PCCW (1186): in Hongkong vom Handel ausgesetzt

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PCCW (1186): in Hongkong vom Handel ausgesetzt

12.04.00 04:52
10:08   (Hongkong-Zeit)

PCCW (1186) suspends for potential partnership

(Infocast News) Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited (1186) (PCCW) has been suspended trading pending the issue of an announcement in relation to a potential partnership.

Accordingly, the following derivative warrants has also been suspended:-

Stock Code Stock Short Name
---------- ----------------
1890 BC-PCCWL@EC0011
1891 CS-PCCWL@EC0009
1892 RF-PCCWL*EC0011
1893 SG-PCCWL@EC0009
1894 DB-PCCWL*EC0011
1907 CS-PCCWL@EC0007
1913 MB-PCCWL@EC0007
1923 SG-PCCWL@EC0008
1941 MB-PCCWL@EC0009
1956 SG-PCCWL@EC0010

Its share price was $15.4 before suspension.



PCRD exercises convertible bonds hold 600M more PCCW (1186) to 51.3%

(Infocast News) Pacific Century CyberWorks (1186) (PCCW) announced that the parent Pacific Century Regional Developments (PCRD) yesterday exercised HK$200 million PCCW convertible bonds to hold 645 million more shares of PCCW. After the share swap, PCRD holds about 51.3% of the enlarged issued share capital of PCCW.


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