Senomyx - mit Geschmack

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Senomyx - mit Geschmack

12.01.06 00:47
Verfolge ich schon eine Weile und erscheint mir als aussichtssreiches
Investment.Auch der Chart gibt ein Kaufsignal.
ISIN US 81724Q1076 ; SNMX
dazu brandnew/vom 11.01.:

Die Experten von "BörseGo" sind in ihrem aktuellen "Tec-Report" der Meinung, dass sich für die Senomyx-Aktie (ISIN US81724Q1076/ WKN 634795) eine gute Kaufgelegenheit bietet.

Senomyx habe sich vorgenommen, den ständig ansteigenden Verbrauch von Zucker, dem Geschmacksverstärker MSG (Monosodium Glutamat) und Salz in der Ernährung und in den Getränken, die man täglich zu sich nehme, dramatisch zu reduzieren, ohne dass man auf den so "unentbehrlichen" Geschmack dieser Zutaten verzichten müsse.

Langfristiger Vermögensaufbau - Staatliche Förderung schafft bis zu 75% Abschreibung! Jetzt informieren!

Der Vorsprung, über den Senomyx in der Entwicklung ihrer Produkte verfüge, scheine gewaltig und auch durch Patente abgesichert zu sein. Insbesondere habe sich Senomyx langfristige Forschungsabkommen mit einer Reihe von Universitäten und Instituten gesichert, die sich verpflichten würden, alle Ergebnisse, die sie in der Geschmacksforschung erzielen würden, ausschließlich an Senomyx weiterzugeben.

Dass Senomyx seinen Vorsprung halten werde, erscheine den Experten wahrscheinlich, sei aber keineswegs sicher. Es gebe ja so viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, den Geschmack von Lebensmitteln zu variieren, und eine Reihe bedeutender Firmen, wie z.B. Tate & Lyle, würden sich auch auf diesem Gebiet tummeln. Senomyx nehme aber doch eine besondere Stellung ein. Diese liege in der Systematik, mit der die Gesellschaft vorgehe.

Sie sei mehr ein Labor, das für die großen Konzerne Geschmacksstoffe entwickle, um dann durch Lizenzeinnahmen an deren Umsatz zu partizipieren und nicht wie ihre Konkurrenten eine Firma, die alle möglichen Geschmackszutaten produziere und dann auch verkaufe. Und Gerade das mache sie für den Anleger interessant. Denn je weiter Senomyx mit ihrer Entwicklung vorankomme, desto ergiebiger würden die Gewinne sprudeln, ohne durch die Fixkosten der Produktion belastet zu sein.

Auch das Interesse von Konkurrenten und Kunden, diese Gesellschaft durch eine Übernahme fest an sich zu binden, werde für Wertsteigerungen sorgen. Das könnte sehr profitabel für den Anleger sein, der bereits heute einzusteigen bereit sei. Dabei könne er sich zur Zeit auch in Sicherheit wiegen. Zwar mache die Gesellschaft noch Verluste (Gewinne seien erst 2007 geplant), aber sie verfüge mit 80 Mio. USD aus der letzten Kapitalerhöhung über ausreichende liquide Mittel.

Die Aktienanalysten, die sich zur Zeit mit Senomyx befassen würden seien sich alle einig: Eine Verdoppelung des Aktienkurses im 2006 sollte schon drin sein. Optimisten sähen die Aktie, die heut bei knapp 13 USD notiere, bereits bei 35 USD. Die Risiken seien aber noch erheblich. Das habe gerade die Entwicklung des Aktienkurses gezeigt. Er sei von 22 USD im August dieses Jahres auf 12 USD im November zurückgefallen.

Die übereinstimmende Meinung sei aber, dass sich zur Zeit eine gute Kaufgelegenheit für die Senomyx-Aktie bietet, so die Experten von "BörseGo" in ihrem "Tec-Report".

