ots Ad hoc-Service: DCI AG DCI AG to acquire its British competitor, ace-quote.com Lt

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ots Ad hoc-Service: DCI AG DCI AG to acquire its British competitor, a.

23.05.00 08:15
ots Ad hoc-Service: DCI AG DCI AG to acquire its British competitor, ace-quote.com Ltd. E-commerce portal expands into Great Britain

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  Starnberg, Germany (ots Ad hoc-Service) -    

  The Executive Board of DCI Database for Commerce and Industry AG,
Germany's leading online trading platform for IT/telecom products,
today announced the acquisition of the British e-commerce company,
ace-quote.com Limited. The acquisition has already been backed by the
DCI AG Supervisory Board and will give DCI AG access to the second-
largest e-commerce market in Europe. The move is part of DCI AG's
strategic internationalisation drive. Based in Cardiff/Wales,
ace-quote.com operates the largest IT/telecom trading platform in
Great Britain, acting in the same way as DCI AG as a broker between
supply and demand in the B2B sector.

  The acquisition will be partly financed through DCI AG shares on
the basis of a share capital increase yet to be finalised. It is
anticipated that all formalities, approval at the AGM included, will
be completed and the take-over effective by the middle of August.

  The new DCI AG subsidiary will continue to operate under its
current name to capitalise on the reputation and visibility of
ace-quote.com in Great Britain. Gary Munz, founder and Managing
Director of ace-quote, will continue to manage the 35-member
ace-quote team.

  ace-quote.com entered the e-commerce market in June 1999. It
rapidly established itself as the leading B2B online platform for
buyers and sellers of IT/telecom products in GB by leveraging a
business model similar to that developed by DCI AG.

  For more information on DCI AG: DCI Database for Commerce and
Industry AG Public and Investor Relations Eva Weber Enzianstr. 6
82319 Starnberg Germany


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