RFID-Verichip Strong Buy

Beiträge: 15
Zugriffe: 1.238 / Heute: 1

RFID-Verichip Strong Buy

27.09.05 17:42
Der RFID-Verichip steht meiner Meinung nach vor einer Neubewertung in den nächsten Monaten. Der einzige weltweit zugelassene reiskorngrosse RFID-Chip als Implantat unter der menschlichen Haut könnte weltweit tausende von Leben im Jahr retten. Als Datenträger könnte er im Falle eines Unfalles der Klinik sofort alle notwendigen Angaben (Blutgruppe, vorherige Unfälle oder Operationen, bekannte Reaktionen auf bestimmte Medikamente, usw) mitteilen, im Amnesiefalle alle persöhnlichen Daten (Name, Wohnort, usw) mitteilen, im Entführungsfalle zum Aufspüren des Aufenthaltes dienen, im Falle einer Naturkatastrophe zur Identifizierung der Toten dienen, usw......
Das weltweite Patent besitzt die Firma Digital Angel (Nasdaq - DOC ), hergestellt wird der Chip von Raytheon, ...aber am meisten würde die Firma Digital Applied Solutions (Nasdaq - ADSX) profitieren, welche der mehrheitliche Eigentümer von DOC ist.
Deshalb habe ich auch bereits mein Portfolio um diese Perle ergänzt....
Momentan wird ADSX bei 2,97 Dollar gehandelt......auf 12 Monate sind Kurse von 5-6 Dollar das Mindeste !!


27.09.05 20:22
VeriChip Corporation's VeriMed(TM) Medical Solution Is Now Integrated Into the Hospital Demonstration Area of the IBM Solutions Experience Lab Located in Austin, Texas
Thursday September 8, 9:00 am ET

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 8, 2005--VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX - News), a leading provider of identification and security technology, announced today that its implantable RFID healthcare system, VeriMed(TM), is now a component of the Hospital demonstration area of the IBM Solutions Experience Lab located in Austin, Texas. The IBM Solutions Experience Lab conducts approximately 260 tours annually for corporations and government agencies wishing to see demonstrations of functional, integrated hardware and software solutions for specific market sectors. The Hospital area demonstrates currently available technologies compatible with IBM healthcare solutions that provide integrated, state-of-the-art capabilities in the healthcare environment.

The Hospital demonstration area illustrates the potential of VeriMed to enhance the IBM Aligned Clinical Environment Solution. This is an integrated solution designed to connect disparate healthcare information sources while also reducing costs. The solution enables data collection and manages integration and analysis of patient information.

VeriChip Corporation Chief Executive Officer Kevin McLaughlin noted, "When integrated with IBM's Aligned Clinical Environment Solutions and systems provided by other IBM healthcare business partners, the VeriMed implantable RFID microchip and its related infrastructure provides the 'front-end' that practitioners need for automated, secure, accurate and rapid access to vital clinical information."

About VeriChip - "The First RFID Company for People"

VeriChip is a subsidiary of Applied Digital and the only company to provide both implantable and wearable RFID identification and security solutions for people, their assets, and their environments. From the world's first and only FDA-cleared, human-implantable RFID microchip to the only patented active RFID tag with skin-sensing capabilities, VeriChip leads the way in next-generation RFID technologies. Today, over 4,000 installations worldwide in healthcare, security, industrial, and government markets benefit from both the protection and efficiencies provided by VeriChip systems. For more information on VeriChip, please visit www.verichipcorp.com.

About Applied Digital - "The Power of Identification Technology"

Applied Digital develops innovative identification and security products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors worldwide. The Company's unique and often proprietary products provide identification and security systems for people, animals, the food supply, government/military arena, and commercial assets. Included in this diversified product line are RFID applications, end-to-end food safety systems, GPS/Satellite communications, and telecomm and security infrastructure, positioning Applied Digital as the leader in identification technology. Applied Digital is the owner of a majority position in Digital Angel Corporation (AMEX: DOC - News).

Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances.



27.09.05 20:48
Good Samaritan Hospital Upgrades HALO(R) Infant Protection System Provided by VeriChip Corporation
Monday September 12, 9:00 am ET  
Halo's Patented Skin-Sensing Technology Combined with New Ergonomic Tag Design Enhances System's Infant Abduction Prevention Capability

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 12, 2005--VeriChip Corporation, the world's premier RFID company for people and a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX - News), announced today that Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, OH has upgraded its HALO® infant protection system to deploy HALO's new generation of infant protection tag.

HALO is the leading infant protection system, featuring a patented skin-sensing technology, and is now installed in hundreds of hospitals nation-wide. The new ergonomic HALO tag's design conforms more closely to the infant's ankle, providing greater skin-sensing reliability as well as more comfort for the infant.

Good Samaritan is one of several facilities that have recently upgraded to the new HALO tag to take advantage of the new tag's features. "We're very appreciative of the responsiveness of VeriChip in developing a tag based on customer recommendations," said Ms. Barb Standifer, Nursing Director of Women's Services at Good Samaritan Hospital. "The staff here likes the fact that the new tag stays in place comfortably on the infant."

VeriChip Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Kevin McLaughlin, says of the new ergonomic HALO infant tag, "We're pleased that hospitals are embracing this new tag design. We put a lot of effort into the tag ergonomics as a result of valuable customer feedback, and our customers' approval lets us know that we are succeeding in meeting their expectations."

About VeriChip - "RFID for People"

VeriChip is a subsidiary of Applied Digital and provides state-of-the-art RFID security solutions that identify, locate, and protect people, their assets, and their environments. From the world's first and only FDA-cleared, human-implantable RFID microchip to the only active RFID tag with patented skin sensing capabilities, VeriChip's technology ensures the safety and security organizations are looking for. Its market-leading infant protection, wander prevention, asset tracking, and patient identification applications make VeriChip the predominant RFID solutions provider in the healthcare industry. And today, VeriChip systems are installed in over 4,000 locations worldwide in healthcare, security, industrial, and government markets making it the world's premier RFID company for people. For more information on VeriChip, please visit www.verichipcorp.com.

About Applied Digital - "The Power of Identification Technology"

Applied Digital develops innovative identification and security products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors worldwide. The Company's unique and often proprietary products provide identification and security systems for people, animals, the food supply, government/military arena, and commercial assets. Included in this diversified product line are RFID applications, end-to-end food safety systems, GPS/Satellite communications, and telecomm and security infrastructure, positioning Applied Digital as the leader in identification technology. Applied Digital is the owner of a majority position in Digital Angel Corporation (AMEX:DOC - News).

Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances.


Neuer Vertriebspartner für Deutschland

27.09.05 21:36
VeriChip Corporation Signs New Distribution Agreement for Germany
Thursday September 15, 8:39 am ET  
Receives Purchase Order for 500 VeriChips(TM) and 50 Scanners

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 15, 2005--VeriChip Corporation, the world's premier RFID company for people and a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX - News), announced today that it has entered into a non-exclusive distribution agreement with Service Company GmbH of Lampertheim, Germany, to supply VeriChip(TM) microchips and scanners for sale in Germany. The initial purchase order from Service Company is for 500 chips and 50 scanners, with 100 chips and 10 scanners to be shipped immediately.

Founded in 1998, Service Company GmbH supplies products to healthcare, industrial and government markets in Germany. The VeriChips and scanners are expected to be sold for healthcare and security applications in Germany, Service Company said.

About VeriChip - "RFID for People"

VeriChip is a subsidiary of Applied Digital and provides state-of-the-art RFID security solutions that identify, locate, and protect people, their assets, and their environments. From the world's first and only FDA-cleared, human-implantable RFID microchip to the only active RFID tag with patented skin sensing capabilities, VeriChip's technology ensures the safety and security organizations are looking for. Its market-leading infant protection, wander prevention, asset tracking, and patient identification applications make VeriChip the predominant RFID solutions provider in the healthcare industry. And today, VeriChip systems are installed in over 4,000 locations worldwide in healthcare, security, industrial, and government markets making it the world's premier RFID company for people. For more information on VeriChip, please visit www.verichipcorp.com.