##anbei 6 Monatschart FSE
mfg nf

Senomyx - mit Geschmack 25940


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12,20 FSE +15,1%

12.01.06 20:46

13,62€ NQ

27.01.06 08:29

13,45 - seitwärts

02.02.06 03:16
erstmal Gewinne mitnehmen?
Bei 12€ wieder einsteigen?
mfg nf

über 14€

03.03.06 00:13
und am 07.03.(?,bin mir nicht ganz sicher)gibts Zahlen.
Wer noch nicht investiert ist,abwarten.
Entäuschungen erwarten die Anleger aber scheinbar nicht,bei
SK NQ 14,10€.
mfg nf

unter 12€

22.03.06 02:29
habe bis jetzt noch keine Zahlen gefunden.
Eigentlich Kaufkurse.
mfg nf

Erweiterung der Zusammenarbeit mit Nestle

25.03.06 23:02
und Ajinomoto. SK NQ 13,09€.
Jetzt ist wohl der knoten geplatzt.
mfg nf
24.03.2006 14:00:00 (BUSINESS WIRE)

Senomyx Announces Expansion and Amendment of Collaboration with Nestle SA

Senomyx, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNMX), a leading company focused on using proprietary technologies to discover and develop novel flavor ingredients for the packaged food and beverage industry, announced today the expansion and amendment of its agreement with Nestle SA, the world's largest food company. The agreement, which covers the discovery and commercialization of novel flavors and flavor enhancers in the dehydrated and culinary food, frozen food, and wet soup product categories, has been expanded to include commercialization of novel flavors and flavor enhancers in the pet food category on a co-exclusive basis. Upon commercialization, Senomyx will receive royalty payments based on sales of products containing its flavors and flavor enhancers developed under the amended agreement. The amendment also allows Senomyx to reacquire specified rights from Nestle in certain areas.

"We are extremely pleased to expand our agreement with Nestle into a large, new category," said Kent Snyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

In addition to the expansion, the agreement has been amended to allow Senomyx to reacquire rights to certain of its flavor ingredients in certain geographic regions. As a result of the amendment, Nestle now has rights to flavor ingredients in Europe, Asia, Israel, Oceania, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America in specified product categories within the dehydrated and culinary food, frozen food, and/or wet soup product categories, as well as worldwide rights for the pet food category, while Senomyx has certain rights in North America and specified product categories in other geographic regions.

"Senomyx seeks to maximize the value of our assets by granting license rights in specified geographies to the flavor ingredients resulting from our discovery and development programs based on the strengths and needs of our partners," Snyder explained. "The strategy of granting either worldwide or selected regional rights is intended to enable Senomyx to optimize potential royalties that could be received from commercialization of products containing the Company's flavor ingredients," Snyder added.

"We look forward to continuing our work with Nestle," Snyder said. "Senomyx now has eight product discovery and development collaborations with six of the world's foremost packaged food and beverage companies: Ajinomoto, Cadbury Schweppes, Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, and Nestle. We believe that these collaborations provide further validation of Senomyx's technology and business model, and are consistent with our goal of maximizing Senomyx's economic value by continuing to leverage our unique capabilities."

und wieder unter 12€

11.04.06 22:19
ist eigentlich nicht nachvollziehbar.
Schätze,die nächsten Q-Ergebnisse werden für Furore sorgen.
mfg nf

am 20.07. gibts Q2-Zahlen

16.07.06 22:22
Kurs immo bei 10,89€ ,bleibt bei mir auf watch,und wenn es noch ein,zwei
Jahre dauert,nie verkehrt,ein gutes Investment in der Hinterhand zu haben.
mfg nf
Vaduz ( AG) - Wie die Experten von "Geldbrief" berichten, bringt die Aktie von Senomyx (ISIN US81724Q1076/ WKN 634795) Würze ins Depot.

