Perini baut den Irak auf.

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Perini baut den Irak auf.

14.01.04 05:05"

Gruss E.

Perini's Task Order for Power Restoration in Iraq Increased to $220 Million  
Thursday, December 18, 2003 04:37 PM ET  Printer-friendly version  
FRAMINGHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 18, 2003--Perini Corporation (AMEX: PCR, news) announces the increase of its Task Order with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for additional power restoration work in Iraq. Since announcement of the original award for $66 Million, the scope of work and the value of the Task Order has increased to a total Task Order value of $220 Million.

The Task Order was awarded under Perini's Contingency Contract with COE's Transatlantic Programs Center to provide design-build, general construction, and operations and maintenance services in the U.S. Central Command's area of operations (CENTCOM). The maximum potential value of the contract, which was originally awarded in April for up to $100 million, has been increased to a ceiling of $500 million.

Perini's team includes Tetra Tech of Framingham, MA; POWER Engineers of Boise, Idaho; Willbros Group of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Nimrod/PPI of Dubai, U.A.E.; and Hart/ELS Security Services of the U.K.

Interested vendors and subcontractors may register on Perini's website by clicking on the CENTCOM Task Force Restore Iraqi Electricity (SVR) icon.

Robert Band, President and Chief Operating Officer, stated, "Perini has a long history of performing large scale construction projects, and has worked in many logistically challenging environments around the world. This project draws upon the company's depth of experience and construction management skills to provide exceptional service to the U.S. Department of Defense."

About Perini Corporation

Perini is known for its construction management and design-build services for U.S. government agencies, and for its hospitality and gaming, corrections, healthcare, sports, entertainment and educational expertise, as well as for large and complex civil construction projects.

The statements contained in this Release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including without limitation, statements regarding the Company's expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects on the Company. There can be no assurance that future developments affecting the Company will be those anticipated by the Company. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties (some of which are beyond the control of the Company) or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the continuing validity of the underlying assumptions and estimates of total forecasted project revenues, costs and profits and project schedules; the outcomes of pending or future litigation, arbitration or other dispute resolution proceedings; the availability of borrowed funds on terms acceptable to the Company; changes in federal and state appropriations for infrastructure projects; possible changes or developments in worldwide or domestic political, social, economic, business, industry, market and regulatory conditions or circumstances; and actions taken or not taken by third parties including the Company's customers, suppliers, business partners, and competitors and legislative, regulatory, judicial and other governmental authorities and officials. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any of the Company's assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary in material respects from those projected in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

   CONTACT: Perini Management Services, Inc.
            Edward M. Greco, 508-628-2417
            Perini Corporation
            Robert Band, 508-628-2295

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Denken heist nicht wissen

17.03.04 22:39
Wissen bedeutet den Überblick zu verlieren

Na logo Doc.

17.03.04 23:18
BSCI und GIVN bestimmt seit 2 Jahren. BSCI war vor den letzten Zahlen auf 27 gefallen, da war nicht klar, wie die Zahlen aussehen würden...
Sehr gut aussehen noch STEI, MEM, IPT, PFT, RCF, NOBL, CCI, etc.
Ideologische Gründe jucken mich nicht mehr. Sag mir mal wann ich bei MDDM einsteigen soll? Was sagt Deine Charttheorie? 2,10 reizt mich sehr. Und was ist Kalif für ne Pappnase?

Gruss E."

Ich geb dir gleich eine Pappnase

17.03.04 23:26
Greif nie in ein fallendes Messer. Der Abwärtstrend (MDDM)ist hier noch voll intakt du Laie.

Mal die nächste rote Kerze abwarten :-)

17.03.04 23:29
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >

Irgendwo zwischen 1,8 und 2,1 sollte es vielleicht lohnen.

Und hast du dich in NANX getraut? Ich schon, allerdings auch in NGEN beides zu knapp über 8$ also bisher fast Nullsummenspiel...

Die kleine israelische GIVN wurde übrigens gestern sogar lobend in der ftd erwähnt :-)

Genau die Magie ist drei dann gibts den Rebound o. T.

17.03.04 23:31

Ich dachte du wolltest ins Bett? o. T.

17.03.04 23:34

Sperr erst mal die ID o. T.

17.03.04 23:35

hans dampf kann dat nicht ! o. T.

17.03.04 23:36

Wer ist Hans Dampf? o. T.

17.03.04 23:38


17.03.04 23:41
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >

Kenne ich fast nix von.

Wie ist das bei einer Frau?

17.03.04 23:46
Hast du mir davon auch einen Chart? Mamma meine ich aber nicht lol

Crazy Woman Creek Bancorp - CRZY?

17.03.04 23:56
Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >
Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

Sau gut hehe die kannte ich noch nicht o. T.

18.03.04 00:01

Sogar mit Kaufsignal o. T.

18.03.04 00:02

Tja Doc.

