Regenbogen bringt Glück

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Regenbogen bringt Glück

22.03.13 18:46
Ein Unternehmen, dass in gleicher Bereich (Parkinson-Forschung), wie Amarantus tätig ist, wurde aber m.M.n. zu unrecht noch nicht "entdeckt". Es handelt sich auch hier um 60 Mrd. USD - Markt.

Einige sehr interessante und "frische" Berichte:
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+28,5% so kann es ruhig weiter gehen

17.04.13 16:22

Schon zwei Sprünge auf 0,29

17.04.13 16:34
Erstes Widerstand wird aktiv angegriffen. Geht es über 0,30-so hat man hier eine knappes Verdreifachen in 4 Tagen!

+38,1% RT 0,29 BID 0,272

17.04.13 16:43

Von Ami's noch gar nicht entdeckt...

17.04.13 16:47
heute z.B. immer noch 0 Meldungen auf iHub...
Was wird hier passieren, wenn Die dort drüben aktiv werden....

Wow ! 100.000 St. zu 0,26... Jetzt geht es aber

17.04.13 18:32
erst richtig los...
So wie es aussieht, kommen jetzt auch Bigboys ins Spiel

Volumen und Kurs steigen zusammen weiter

17.04.13 19:21
17.04.13 474.490 121 T
  16.04.13   411.173§85 T
  15.04.13   504.876§64 T
  12.04.13   141.272§14.905

Wenn es heute so weiter geht, dann...

07.05.13 13:40
kann es noch höher über den jüngsten Anstieg hinaus gehen

steigt weiter...

07.05.13 17:32

Revolutionary Innovations by RBCC Partner Nano3D

07.05.13 17:40
World’s Premiere Science Journal Touts Revolutionary Innovations by RBCC Partner Nano3D

Volumenentwicklung sieht sehr gut aus

08.05.13 11:20

0,31 USD - fängt schon gut an

08.05.13 15:37

Hat jemand eine Meinung, wie hoch es noch

08.05.13 16:23
Charts-technisch steigen kann?

Schon knapp 0,45 USD !

08.05.13 16:28
Es geht so steil ab, dass ich langsam Angst bekomme.

Kann sein, dass es ein Fehler ist, aber

08.05.13 16:39
Ich bin bei 0,41 raus
(mit EK von 0,13 ist es mehr, als GUT-und zu gierig darf man auch nicht sein).
Wünsche aber allen Ivestierten, dass es weiter steigt, und jeder seine Gewinne bekommt.
Viel Glück und Danke Rainbow.

Wer hätte das gedacht ;)

08.05.13 21:17

Dynamic ist immer noch sehr gut

09.05.13 18:47
es wäre eine Überlegung wert, die Freitagsverkäufe morgen abzufangen...

News+Neue Anlauf

06.06.13 12:24

RBCC Partner n3D Commercializes New 3D Bioprinting

13.01.14 17:26
RBCC Partner n3D Commercializes New 3D Bioprinting Technology

MIRAMAR BEACH, Fla., Jan 13, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Rainbow Coral Corp.’s RBCC +25.00%  joint venture partner, Nano3D Biosciences (n3D), has developed the first commercially available 3D bioprinting system designed for high throughput and high-content drug screening, and the global market potential for the device points to very bright future for the company.

3D bioprinting is the process of fabricating biological constructs, typically by dispensing cells on a biocompatible scaffold using a successive layer-by-layer approach in much the same way that a 3-D printer operates. This process can generate tissue-like 3-D structures that are highly useful for clinical testing, assays and experimentation, but the precarious viability of these constructs, combined with their extreme cost, have been a major barrier to widespread adoption of the technology.

New technology developed by n3D may have eliminated these issues, however. RBCC and n3D have joined forces to develop and market the BiO Assay, a new automated toxicity assay system based on magnetic 3D bioprinting. The revolutionary system uses biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles to print cells into 3D structures much faster and more affordably than competing bioprinting tech made by competitors such as Organovo Holdings, Inc. ONVO +5.63%  .

In October, a paper describing the innovative system’s use in a study of the effects of ibuprofen and sodium dodecyl sulfate on the viability and migration of human embryonic kidney and tracheal smooth muscle cells was published today by Scientific Reports, the new open-access journal from the highly respected Nature Publishing line.

“We see incredible market potential for this system in the pharmaceutical and CRO industries, where the BiO Assay can be integrated early in the drug discovery process as a compound screen for toxicity and efficacy with minimal turnover,” said RBCC CEO Kimberly Palmer. “We believe that magnetic 3D bioprinting could be the future of regenerative medicine and organogenesis.”

RBCC formed a biotech subsidiary, Rainbow Biosciences, to market and develop new medical and research technology innovations to compete alongside companies such as Biogen Idec Inc. BIIB -2.32%  , Abbott Laboratories ABT -0.63%  and Amgen Inc. AMGN -1.09% . In 2012, Rainbow Biosciences acquired an equity interest in n3D.

About Rainbow Biosciences

Rainbow Biosciences, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rainbow Coral Corp. RBCC +25.00%  . The Company continually seeks out new partnerships with biotechnology developers to deliver profitable new medical technologies and innovations. For more information on our growth-oriented business initiatives, please visit . For investment information and performance data on the Company, please visit .

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipate" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition, description of anyone's past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the Company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof.

SOURCE: Rainbow Coral Corp.