Bekanntlich führe die Verwendung von zuviel Salz und Zucker in Nahrungsmitteln zu den bekannten Problemen wie Übergewicht und Bluthochdruck. Allein in den USA würden Schätzungen zufolge etwa 55 Mio. Menschen unter dem Problem des Bluthochdrucks leiden. Senomyx habe ein Verfahren entwickelt, dass den Geschmack von Nahrungsmitteln verstärke, damit die Beigabe von Salz und anderen Zugaben in Lebensmitteln reduziert werden könne.

Die im Jahr 1988 gegründete Gesellschaft sei eigentlich ein Labor, das Produkte für die Lebensmittelkonzerne entwickle. Die daraus resultierenden Umsätze seien Lizenz- oder Forschungseinnahmen. Die Zahlen lägen derzeit noch auf einem sehr niedrigen Niveau. Senomyx schätze das Volumen im laufenden Jahr auf etwa 14 bis 16 Mio. USD. Allerdings werde ein Verlust in Höhe von 20 Mio. USD anfallen. Dies scheine aber bei einer Liquidität von 79 Mio. USD kein Problem zu sein, zumal das Unternehmen bis 2008 voraussichtlich einen Gewinn abwerfen werde.

Mit Unternehmen wie Nestlé, Cadbury Schweppes, Coca Cola, Kraft und Campbell Soup würden bereits zahlreiche Abkommen bestehen und könnten Senomyx in den nächsten Jahren fette Gewinne bescheren. Allerdings sei ein Investment in die Senomyx-Aktie mit höheren Risiken behaftet. Diese könnten aber mit der Stopp-Loss-Marke bei 12,50 USD abgesichert werden. Vom Höchstkurs von 22 USD im August 2005 habe die Aktie mittlerweile rund ein Drittel an Wert verloren.

Die Experten von "Geldbrief" sehen bei der Senomyx-Aktie aktuell eine Bodenbildung, die Platz für einen Anstieg bis in den Bereich von 25 USD eröffnet. (14.07.2006/ac/a/a

10,07€ aktuell NQ - Q2-Zahlen

20.07.06 23:59
wohl nicht so nach Anlegerinteresse?
Halten,kaufen wäre verfrüht.
Senomyx, Inc.  (NASDAQ:SNMX), a company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays to discover novel flavor ingredients for the packaged food and beverage industry, today reported financial results for the second quarter of 2006. For the three months ended June 30, 2006, the Company recognized revenues of $3.2 million and incurred total expenses of $10.3 million, resulting in a net loss of $6.2 million. As of June 30, 2006 the Company had cash, cash equivalents and short term investments of approximately $78.8 million.

"During the second quarter of 2006, Senomyx continued to make progress with each of our four discovery and development programs and to work closely with our collaborators," said Kent Snyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. "Senomyx's primary focus has been on advancing our flavor discovery and development programs while expanding our partnerships, which now total eight collaborative agreements with six of the world's leading packaged food and beverage companies. In addition to these efforts, our activities are increasingly focused on the commercialization of our savory flavor ingredients. We are therefore especially pleased to have established a Commercialization Team under the leadership of Sharon Wicker, who was recently appointed to the newly created position of Senior Vice President, Commercial Development and Chief Strategy Officer. Sharon's expertise as a food industry innovator, with product launch experience and successful execution of commercial strategies, makes her the ideal individual to work closely with our collaborators to help ensure timely and successful commercial launches of products containing our flavor ingredients."

Senomyx also increased its intellectual property portfolio during the past quarter with the issuance of three new U.S. patents. In addition to other claims, the issued patents cover cell-based assay methods for identifying new flavor ingredients that modulate the activity of specific taste receptors. "Senomyx is the owner or exclusive licensee of 76 issued patents and 292 pending patent applications in the U.S. and elsewhere," Snyder noted. "We are active in continuing to pursue patent protection for our proprietary technologies, inventions, and flavor ingredients that are commercially important to the development of our business."

