Rambus schmiert ab $40, an alle die rmbs haben! o.T.

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Rambus schmiert ab $40, an alle die rmbs haben! o.T.

31.10.00 14:53

war nur eine frage der zeit ! o.T.

31.10.00 14:54
Hans Dampf:

Wg. Intel...

31.10.00 15:07

                 Tuesday, October 31, 2000

                 Intel to drop RMBS DRAM, EBN
                 --9:03 am - By Tomi Kilgore
                 Intel (INTC: news, msgs) intends to drop Rambus (RMBS: news, msgs) DRAM
                 products from its computing platforms, with the exception of high-end
                 workstations, by mid-2001, according to Electronic Buyers' News. According to
                 a confidential document obtained by the publication, Intel will phase out the
                 Rambus RDDRAM-enabled 820 chipset in next year's first quarter, and the 850
                 chipset, which has yet to be introduced, will be dropped in the third quarter. Intel
                 was not immediately available for comment. Rambus is slumping $8.94, or 17
                 percent, to $44.50 in pre-market trading. Intel is tacking on 38 cents to $45.38
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