18.03.04 00:22
Heute waren 20 Grad, da war ich nicht online, sondern im Garten. NANX hatte ich vor 4 Tagen zu 7,2O eingerahmt, ging hoch letzten Mittwoch und dachte mir Limit 7,20 und Doppelboden wär gut, habs aber nicht gemacht.
Das Aktienmeer ist halt riesig, aber TINY, ALTI und NANX natürlich immer auf dem Laufenden. TGAL noch im Depot?

Nacht, so long.

Gruss E.

Gartenschrebe? o. T.

18.03.04 00:26

Ja leider...

18.03.04 00:27
zu 3.26 aber heute zu 1.95 nachgekauft und immerhin damit vorerst im Plus.
Mal schauen - 52-Wochen-Tief war irgendwo um 25 Cent...

Perini baut den Irak auf. 1429034
Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense


18.03.04 00:36
kannst du auch BCON kaufen. Laut Chartbild fast gleich


18.03.04 00:49
BCON ist auch immer für ne Überraschung gut - aber eben kein Nanowert :-)

Perini baut den Irak auf. 1429051
Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense


18.03.04 00:51
Aber laut Chartbid fast ähnlich

Hardcorezock WFHC.

18.03.04 00:58
Gehst Du sowas an? oder treibste Dich gar nicht in der Ecke rum?. Wird die Company gerettet oder nicht? Zu 0,30, es juckt irgendwie. NEXM hatte ich mal zu 3 gekauft und hab mir mit ansehen müssen, wie der Sch.. auf 0,30 gefallen ist um dann wieder bis 5 Dollar zu laufen.
Also WFHC leg ich mir mal auf Vorlage, ist bestimmt keine Empfehlung und nur für Hardcores.

Gruss E.""

Nee - dann doch lieber SYNC.

18.03.04 10:21
Sind gestern nach ner Hochstufung schon sehr gut gelaufen und haben dann nachbörslich die Zahlen angehoben.
Da sind bestimmt noch ne menge Leute short drin - 4$ sollten mindestens möglich sein.

Perini baut den Irak auf." style="max-width:560px" >

Dow Jones Business News
Intellisync Corp Boosts Outlook, Sees Positive Cash Flow Wednesday March 17, 7:31 pm ET

SAN JOSE (Dow Jones)--Intellisync Corp. (NasdaqNM:SYNC - News) boosted its outlook for its second fiscal half and full year, citing an acquisition and the favorable settlement of a patent infringement lawsuit.

In a press release Wednesday, the company, which provides software for managing portable computers and other devices, also predicted positive cash flow in its fiscal fourth quarter beginning May 1.

It forecast a loss of 1 cent a share to breakeven for its fiscal third quarter ending April 30, on revenue of $13.5 million to $14.5 million.

The loss includes a charge for in-process research and
development and a gain of $2 million from the lawsuit settlement.

Excluding items, Intellisync expects a profit of 2 cents to 3 cents a share in its fiscal third quarter.

Based on a survey of two analysts, Thomson First Call (News - Websites) puts the company's third-quarter results at breakeven, and revenue at $13 million, based on three analysts.

Previously the company forecast a loss of 1 cent to 2 cents a share, on revenue of $12.5 million to $13.5 million.

In after-hours trading, Intellisync changed hands recently at $3.28 a share, up 13.5% from its Nasdaq closing price Wednesday of $2.89.

Intellisync said that in addition to its recent acquisition, its revised outlook also includes the settlement of its patent infringement lawsuit against Extended Systems Inc. and subsequent licensing payment by ESI to Intellisync.

Intellisync also said it recently signed an agreement with Siemens AG's (NYSE:SI - News) business services unit, in which Siemens will use Intellisync's e-mail software for Siemens' mobile device service. Siemens agreed to distribute all of Intellisync's business software offerings.

For its fourth quarter ending July 31, Intellisync expects a loss of 1 cent to 2 cents a share, on revenue of $15.5 million to $16.5 million. Excluding a charge of 3 cents a share for amortization of intangibles, fourth-quarter profit would be 1 cent to 2 cents a share, the company said.

Wall Street expects a fourth-quarter profit of 1 cent a share, excluding items.

For the full year, Intellisync predicts a loss of 1 cent to 5 cents a share, including a charge of 9 cents for amortization. Excluding the charge, earnings would be 10 cents to 14 cents a share. Analysts predict 10 cents a share.

For fiscal 2005, the company expects net earnings of 1 cent to 5 cents a share, on revenue of $75 million to $82 million and cash flow of $6 million to $ 9 million.

Excluding items, the company expects earnings of 10 cents to 14 cents a share, while analysts expect 10 cents a share.

-John Seward; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5400


wow sync sieht wirklich gut aus!!

18.03.04 11:28
gap bei vier sollte mind. geschlossen werden.
tgal bin ich auch wieder dabei - hoffe hier auf einen kleinen rebound.

GIVN: Depotaufnahme Dreisatzbörse :-)

21.03.04 23:36
Gekauft wurden 1000 Stück zum Kurs vom 19.3.04.

Perini baut den Irak auf. 1433116
Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense
Stox Dude:

ui ui ui

03.05.04 12:57
dieses Jahr = Finger WEG von OTC und/oder Small Caps !

Stox Dude
Perini baut den Irak auf. 1486075
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