Silver Eagle Mines wann geht es los

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Silver Eagle Mines wann geht es los

25.05.07 12:54
Hier scheint es so, als ob dieser Wert keine Beachtung
findet, dennoch sieht es sehr Aussichtsreich aus
Nur das Volumen muss erst mal kommen


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immer noch Totenstill hier

14.08.07 09:28


06.09.07 18:55

Silver Eagle drills 11.35 m of 102 g/t Ag and 1.67% Zn

2007-09-06 11:14 ET - News Release

Mr. Terrence Byberg reports


Silver Eagle Mines Inc. has recently received assays from a further 13 holes at its Miguel Auza mine in Zacatecas, Mexico, 11 of which were drilled on the Calvario vein continuing to prove the extension of the vein on strike and to depth. Intercepts up to 11 metres true width were encountered in holes 2007-144 and 2007-148, 40 metres apart and both approximately 300 metres below surface. These intercepts are located directly below the Calvario shaft, an area mined as far down as the 100-metre level, initially by the conquistadors in the mid-1500s, again in the late 1800s and most recently in the early 1970s. Hole 2007-144, reported a core length of 29.9 metres (11.35 metres true width) returning an average grade of 315 grams per tonne Ag equivalent, while hole 2007-148 reported a core length of 21.9 metres (8.39 metres true width) and an average grade of 272 g/t Ag equivalent. These two new holes support a similarly wide intercept of 350 g/t Ag equivalent over a true width of 10.27 metres encountered in previously reported drill hole 2007-123, located 60 metres vertically above hole 2007-144.


Der Wahnsinns-Spread von 480%

15.01.09 14:08
vermag mich zwar nicht sonders zu schocken,
doch er GEFÄLLT mir auch derzeit noch nicht...
(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Silver Eagle Mines wann geht es los 210584
Grüße vom Teras
(Phlegmo-Trader, Schnarch-Sack, Chartist)...
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13 3 Silver Eagle Mines wann geht es los LongDongSilver Teras 15.01.09 14:08