28.09.05 09:00
Digital Angel Donates Implantable RFID Microchips, Scanners to Aid in the Pet Identification Effort Following Hurricane Katrina
Tuesday September 20, 7:35 am ET  
Gulf Coast Animal Shelters Using Scanners to Identify Previously 'Chipped' Pets, Microchips to Link to Database of Information on Lost Pets

SO. ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Digital Angel Corporation (Amex: DOC - News), an advanced technology company in the field of rapid and accurate identification, location tracking, and condition monitoring of high-value assets, today announced that the Company and its distributor, Schering-Plough (NYSE: SGP - News), are donating implantable RFID (radio-frequency identification) microchips and scanners to animal shelters along the Gulf Coast to help in the extensive pet identification effort following Hurricane Katrina. To date, Digital Angel has provided 2,000 microchips and 28 scanners that Schering-Plough is distributing to various animal shelters along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

The scanners are being used by the shelters to read microchips in pets that were previously "chipped" but were dislocated from their owners by the hurricane. The shelters are also implanting lost pets with microchips that link the pets to a database being compiled containing important information about the lost animals, including breed, size, weight, and where and when they were found, that could help them eventually be reunited with their owners.

Digital Angel Chief Executive Officer Kevin McGrath said the Company and Schering-Plough will continue donating the microchips and scanners as the rebuilding effort in the damaged area continues. Schering-Plough markets and distributes the microchips and scanners as part of its HomeAgain® Pet Recovery Service.

"We are pleased to be part of this nationwide effort to come to the aid of the people and the companion pets affected by Hurricane Katrina," McGrath said. "Tragedies such as this underscore the importance of permanent pet identification through the use of implantable microchips. Thankfully, because of the usefulness of the HomeAgain pet recovery system, many lost pets are being united with their owners every day in the Gulf Coast area."

The HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service includes microchips, readers, non- surgical injection systems and a national database. The system involves the insertion of a microchip with a unique 10-digit number in the animal allowing electronic readers at animal shelters, veterinary clinics and other locations throughout the country to access the number and link it to a database containing the name of the animal's owner and other information.

About Digital Angel Corporation

Digital Angel Corporation develops and deploys sensor and communications technologies that enable rapid and accurate identification, location tracking, and condition monitoring of high-value assets. Applications for the Company's products include identification and monitoring of pets, fish, livestock, and humans through its patented implantable microchips; location tracking and message monitoring of vehicles and aircraft in remote locations through systems that integrate GPS and geosynchronous satellite communications; and monitoring of asset conditions such as temperature and movement, through advanced miniature sensors. Digital Angel Corporation is a majority-owned subsidiary of Applied Digital (Nasdaq: ADSX - News).

For more information about Digital Angel, visit the company's website at www.DigitalAngelCorp.com.



28.09.05 09:34
Applied Digital Assists in Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief and Emergency Management Efforts
Tuesday September 20, 9:00 am ET  
VeriChip(TM) Technology Being Used by State of Mississippi

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 20, 2005--Applied Digital (NASDAQ:ADSX - News), a leading provider of identification and security technology, announced today that it has provided more than 360 VeriChips(TM) and five scanners to Harrison County, Mississippi, to assist in Hurricane Katrina relief and recovery efforts. Additionally, 200 VeriChips and two scanners were sent to Lafayette County, Mississippi, to assist in any future disaster and recovery procedures.

At the request of the State of Mississippi Department of Health, the Company has lent its 40-foot mobile clinic to act as the Department of Health's Mobile Clinic. This vehicle is specifically retrofitted for medical procedures such as chip-injection. The vehicle is being staffed by Department of Health representatives and is now providing food, water and medical supplies, including tetanus and other vaccinations, to people in need of medical care. Over 1,000 individuals have received medical treatment at the mobile medical unit in the first five days of its operation.