Financial Review:

Revenues were $3.2 million for the second quarter 2006, compared to $2.0 million for the second quarter of 2005, an increase of 59%. Revenues were $5.6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006, compared to $5.0 million for the same period in 2005, an increase of 13%. These increases are due primarily to the commencement of revenue recognition for the Company's collaboration with Ajinomoto Co., Inc., and increased research funding from another of the Company's collaborators.

Research and development expenses, including stock-based compensation expense, for the second quarter and year to date were $6.3 million and $12.8 million, respectively, for 2006, compared to $5.0 million and $10.1 million, respectively, for 2005. The increase for the year to date is due primarily to increased patent-related expenses associated with expanding the Company's intellectual property portfolio, including the filing of foreign patent applications, as well as increased expenses for scientific supplies and outsourced activities associated with the Company's discovery and development programs.

General and administrative expenses, including stock-based compensation expense, for the second quarter and year to date were $4.0 million and $7.4 million, respectively, for 2006, compared to $2.5 million and $5.1 million, respectively, for 2005. The increase in general and administrative expenses was due to increased non-cash, stock-based compensation expense resulting from the implementation of SFAS 123(R) in the first quarter of 2006 and to increased personnel expenses driven by increased headcount and one-time consulting expenses.

The net loss for the second quarter and year to date were $6.2 million and $12.8 million, or $0.21 per share and $0.43 per share, respectively, for 2006, compared to $5.2 million and $9.8 million, or $0.20 per share and $0.39 per share, respectively, for 2005.

"The second quarter financial results met the Company's expectations," said John Poyhonen, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial and Business Officer. "During the first half of the year our net cash used in operating activities was $3.7 million, which was consistent with our cash utilization plans. We will continue to manage our operations closely as we advance our discovery and development programs towards commercialization."

On the balance sheet, deferred revenue increased approximately $4.4 million from December 31, 2005 to June 30, 2006, primarily due to the receipt of a $5.7 million payment made by a collaborator in advance of associated revenues being recognized.

Property and equipment, net, increased approximately $2.0 million from December 31, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Other non-current liabilities increased approximately $1.0 million from December 31, 2005 to June 30, 2006. The increase in both areas is due to the new facility that the Company will occupy, which the Company expects to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2006. For a more detailed explanation of accounting for the Company's leasehold liability, please see the Company's second quarter 2006 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, which the Company expects to file on or around August 9, 2006.

Scientific Update:

-- Savory Program: The primary applications of the Company's savory flavor ingredients are to reduce or eliminate monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other additives such as sodium inosinate (IMP), and to enhance the savory taste of foods. One of the Company's collaborators continues its preparations for initial commercialization with activities that include conducting consumer acceptance tests in multiple countries, developing marketing plans, and finalizing arrangements with a manufacturer to produce our flavor ingredients. These efforts are geared toward identifying products and markets that would be involved in the first phase of commercialization. Additionally, Senomyx continues to pursue additional regulatory approvals while conducting product development and application work to support the collaborator's further commercialization activities.

-- Sweet Program: The goal for this program is to identify flavor ingredients that allow a significant reduction of carbohydrate sweeteners in food and beverage products while maintaining the desired sweet taste. The Company's current focus is to improve the potency, water solubility, and other physical properties of these compounds and to conduct taste tests with product prototypes. The optimization efforts are intended to result in flavor ingredients that are easier to work with and have applications in a wide variety of foods and beverages. During the past quarter, Senomyx scientists discovered potential flavor ingredients having up to 1,000-fold greater water solubility than previously identified compounds. Initial taste tests with several of these more water soluble compounds have demonstrated their ability to achieve the desired reduction of the carbohydrate sweetener in product prototypes. Taste tests are planned to evaluate a variety of additional taste parameters in product prototypes to enable our collaborators to assess the commercial viability of products containing these new compounds.

