with SEQUENOM's technologies and approaches to allelotyping, genotyping, drug discovery, development and commercialization and those of its customers, collaborative partners and competitors, and other risks detailed from time to time in SEQUENOM's SEC reports, including SEQUENOM's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001, and its most recently filed quarterly report. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. SEQUENOM disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

                    Make Your Opinion Count - Click Here


SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 824787stockcharts.com/def/servlet/...v05.ServletDriver?chart=SQNM,W" style="max-width:560px" >

SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 824787stockcharts.com/def/servlet/...v05.ServletDriver?chart=ORCH,W" style="max-width:560px" >

Orch, die Wende läuft an + 18 % kaufen!

24.10.02 19:45
Auf diesem Niveau allemal ein Zock wert.

Gruss E.

SQNM am 29.10. mit Zahlen.

27.10.02 11:47
Wolln wa doch mal sehen, wie die Earnings ausfallen, Means Estimate bei -0,29, wenn die
die Erwartungen um 10 Cent schlagen, also Schuldenabbau schneller vonstatten geht, lacht
das Traderherz. Bei Schlusskursen über 1,90 steige ich ein.

Gruss E.


27.10.02 15:59
also mal schaun!

Würde auch

SGEN - Ausbruch
CPHD - Ausbruch
SURE - Chance nach Konsolidierung

mal etwas näher anschauen.



27.10.02 17:06
Mit amerikanischen Fleischaktien wie SURE is es ja wirklich spannend. SURE hat am 24.10.
nochmal nen Strong Buy Rating aufs Auge gedrückt bekommen.

SGEN, kein Bedarf, Danke erkenne nichts.

Das Cepheid wieder zurück kommt, wundert mich nicht, hab ne Kaufempfehlung am 19.09.02
in den Cepheid-Thread gestellt wegen dem Vertrag mit US Postal, haste wahrscheinlich nicht gelesen.

Aber zu SURE passt mein Food Technology Service Posting ganz gut, ähnliche Aktien und ähnliche Entwicklung.

Gruss E.

SQNM, Ausbruch planmässig erfolgt.

28.10.02 21:02
Bodenbildung und Ausbruch über 2 Dollar.

Last 5 Days:

Mon Oct 28   2.04   213,632   1.81   1.79 - 2.10  
Fri Oct 25   1.81   169,500   1.69   1.66 - 1.84  
Thu Oct 24   1.64   44,579   1.80   1.55 - 1.84  
Wed Oct 23   1.75   63,150   1.80   1.70 - 1.86  
Tue Oct 22   1.74   270,766   1.74   1.65 - 1.85  
Mon Oct 21   1.74   169,717   1.55   1.55 - 1.90  

Gruss E.


Tschüss für heute, SQNM jetzt bereits bei 2,20.

28.10.02 21:18
Jetz muss ich mal nen Bier trinken gehen.

Gruss E.

ORCH, Last 5 Days:

05.11.02 13:35
Mon Nov 04   0.65   946,882   0.54   0.53 - 0.65  
Fri Nov 01   0.55   228,747   0.52   0.49 - 0.55  
Thu Oct 31   0.52   167,450   0.50   0.50 - 0.55  
Wed Oct 30   0.49   219,450   0.54   0.49 - 0.54  
Tue Oct 29   0.51   119,100   0.52   0.50 - 0.56  
Mon Oct 28   0.54   80,850   0.56   0.50 - 0.60  

Wie man sieht, ist gestern zum steigenden Kurs auch Volumen reingekommen, könnte noch
locker über 1 Dollar laufen.
Für SQNM muss man jetzt über 2,30 hinblättern.

Gruss E.

ORCH +21%, die hören auf mich.

05.11.02 19:32

Aktuell bei 0,81.
80 % seit Empfehlung für 0,45.

Gruss E.

Pavian, hier zu ORCH.