The VeriChip has the capability to provide medical information in critical care situations such as Hurricane Katrina, where individuals requiring emergency care may not have access to their medical records. With the VeriChip's unique identification number, which can be scanned into a database, emergency medical personnel can gain immediate access to a patient's medical records.

To date, the Company has donated approximately 560 VeriChips to Harrison and Lafayette Counties in Mississippi. Initially, Harrison County and the U.S. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) are utilizing VeriChip's identification technology to integrate identification of the unidentified deceased with a database provided by the County and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation so that loved ones may access the information to identify missing family members that may have perished in this disaster. The County Coroner in Harrison County, MS, and DMORT are now using this technology. The County Medical Examiner's office in Lafayette County, MS, intends to store the VeriChips and scanners for future pending disaster relief and body identification assistance. Applied Digital has offered to donate its technologies to Louisiana and the DMORT facility located in St. Gabriel, LA, as well.

"Applied Digital is committed to helping local residents affected by Hurricane Katrina in any way possible," said Scott R. Silverman, Applied Digital's Chairman and CEO. "The VeriChip was designed for emergency care situations and secure identification. Although its primary application is to access and retrieve medical records in an emergency and clinical environment, there are clear uses for our technology in disaster management. As future disaster management plans are re-organized after this disaster, we intend to offer VeriChip and all of our identification technologies to disaster management experts, DMORT and the federal government."


Supermeldung heute ... wird langsam interessant

03.10.05 15:12
VeriChip Corporation Adds 49 Additional Hospitals During Month of September That Have Agreed to Implement the VeriMed(TM) Patient Identification System
Monday October 3, 9:00 am ET  
Total of 58 Hospitals Exceeds Company's Full-Year Guidance of 20 to 25 Hospitals

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 3, 2005--VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX - News), a leading provider of identification and security technology, announced today that during the month of September, 49 new hospitals nationwide have agreed to adopt the VeriMed(TM) System for patient identification. Overall, since the FDA clearance of VeriChip for medical applications, 58 hospitals have agreed to adopt the VeriMed System in their emergency departments. The Company had previously announced that it expected to have 20 to 25 hospitals agree to adopt the VeriMed System by the end of 2005.

Most of the hospitals entering into agreements to implement VeriMed in September did so as a result of the Company's demonstration of the system at the American College of Emergency Physicians' (ACEP) Scientific Assembly that took place September 26-29, 2005 in Washington, D.C.

"We believe the strong acceptance that the VeriMed System achieved at a key industry conference represents a significant step in developing widespread acceptance of VeriChip and expanding our strategic options for the company," said Scott R. Silverman, Applied Digital's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

VeriChip Corporation Chief Executive Officer Kevin McLaughlin noted, "We are very pleased with the pace of market acceptance in September. Thanks to our attendance at ACEP in Washington, 47 of the 49 hospitals that signed agreements to implement the VeriMed system in September made their decisions when they saw the system demonstrated at the conference. These 47 hospitals are located nationwide. We're looking forward to working to get these new hospitals fully up and running in the coming weeks. "


Heute bereits 12% im Plus....es wird spannend !! o. T.

03.10.05 16:45

Strong Buy Rating in Erwartung....

03.10.05 16:57
.......die Frage ist nicht ob..sondern wann diese Meldung eintrifft...sehr bald schätze ich....bei Millionen von leerverkauften Aktien....wird ADSX zur Goldgrube..!!!

Nun 15% im Plus ..... der Start ist erfolgt.... o. T.

03.10.05 18:40

Hoffentlich bleibt es nicht bei einem Strohfeuer! o. T.