-- Salt Program: The goal of the salt program is to identify flavor ingredients that provide for a significant reduction of sodium in foods and beverages yet maintain the salty taste desirable to consumers. Senomyx is continuing to identify enhancers of the sodium ion channel, ENaC, which is present in human taste cells in two forms - Alpha ENaC and Delta ENaC. During the past quarter, Alpha ENaC enhancers were identified from a new chemical series. In addition, the Company has initiated optimization of several compounds from different chemical series found to be active in the Delta ENaC in vitro assay. Taste tests are underway for these new Alpha ENaC and Delta ENaC enhancers to determine whether they provide a taste effect, which is the ability to maintain the desired salt taste in a reduced-salt product. Timing for commercialization will be driven by achievement of a taste effect by one or more of these enhancers.

-- Bitter Program: The goal of the bitter taste modulation program is to block bitter taste and improve the overall taste characteristics of packaged foods, beverages, and pharmaceutical products. Scientific advances continue to be made on the functional characterization of bitter taste receptors. As reported last quarter, Senomyx had previously demonstrated a functional response to 18 of the 25 known human bitter receptors. Company scientists recently demonstrated the response of two previously uncharacterized bitter receptors to certain bitter-tasting compounds, increasing the total number of receptors for which Senomyx has demonstrated a functional response to 20. Senomyx's researchers are continuing to characterize the receptors that interact with bitter ingredients in foods and pharmaceuticals to evaluate the function of the remaining five receptors, and to develop high-throughput receptor-based screening assays.

-- Exploratory Research Efforts: Experiments have been initiated by Company scientists to identify and characterize other receptors and ion channels that may be involved in taste. The Company's approach is to identify receptors and ion channels present in taste cells using a variety of molecular biology and cellular approaches. Preliminary studies have identified a number of interesting receptors and ion channels for further characterization.

Conference Call:

Senomyx will host a conference call at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time (8:00 a.m. Pacific Time) today to discuss these financial results and provide an update on the Company. To access the call in the U.S. dial 866-356-3093, or from outside the U.S. dial 617-597-5381. The participant passcode for this conference call is 50064768. Additionally, the call will be webcast under the Investor Relations section of Senomyx's website at and will be archived there for 30 days following the conclusion of the conference call.

About Senomyx, Inc. (

Senomyx is a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays, screening technologies and optimization chemistry to discover and develop novel flavors, flavor enhancers and taste modulators for the packaged food and beverage industry. Senomyx's current programs focus on the development of flavors, flavor enhancers and taste modulators in the savory, sweet, salt and bitter taste areas. Senomyx has entered into product discovery and development collaborations with six of the world's leading packaged food and beverage companies: Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Cadbury Schweppes, Campbell Soup Company, The Coca-Cola Company, Kraft Foods Global, Inc. and Nestle SA.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: Senomyx's projected financial results for 2006; Senomyx's ability to enter into global or regional collaborations; the size of any market for Senomyx's products; the progress and capabilities of Senomyx's discovery and development programs; the benefits to be derived from relationships with Senomyx's product discovery and development collaborators, technology collaborators and licensors and Senomyx's ability to enter into and maintain these relationships; Senomyx's ability, or Senomyx's collaborators' ability, to successfully satisfy all pertinent regulatory requirements and commercialize products incorporating Senomyx's flavor enhancers and taste modulators in packaged foods and beverages; the continued funding of Senomyx discovery and development programs by its collaborators; Senomyx's ability to strengthen discovery and development capabilities; and whether any published scientific discoveries of the Company contribute to commercial products or the Company's ability to generate revenues. Risks that contribute to the uncertain nature of the forward-looking statements include: Senomyx is dependent on its product discovery and development collaborators for all of Senomyx's revenue; Senomyx is dependent on its current and any future product discovery and development collaborators to develop and commercialize any flavors, flavor enhancers or taste modulators Senomyx may discover; Senomyx may be unable to develop flavors, flavor enhancers or taste modulators useful for formulation into products; Senomyx or its collaborators may be unable to obtain and maintain the GRAS determination or regulatory approval required for flavors, flavor enhancers or taste modulators to be incorporated into products that are sold; even if Senomyx or its collaborators receive a GRAS determination or regulatory approval and incorporate Senomyx flavors, flavor enhancers or taste modulators into products, those products may never be commercially successful; and Senomyx's ability to compete in the flavor and flavor enhancer market may decline if Senomyx does not adequately protect its proprietary technologies. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in Senomyx's most recently filed SEC documents, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K, under the headings "Risks Related to Our Business" and "Risks Related to Our Industry." All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Senomyx undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

