Falls es hier noch nicht stand, die Meldung von Dienstag nach Handelsschluss USA:
Semiconductor equipment bookings plummet
By Jason Margolis, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 10:37 AM ET May 23, 2001
SAN JOSE, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- The semiconductor industry was hit by more bad news on
Tuesday, as the April figures painted a grim picture for the North American-based
manufacturers of semiconductor equipment.
The April book-to-bill ratio -- a
three-month moving average -- reached a
low point for the past decade, according
to a report published after the closing
bell on Tuesday by the Semiconductor
Equipment and Materials International.
The April book-to-bill ratio was 0.42,
meaning that $42 worth of new orders
were received for every $100 of product
shipped. By comparison, the ratio was
0.59 in March and 1.12 in Nov. 2000.
"The severity and depth of this industry
correction is unprecedented," said
Stanley T. Myers, president and CEO of
SEMI, in a statement. Myers blamed
cancellations for the sharp decline as
chip manufacturers have made
adjustments to bring capacity and
inventory in line with demand.
There were $711.8 million in new orders,
which is 74 percent below the $2.72
billion in orders posted in April 2000 and
a 41 percent drop below the March
Shipments were $1.68 billion, a 15
percent increase over April 2000
shipments totaling $1.99 billion but 17
percent below the revised March figure.
On Tuesday, the Philadelphia
Semiconductor Index ($SOX: news,
msgs, alerts) fell 1.6 percent to close at 694.74. By comparison, the index hit an intraday low of
453.85 in April and reached a high of 1,362.10 back in March 2000.
Wie da die Lagerbestände aussehen, will ich gar nicht erst wissen......
Gruß Dr. Broemme
Semiconductor equipment bookings plummet
By Jason Margolis, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 10:37 AM ET May 23, 2001
SAN JOSE, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- The semiconductor industry was hit by more bad news on
Tuesday, as the April figures painted a grim picture for the North American-based
manufacturers of semiconductor equipment.
The April book-to-bill ratio -- a
three-month moving average -- reached a
low point for the past decade, according
to a report published after the closing
bell on Tuesday by the Semiconductor
Equipment and Materials International.
The April book-to-bill ratio was 0.42,
meaning that $42 worth of new orders
were received for every $100 of product
shipped. By comparison, the ratio was
0.59 in March and 1.12 in Nov. 2000.
"The severity and depth of this industry
correction is unprecedented," said
Stanley T. Myers, president and CEO of
SEMI, in a statement. Myers blamed
cancellations for the sharp decline as
chip manufacturers have made
adjustments to bring capacity and
inventory in line with demand.
There were $711.8 million in new orders,
which is 74 percent below the $2.72
billion in orders posted in April 2000 and
a 41 percent drop below the March
Shipments were $1.68 billion, a 15
percent increase over April 2000
shipments totaling $1.99 billion but 17
percent below the revised March figure.
On Tuesday, the Philadelphia
Semiconductor Index ($SOX: news,
msgs, alerts) fell 1.6 percent to close at 694.74. By comparison, the index hit an intraday low of
453.85 in April and reached a high of 1,362.10 back in March 2000.
Wie da die Lagerbestände aussehen, will ich gar nicht erst wissen......
Gruß Dr. Broemme