12.11.02 18:24
Bin im Moment nicht so oft am Board, hatte Deine Frage zu ORCH erst jetzt entdeckt.
Allerdings haben wir oft ähnliche Aktien im Focus, vielleicht machen wir mal was per E-Mail.

Hatte schon zu ORCH geschrieben. Aktuell + 17 %.
Allerdings sind alle Stammzellen-Aktien derzeit stark. ASTM hat sich auch verdoppelt.

Gruss E.

ORCH über einem Dollar, SQNM bei 2,60.

27.05.03 21:45
Es gibt so viele Biotechs über die man derzeit schreiben könnte.

Gruss E.


Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*
Last Change (%) After Hours Chg (%)** Bid Ask Trade Time
 1.09    0.23 (26.74) N/A 1.09 (19.11) 1.13 (59) 15:41

Exchange QuoteLast Change (%) Bid (size) Ask (size) Trade Time
 1.10    0.24 (27.91) 1.10 (95) 1.11 (102) 15:25
Day Volume Last Size Open High Low
 6,068,993   500 0.89 1.12 0.86
Latest Ticks # of Trades Avg Trade Size VWAP 52 Wk High
 ===+   2,602 2,332 0.9857 1.99
52 Wk Low Prev Close Avg Day Vol    
 0.33   0.86 1,676,200    
3:41:17 PM EDT - Tuesday, May 27, 2003- Exchange quote is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Orchid Receives First Approval to Use SNP Technology as Primary Markers for Paternity Testing  

PRINCETON, N.J., May 7, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Orchid
BioSciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ORCH) today announced that it is the first company to
receive approval from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) to use
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as stand-alone genetic markers in its
Orchid GeneScreen paternity testing operations. Orchid is replacing conventional
short tandem repeat, or STR techniques with more cost-effective methods that use
its SNP genotyping technology to achieve additional efficiencies and further
improve quality and service in its paternity testing operations. The AABB is the
leading standard-setting organization for parentage testing in the U.S.

Orchid expects the application of its technology to result in decreased per-test
cost, enhanced gross margins and increased volume capacity in its Orchid
GeneScreen business. With the approval of the AABB, Orchid is deploying its SNP
technology on its ultra high throughput platform throughout its U.S. paternity
testing laboratory operations, and anticipates the technology will be fully
implemented before the end of the year.

"The AABB's approval of use of Orchid's cutting-edge SNP genotyping technology
marks another milestone in Orchid GeneScreen's track record of leadership and
innovation in paternity testing," said Keith W. Brown, senior vice president of
Orchid BioSciences and General Manager of Orchid Identity Genomics.

"We expect use of SNP technology to enable us to achieve greater operating
efficiencies and reduce costs," said Andrew P. Savadelis, senior vice president
and chief financial officer of Orchid BioSciences. "It will allow us to grow
without having to expand our laboratory facilities, an important asset as we
continue to build market share in the high-growth, high-margin private paternity
testing sector."

Orchid GeneScreen, the paternity testing business of Orchid BioSciences, Inc.,
is one of the largest paternity testing providers in the world. Orchid
GeneScreen provides DNA testing services for both governmental agency and
private customers to determine the parentage of a child. The AABB provides for
the assessment and accreditation of laboratories conducting parentage testing,
in addition to publishing guidelines for laboratories that perform DNA testing
to identify and confirm paternity.

Orchid BioSciences is already using its SNP technology in its public health
disease susceptibility testing and in forensic DNA testing for analyzing
degraded samples, and it also is applying it in its pharmacogenetics-based
personalize medicine initiative.

About Orchid BioSciences

Orchid BioSciences is the leading provider of services and products for
profiling genetic uniqueness. Orchid's interlocking strategic business units
address distinctive markets that together represent a unique balance of
established, predictable growth, such as forensic and paternity DNA testing, and
large upside potential, like pharmacogenetics-based personalized healthcare. All
leverage Orchid's network of accredited genotyping laboratories, its leading
technologies and its expertise in genetic analysis. Orchid provides identity
genomics testing for forensics and paternity through Orchid Cellmark and Orchid
GeneScreen, and also provides public health disease susceptibility genotyping
services. Orchid GeneShield is developing pharmacogenetics-based programs
designed to accelerate the adoption of personalized healthcare. More information
on Orchid can be found at www.orchid.com.

