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02.05.00 19:38
On Track Innovations (OTI), auf dem Gebiet der auf Mikroprozessoren basierenden Technologie für kontaktlose Smart Cards tätig, hat mit dem israelischen Hersteller von Fahrgeldeinnahmesystemen Cubic Transportation Systems(CTS) einen Lizensierungs- Kooperationsvertrag geschlossen. CTS wird nach OTI-Angaben das Eyecon MultiCard System von OTI in sein System Tri-Reader integrieren.
Wie OTI weiter verlauten lässt, will das Unternehmen aufgrund der Zusammenarbeit mit CTS die Planzahlen korrigieren.

01.05.00 13:20
Cubic Announces ``Nextfare Solution Suite`` 21st Century Smart Card Breakthroughs

"Nextfare™ Solution Suite is a package of advanced tools that can be integrated into automatic fare collection systems. It includes a variety of add-on applications and equipment designed to work seamlessly with a robust central computing application," said Gary Yamamura, director of strategic planning, Cubic Transportation Systems.

The announcement comes on the heels of the one-year anniversary of Cubic`s successful introduction of contactless smart card fare collection to Washington D.C. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority`s system is the country`s first full-scale contactless smart card transit fare collection operation, linking both rail and parking operations with a single fare medium.

-- Tri-Reader™-- Although introduced just six months ago, the Tri-Reader™has already been selected for integration into Cubic-provided systems for a variety of U.S. and international transit authorities. The Tri-Reader™is a contactless smart card reader architecture that provides transit authorities with the flexibility to select any smart card that meets the emerging ISO 14443 specification (Type A or Type B) as well as Cubic`s own GO CARD®platform. It will also enable a transit system operator to establish a system where different card types can be used interchangeably. Cubic also has other versions of the Tri-Reader™currently in development that will further expand the utility of this exciting new technology by improving the adaptability of the reader for a much broader range of devices such as laptop computers, handheld computer/organizers or parking meters.

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