                   Selected Financial Information
                 Condensed Statements of Operations
            (in thousands, except for per share amounts)

                          Three Months             Six Months
                         Ended June 30,          Ended June 30,
                     ----------------------- -----------------------
                        2006        2005        2006        2005
                     ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
                     (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)

Revenues                  $3,215      $2,022      $5,626      $4,988

Operating expenses:
Research and development
 (including $811, $1,139,
 $1,547 and $1,970,
 respectively, of
 non-cash stock-based
 compensation)            6,339       4,980      12,835      10,139
General and
 (including $1,418, $776,
 $2,457 and $1,737,
 respectively, of
 non-cash stock-based
 compensation)            3,982       2,477       7,399       5,101
                     ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total operating expenses  10,321       7,457      20,234      15,240

Loss from operations      (7,106)     (5,435)    (14,608)    (10,252)

Interest income              947         250       1,821         475
                     ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Net loss                 $(6,159)    $(5,185)   $(12,787)    $(9,777)
                     =========== =========== =========== ===========

Basic and diluted net
loss per share           $(0.21)     $(0.20)     $(0.43)     $(0.39)
                     =========== =========== =========== ===========

Weighted average shares
used in computing basic
and diluted net loss
per share                29,724      25,314      29,665      25,250
                     =========== =========== =========== ===========

                      Condensed Balance Sheets
                           (in thousands)

                                            June 30,        Dec. 31,
                                              2006            2005
                                            ---------      ---------

Cash, cash equivalents and
investments available-for-sale               $78,770        $83,813
Other current assets                            2,885          2,300
Property and equipment, net                     4,453          2,418
                                            ---------      ---------
 Total assets                                $86,108        $88,531
                                            =========      =========

Accounts payable, accrued expenses
and other current liabilities                 $4,141         $4,207
Deferred revenue                                6,138          1,728
Other non-current liabilities                   1,180            151
Stockholders' equity                           74,649         82,445
                                            ---------      ---------
 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  $86,108        $88,531
                                            =========      =========


16.10.06 21:52
hat 50% gemacht und ich würde jetzt eher vorsichtig agieren,
entweder engen SL oder gleich raus.
mfg nf

wie erwartet,runter auf 12€

23.10.06 22:40
erstmal abwarten,wie es weitergeht.
mfg nf
dieser Analyst kam genau einen Tag zu spät--
23.10.2006 07:46:58 - AKTIENCHECK.DE
Senomyx Downgrade
Rating-Update: Albany ( AG) - Die Analysten von First Albany stufen die Aktie von Senomyx (ISIN US81724Q1076/ WKN 634795) von "buy" auf "neutral" zurück. (23.10.2006/ac/a/u)

weiter abwarten

22.11.06 14:38
Kurse um 11€ verlocken noch nicht zum Kauf.
Das Q3 war auch schlecht und die Jahresprognose wurde gesenkt.
Schon vom 20.10.,deswegen auch der Kursrutsch.
mfg nf
Senomyx (SNMX - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) sank after the company reported disappointing third-quarter results and revised its sales guidance lower. Lately, the stock was dropping $3.04, or 16.7%, to $15.19.
The company reported a loss of $5 million in the quarter, compared with $4.7 million a year ago. On a per-share basis, Senomyx lost 17 cents compared with 18 cents a year ago. Analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call expected a loss of 19 cents a share. For the full year, the company lowered its revenue guidance to between $12 million and $13 million from $14 million to $16 million.

Boden wiedermal gefunden?