All statements in this press release that are not historical are forward-looking
statements within the meaning of All statements in this press release that are
not historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E
of the Securities Exchange Act as amended, including statements regarding
Orchid's expectation that the application of its technology to result in
decreased per-test cost, enhanced gross margins and increased volume capacity in
its Orchid GeneScreen business; anticipation that the technology will be fully
implemented by the end of 2003; expectation that the use of SNP technology will
enable Orchid to achieve greater operating efficiencies and reduce costs;
expectation that the application of its technology will allow Orchid to grow
without having to expand its laboratory facilities. Such statements are subject
to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those projected, including, but not limited to, uncertainties relating to
technologies, product development, manufacturing, market acceptance, cost and
pricing of Orchid products and services, dependence on collaborations and
partners, regulatory approvals, competition, intellectual property of others,
patent protection, litigation, Orchid's ability to obtain additional financing
and Orchid's listing on the Nasdaq National Market;. These risks and other
additional factors affecting Orchid's business are discussed under the headings
"Risks Related to Our Business," "Risks Related to the Biotechnology Industry"
and "Risks Associated with Our Common Stock" in Orchid's Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002, filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. Orchid expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to
release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements
contained herein to reflect any change in Orchid's expectations with regard
thereto or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such
statements are based, except as may be required by law.

SOURCE Orchid BioSciences, Inc.

CONTACT:          Tracy J. Henrikson, Director, Corporate Communications of

                 Orchid BioSciences, Inc., +1-609-750-2200

URL:              www.orchid.com


Copyright (C) 2003 PR Newswire.  All rights reserved.

KEYWORD:          New Jersey





Hallo Pavian, ORCH gesehen?

28.05.03 17:49

7 Millionen gehandelte Stücke. Dreck, komm gar nicht in die Sonne.

Gruss E.

Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*

LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**BidAskTrade Time
  1.26  SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 1045371quotes.freerealtime.com/gra/uparrow1.gif" style="max-width:560px" > 0.23 (22.33)N/A1.26 (120)1.288 (9.95)11:45

Exchange Quote

LastChange (%)Bid (size)Ask (size)Trade Time
  1.25  SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 1045371quotes.freerealtime.com/gra/uparrow1.gif" style="max-width:560px" > 0.22 (21.36)1.25 (21)1.25 (2)11:29
Day VolumeLast SizeOpenHighLow
  7,107,700  1,3001.151.351.12
Latest Ticks# of TradesAvg Trade SizeVWAP52 Wk High
  ====  3,5362,0101.211.75
52 Wk LowPrev CloseAvg Day Vol  
  0.33  1.032,353,300


Na, nicht verkehrt ORCH steigt.

29.05.03 19:22

Gruss E.

Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*

LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**BidAskTrade Time
  1.62  SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 1046297quotes.freerealtime.com/gra/uparrow1.gif" style="max-width:560px" > 0.34 (26.56)N/A1.60 (10)1.65 (9)13:20

Exchange Quote

LastChange (%)Bid (size)Ask (size)Trade Time
  1.51  SQNM + ORCH kommt jetzt die grosse Wende ? 1046297quotes.freerealtime.com/gra/uparrow1.gif" style="max-width:560px" > 0.23 (17.97)1.51 (24)1.52 (30)13:05
Day VolumeLast SizeOpenHighLow
  5,921,185  1,3001.341.551.32
Latest Ticks# of TradesAvg Trade SizeVWAP52 Wk High
  -===  3,8831,5251.41361.75
52 Wk LowPrev CloseAvg Day Vol  
  0.33  1.282,831,300  
1:20:41 PM EDT - Thursday, May 29, 2003- Exchange quote is delayed at least 15 minutes.

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