Rainbow Coral Corp.Kimberly Palmer, 850-269-7230President and CEO

Copyright Business Wire 2014  


16.01.14 23:42

Rainbow Coral Corp. (RBCC) joint venture partner Therakine, Ltd., presented its new novel drug-delivery technology at one of the world’s largest and most important gatherings of life sciences investors this week at the Biotech Showcase in San Francisco.

RBCC is partnering with Therakine to market and develop a revolutionary new injectable, sustained-release technology poised to vastly improve patients’ use of a crucial drug in the fight against drug and alcohol dependence. The joint venture plans to soon offer the only intramuscular, programmable release of the powerful opioid receptor antagonist Naltrexone available anywhere in the $142.5 billion drug delivery industry.

This week’s Showcase presentation could go a long way toward making the product’s successful launch a reality.

“We’re extremely thrilled with the response we’ve received from attendees,” said RBCC CEO Kimberly Palmer. “We’re already discussing the development of new drug delivery programs using this same innovative protocol produced by Therakine. I expect to begin talks soon with more potential partners that are well-positioned to capitalize on this technological breakthrough.

“The future of this protocol is extraordinarily promising, and it has a lot of people excited,” she continued.

Phase II of development on the drug-delivery tech is currently underway, focusing on micronization of the technology as well as extension of its sustained release time.

RBCC's biotech division, Rainbow BioSciences, is working with partners such as Therakine to capitalize on the incredible growth of the global drug delivery market by delivering new medical and research technology innovations in order to compete alongside companies such as Bristol Myers Squibb Co. (BMY), Biogen Idec Inc. (BIIB), Abbott Laboratories (ABT) and Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (VRX


"Big push"

16.01.14 23:44

Thanks to new technology innovations pioneered by its partners at Nano3D Biosciences (n3D), Rainbow Coral Corp. (RBCC) is planning a major push into the skyrocketing 3D bioprinting market in 2014.

Rising global demand in the medical industry for new and effective technologies has spurred tremendous interest in applying 3D printing methods to healthcare applications. The next wave of breakthroughs is now occurring in the field of bioprinting, which involves the printing of cell-loaded replicas of human tissues for the purposes of drug testing and regenerative medicine.

With the applications of such cutting-edge technology limited only by the imagination, industry analysts Transparency Market Research predicted last year that the medical 3D printing market will enjoy a compound annual growth rate of 15.4 percent over the next six years, expanding from a value of $345 million in 2012 to nearly a billion dollars in 2019.

RBCC is working closely with n3D to capitalize on this extraordinary growth. The companies are currently engaged in developing and marketing the BiO Assay: the first commercially available 3D bioprinting system designed for high throughput and high-content drug screening. The automated toxicity assay uses biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles to print cells into 3D structures much faster and more affordably than competing bioprinting tech made by competitors in the marketplace.

The BiO Assay represents a revolution in pharmaceutical research, offering better and faster results than have previously been possible.

RBCC formed a biotech subsidiary, Rainbow Biosciences, to market and develop new medical and research technology innovations to compete alongside companies such as Biogen Idec Inc. (BIIB), Abbott Laboratories (ABT) and Amgen Inc. (AMGN). In 2012, Rainbow Biosciences acquired an equity interest in n3d

immerhin haelt RBCC 36 shares ggg

31.01.14 04:35
We note from your press releases and the website of your subsidiary Rainbow Biosciences, LLC that you believe Nano3D Biosciences, Inc., in which you hold an equity interest, is an “emerging biotech game-changer,” whose “incredible new product, the Bio-Assembler, will soon allow researchers to dramatically shorten the development timeline for advanced new drugs and treatments while generating massive returns to investors. However, based on your disclosure in note 5 to your financial statements, we note that you actually wrote-off the investment due to uncertainty about whether the carrying amount was recoverable.  We also note that your investment at March 31, 2012 appears to have consisted of only 36 shares in Nano3D Biosciences, which represented less than one-third of one percent of their outstanding shares on the date of the agreement.  



31.01.14 04:41

The full question and response from RBCC along with 11 other points of clarification can be read in the original correspondence letter. The fact that the SEC is concerned about statements the company is making about the potential of the Nano3D Biosciences “equity investment”, not to mention having to request 10 other clarifications, should be a huge red flag to investors.

In a press release a few days ago, the statement was made that RBCC (Market Cap $4 million) is looking to market and develop new medical and research technology innovations to compete with companies such as Biogen (Market Cap $70 billion) Abbot (Market Cap $56 billion) and Amgen (Market Cap $89 billion). It remains to be seen how the business of growing coral will compliment this lofty aspiration.
vom coral zuechter zum 3d print buisness mit 36 shares
im jointventure

dann besser organovo  

hi thai09 !

31.01.14 16:55
Besten dank für die Info !! Ich wäre nämlich beinahe mit 5000 Stück kin diese schrottaltie eingestiegen,aber jetzt bin ich gewarnt ! Es musste doch einen Grund geben,warum die sich seit 2012 gehundertstelt haben,jetzt haben wir ihn !

Forget it !!


31.01.14 17:56
dara koennte definitiv was werden
die bauen bereits vor mit der eigenen
und der partnervermarktung
rechnen wohl mit der fda zul.

haengen an der 0.70 sup
200er waere nochmal 0.63

danke auch , fuer den tip.
gruss thai


05.02.15 11:08

outstanding shares 33 mille
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