28.12.06 07:42
kleine Position um 10€ aufbauen.
mfg nf

Senomyx - mit Geschmack 73945

Senomyx interessant

01.04.07 21:30
charttechnisch vor Ausbruch?
12,38$ +6,3% bei hohem Volumen (863k).
mfg nf
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 90844

vorerst abgeprallt

03.04.07 22:30
mfg nf

nun kräftig drüber

08.04.07 20:11
muß morgen mal schauen, wo GD90 dümpelt als nächster Wiederstand.
mfg nf

strong warch

15.03.08 11:42
wieder ein Jahr vorbei, aber nicht spurlos an Senomyx.
Obwohl gute Zahlen, neue Produkte, gehts immer steiler nach unten.
Neues ATL am Freitag bei 5,00$ = 3,20€.
mfg nf
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 154544
Langweilige Signatur?
Das ist so gewollt.
Damit das Qualitätsposting noch besser heraussticht.
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 154544

tausche "r" gegen "t", MK

15.03.08 11:48
im Vergleich
MK Symrise 1,876 Mio.€
MK Senomyx 0,099 Mio.€
mfg nf
Langweilige Signatur?
Das ist so gewollt.
Damit das Qualitätsposting noch besser heraussticht.
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 4093491

kräftige Erholung

23.03.08 20:06
TT(ATL) 4,62$ , TH 5,36$ SK 5,24$ +11,49%
mfg nf
Langweilige Signatur?
Das ist so gewollt.
Damit das Qualitätsposting noch besser heraussticht.
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 4119912

Tageschart 20.03.

23.03.08 20:25
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 155937
Langweilige Signatur?
Das ist so gewollt.
Damit das Qualitätsposting noch besser heraussticht.
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 155937

Tageschart 24.03.

24.03.08 23:03
ob das nun schon der Boden war, wird sich Anfang April zeigen.
Werde noch abwarten.
mfg nf
Senomyx - mit Geschmack 156057
Langweilige Signatur?
Das ist so gewollt.
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Senomyx - mit Geschmack 156057


16.04.08 12:21
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Senomyx Announces Two-Year Extension of Collaborative Research and License Agreement with Nestlé SA

14:50 15.04.08


Senomyx, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNMX), a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor technologies to discover and develop new flavor ingredients for the food, beverage, and ingredient supply industries, announced today the two-year extension of its collaborative research and license agreement with Nestlé SA, the worlds largest food and beverage company. The program being extended under the agreement is focused on the discovery and commercialization of new flavor ingredients for use in the dehydrated and culinary food and frozen food fields. Upon commercialization, Senomyx will receive royalty payments based on sales of products containing flavor ingredients developed under the agreement. Nestlé is currently marketing products that contain Senomyxs savory flavor ingredients, which were discovered and developed under another program covered by the agreement.

We are very pleased to extend this research and license agreement with Nestlé, said Kent Snyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Nestlé has been a valued long-term partner for several of our Discovery & Development programs, and we look forward to continuing our work with them.

Senomyx also has an additional collaborative agreement with Nestlé, which was entered into in 2004, for the discovery and commercialization of new flavor ingredients in the coffee and coffee whitener fields.

In addition to Nestlé, Senomyx has product discovery and development collaborations with Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Cadbury Schweppes, Campbell Soup Company, The Coca-Cola Company, Firmenich SA, and Solae. We believe that our collaborations with these world-leading companies provide further validation of Senomyxs technology and the commercial potential of our programs, Snyder noted.

About Senomyx, Inc. (

Senomyx is a leading company using proprietary taste receptor technologies to discover and develop new flavor ingredients in the savory, sweet, salt, bitter, and cooling areas. Senomyx has entered into product discovery and development collaborations with seven of the world's leading food, beverage, and ingredient supply companies: Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Cadbury Schweppes, Campbell Soup Company, The Coca-Cola Company, Firmenich SA, Nestlé SA, and Solae. Nestlé is currently marketing products that contain one of Senomyxs flavor ingredients. For more information, please visit
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