03.10.05 21:55


03.10.05 21:58
       RFID-Verichip Strong Buy 2146822

Es geht weiter gegen Norden - Premarket +3,5%

04.10.05 14:44
Digital Angel Corporation Ships New Order of Destron Electronic Products to United States Department of Agriculture
Tuesday October 4, 7:55 am ET  
Order for $550,000 in RFID Tags, Scanners to Assist Tracking of Infected Animals with Chronic Wasting Disease in Captive Cervid Herds

SO. ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Digital Angel Corporation (Amex: DOC - News), an advanced technology company in the field of rapid and accurate identification, location tracking and condition monitoring of high-value assets, announced today that it had received another order from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the Company's proprietary RFID (radiofrequency identification) traceability system to help the government's ongoing effort to eradicate Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in captive cervids.

The latest order, valued at more than $550,000, covers the purchase of electronic tags and scanners and brings the total value of orders for the programs to more than $750,000. The tags and scanners are designed to identify individual animals in the national captive cervid (deer and elk) population. The Digital Angel system is similar to the one the Company is currently using in the companion pet, livestock, and salmon industries in the U.S., Canada and other parts of the world.

Digital Angel competed for a contract to supply electronic identification devices for the USDA CWD program. The USDA contract was previously announced by Digital Angel in October 2003 but was postponed after competitors protested the award. The protests were overturned by the USDA and Digital Angel received its first order for its RFID system in December 2004.

"We are very pleased to have secured another purchase order from the USDA and to continue working closely with the agency," said Digital Angel Chief Executive Officer Kevin McGrath. "We believe our technology will be useful in this effort to eradicate Chronic Wasting Disease as well as other economically significant diseases. A significant number of our scanning products in 2005 have been acquired by local state, USDA and Canadian government agencies to identify animals for disease monitoring and identification initiatives."

About Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological disease found in deer and elk. It belongs to a family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or prion diseases. The disease attacks the brains of infected deer and elk, causing the animals to become emaciated, display abnormal behavior, lose bodily functions and die. Besides being found in captive deer and elk, the disease has also been found in wild deer and elk in 10 states and two Canadian provinces.


vorbörsl. Kurs aktuell zwischen $3,21 u. $3,35 o. T.

04.10.05 14:59

Applied Digital's CEO to Appear on CNBC's Squawk B

10.10.05 17:03
Applied Digital's CEO to Appear on CNBC's Squawk Box Tomorrow
Monday October 10, 9:33 am ET

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 10, 2005--Applied Digital (NASDAQ:ADSX - News), a leading provider of identification and security technology, announced today that its Chairman and CEO Scott R. Silverman is expected to appear on CNBC's Squawk Box on Tuesday, October 11th to discuss the opportunities for the RFID industry and VeriChip Corporation, the Company's subsidiary. The interview is scheduled to appear during the 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. eastern time period.

About VeriChip - "RFID for people"

VeriChip is a subsidiary of Applied Digital and provides state-of-the-art RFID security solutions that identify, locate, and protect people, their assets, and their environments. From the world's first and only FDA-cleared, human-implantable RFID microchip to the only active RFID tag with patented skin sensing capabilities, VeriChip's technology ensures the safety and security organizations are looking for. Its market-leading infant protection, wander prevention, asset tracking, and patient identification applications make VeriChip the predominant RFID solutions provider in the healthcare industry. And today, VeriChip systems are installed in over 4,000 locations worldwide in healthcare, security, industrial, and government markets making it the world's premier RFID company for people. For more information on VeriChip, please visit www.verichipcorp.com.

About Applied Digital - "The Power of Identification Technology"

Applied Digital develops innovative identification and security products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors worldwide. The Company's unique and often proprietary products provide identification and security systems for people, animals, the food supply, government/military arena, and commercial assets. Included in this diversified product line are RFID applications, end-to-end food safety systems, GPS/Satellite communications, and telecomm and security infrastructure, positioning Applied Digital as the leader in identification technology. Applied Digital is the owner of a majority position in Digital Angel Corporation.

Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances.  
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