Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen

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Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen

22.06.09 17:13
Auch Grande Cache ist eine gute Gelegenheit denke ich.

Hier die letzten Zahlen:

Jun 17, 2009 08:00 ETGrande Cache Coal Corporation Earns Net Income Of $106.2 Million During Fiscal 2009CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - June 17, 2009) - Grande Cache Coal Corporation (TSX:GCE) ("Grande Cache Coal" or the "Corporation") today announced its financial and operating results for the three and twelve months ended March 31, 2009. The Corporation's audited consolidated financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis for its fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 will be available at and the Corporations website at

- Grande Cache Coal earned a net income of $106.2 million, or $1.18 per basic share ($1.15 per diluted share), during fiscal 2009, including $18.9 million, or $0.20 per basic and diluted share, during the fourth quarter. In the comparable periods of last fiscal year the Corporation incurred net losses of $15.5 million, or $0.24 per basic and diluted share, and $1.2 million, or $0.02 per basic and diluted share, respectively.

- Coal sales volumes during the current fiscal year were 1.06 million tonnes sold at an average price of $234 per tonne, compared to annual sales volumes of 1.65 million tonnes at an average price of $89 per tonne in the previous fiscal year. Sales volumes were lower than last fiscal year mainly because of a decrease in the demand for steel brought on by the worldwide economic slowdown, which resulted in a reduced demand for metallurgical coal, primarily in the latter part of the year. The higher coal price realized in fiscal 2009 was due to contractual agreements negotiated at the beginning of the fiscal year when there was a high demand for metallurgical coal due to supply constraints and a strong global economy.

- Despite the decrease in coal sales volumes, the Corporation's fiscal 2009 revenue increased 70% over last year to $248.6 million, mainly because of higher coal prices. Fourth quarter revenue of $38.7 million was fairly stable compared to the same period last fiscal year as the substantial increase in price and favorable exchange rate were offset by a reduction in sales volumes caused by the decrease in the demand for metallurgical coal.

- The average cost of sales during fiscal 2009 increased to $119 per tonne (fiscal 2008 - $86 per tonne) largely because of higher mining input costs driven by high demand for labour, services and supplies, particularly at the beginning of the year, and in part due to lower sales volumes and lower productivities. Fourth quarter cost of sales were $96 per tonne, up from $86 per tonne in the same period last year largely due to a decrease in sales volumes.

- In June 2009, Grande Cache Coal entered into an agreement with HSBC Bank Canada to provide the Corporation with an operating credit facility of up to $25 million and the ability to enter into foreign exchange hedging arrangements.

- Coal sales for the first quarter of fiscal 2010 are expected to be approximately 0.40 million tonnes, compared to 0.25 million tonnes during the first quarter of fiscal 2009.

- Please refer to the Outlook section below for additional guidance information for fiscal 2010.

"Fiscal 2009 was a very challenging year for us as we encountered production issues in the early part of the year and then saw an extreme downturn in the worldwide economy during the latter portion of the year" said Robert Stan, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Even with the decrease in sales volumes we were able to generate substantial earnings because of high coal prices that were negotiated for the coal year. During fiscal 2009, we increased our cash position, eliminated our revolving and long term debt and made necessary investments in capital assets."

Mr. Stan continued, "We have recently seen some increased demand for our product, as a result we have cancelled any further production curtailments that were previously announced and are revising our projected fiscal 2010 sales volumes to a range of 1.2 to 1.4 million tonnes. Pricing contracts for the current coal year, including spot sales, continue to be settled at much lower prices than last year therefore we are placing a significant emphasis on cost reduction initiatives and productivity improvements throughout all areas of our operations to offset the decline."

"While there remains a level of uncertainty in the metallurgical coal market, we continue to believe that demand will stabilize and it appears early signs of this are beginning to occur as coal imports into China have recently increased. We are aggressively seeking to expand our customer base and pursue spot sales in order to maximize potential sales volumes for fiscal 2010. Given the strength of our balance sheet we believe we are in a position to weather the current economic conditions and at the same time position ourselves for future growth as market conditions improve."

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Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen 240346


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Ärgerlich das Ariva die Threadperformence

24.06.09 17:23
fast immer falsch angibt.

Man sollte bestimmen können bei der Eröffnung an welchem Handelsplatz man den Threaderöffnungskurs gerne hätte.

Hier bei GRANDE CACHE wäre natürlich Toronto sinnvoll.

Gestern schon sehr gut erholt im Tagesverlauf und heute setzt sich diese Erholung weiter fort.

Aktuell bei 1,83 CAD.
Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen 240819

Gehts heute über 2 CAD?

26.06.09 15:24
In Deutschland kaum beachtet die Aktie aber warum?
Man schaut hier in D eher auf WESTERN CDN COAL(257111) was auch eine gute Kohleaktie ist aber ich schätze GRANDE CACHE besser ein da Sie die geringeren Produktionskosten habe und zudem mehr CASH.

Also die Marge bei Grande Cache ist besser jedoch ist die Marktbewertung geringer.

Ganz klarer KAUF denke ich.

Ach und wenn sich einer beschwert das die Threadperformence so mies ist soll sich bei Ariva beschweren denn die vermurxen das immer mit der Performence.

Thread wurde bei 1,10 Euro eröffnet(war auch Tagesschlußkurs).

rt 2,10 CAD entspricht 1,30 Euro

26.06.09 15:35
Die deutschen pennen wirklich bei so guten Werten.

GEWINN JE AKTIE IM LETZTEN JAHR 1,18 Dollar!!!!!!!!!! je Share.

So heute wurde die 2,10 CAD vorbörslich

29.06.09 17:09
schon angerissen.

Mal schauen ob GCE im Laufe des Tages noch weiter anziehen kann.Zur Zeit liegt Sie leicht über 2 CAD.

Ein Ausbruch über die 2,10 CAD wäre genial aber obs heute oder die kommenden Tage passiert dürfte wohl egal sein.

Na also ein fetter Ausbruch endlich

22.07.09 19:53
Dieses ganze dumme hin un her war auch schon totlangweilig.

Kanada zur Zeit rt 2,60 CAD entspricht ca. 1,65 Euro.

Sollte jetzt zügig über die 3 CAD laufen.

Über 2,70 CAD jetzt schon

22.07.09 20:07
die 2,80 CAD wurden fast angetestet.
Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen 247497

Und jetzt schon fast 4 CAD

08.08.09 12:47
und immer noch kein Interesse hier na ja was solls.
Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen 251395

Power demand:

13.09.10 15:34
Intensity targets are being taken very seriously
By Leslie Hook
Published: September 12 2010 22:47 | Last updated: September 12 2010 22:47,print=yes.html


31.10.11 18:45
wasn hier passiert
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na gut bei

31.10.11 18:46
34 Mrd $ Kohle insitu wert,...

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Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar.

found it

31.10.11 19:04

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Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar.
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  11 Rohstoffaktien sollte man in Schwächephasen kaufen Friends BioLogic 31.10.11 19:04
  8 empfehlung kalle50 kalle50 02.04.09 18:31
2   genau kalle50   07.01.09 18:48
    tiefstand: grande cache (wkn a0dncv) kalle50   02.01.09 19:26
