Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG)

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Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG)

15.10.11 07:03
Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG.PK) is a Colombia-based gold producer that focuses on discovery, acquisition, and expansion of mineral-rich resource deposits primarily in the Americas. Orofino currently operates producing mines in the Senderos de Oro area of Colombia, making it a neighbor of nearby Ventana Gold Corp’s proven La Bodega asset and Greystar Resources Ltd’s Angostura project. In addition, Orofino has rights to other lands in the gold-producing region totaling over 3,000 hectares as well as an option on a strong portfolio of other small producers and development/exploration assets in the region.

Orofino Gold was founded as a private company in 2009 by former executives and management with over 50 years of combined mining exploration, finance, and development experience. Orofino’s corporate objective is to increase shareholder value through the continued development of existing projects and additional acquisitions of high-value mineral assets

Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG): Dr. Hans J. Bocker appointed as New Chairman of the Board of Directors



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Bockers/s trip in Kolumbien,fledermäuse u. moskito

17.10.11 09:13
in den kleinen minen. zumindestens war er mal in kolumbien laut dem videobeitrag hier.

ob die reise mit orofino zu tun hatte erwähnt er nicht.


schöner anstieg letzte 2 tage

19.10.11 13:11


28.10.11 14:08
Corporate News übermittelt durch die World2U Media AG zur weiteren Verbreitung:

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Über Prof. Hans-Jürgen Bocker
Prof. Hans-Jürgen Bocker ist weltweit als Finanz- und Wirtschaftsjournalist, Kolumnist, Unternehmernsberater und Autor unterwegs, widmet sich aber auch der Nachwuchsförderung als Hochschullehrer. Er ist ein Mann, der an schier unzähligen Fronten aktiv ist - und das seit nunmehr 34 Jahren in mittlerweile 57 Ländern. Seine Doppelausbildung in den Bereichen von Technik und Ingenieurwesen wie auch Wirtschaftswissenschaften kommt überall dort, wo sowohl technische wie auch wirtschaftliche Expertisen verlangt werden, gelegen. Nach eigenen Angaben hat er in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften weltweit die stattliche Zahl von 2000 Publikationen erreicht. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Radio- und Fernsehinterviews vor allem in seiner zwischenzeitlichen Wahlheimat Kanada.

World2U Media AG
Chamerstrasse 44
6331 Hünenberg

Orofino Gold Corporation
Carrera 40, 10A-65
Medellín, Colombia

* Tel: +011 57 4 2682451
* Fax: +011-57-4-2682499
* Email: info@orofinogoldcorp.com

Quelle: www.offenes-presseportal.de/...e_pressemitteilungen_321337.htm

seit ein paar wochen steigt die orofino wieder

14.01.12 14:31
ich hoffe nur die haben nix mit w2u zu tun. eine news von orofino war letztens auch draussen.

8k filling und aktueller chart

14.01.12 14:41
(Verkleinert auf 80%) vergrößern
Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG) 476326

sind aber auf otc-markets

14.01.12 14:42
noch mit dem tier pink limited information versehen warscheinlich weil sie ihr 10k oder 10q noch nicht eingereicht haben.

schönerer rebound

18.01.12 08:14
orfg das haste jut jemacht

Na, kommt Orofino wieder ?

10.09.12 07:46
Es ist ja geplant, dass der Mantel von World2U Media für einen Handel in Deutschland
genommen werden soll.
Dann würden wahrscheinlich beide Werte davon profitieren.


28.02.13 18:20
Orofino Gold Announces Strategic Production and Cash Flow Plan Expected To Include Construction of 20-40 TPD Mill At La Estrella Project, Colombia


Orofino Gold Chairman Dr. Hans Bocker

28.03.13 18:14
Orofino Gold Chairman Dr. Hans Bocker Outlines Company Focus On Colombian Mining Assets

LAS VEGAS, NV, March 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Orofino Gold Corp. ("Orofino" or the "Company") (OTCQB:ORFG.PK) Chairman Dr. Hans J. Bocker is pleased to provide this update outlining the Company's focus on Colombian mining assets.

"Our experience with Colombia indicates a growing economy with a rich natural resource environment," stated Dr. Hans Bocker, Chairman of Orofino Gold. "We believe Colombia has the potential to become one of the world's most prospective gold mining regions. We anticipate our focus on creating cash-generating partnerships with local Artisanal miners will help strengthen social policies and expand opportunities to more of Colombia's population."

Dr. Bocker continues: "After spending many days in the Sur de Bolivar region of Colombia and specifically at La Azul (Estrella Mine) it became obvious that these miners and their families needed some financial support and modern machinery to complement their industrious zest and hard work. It is Orofino Gold Corp's mandate to support the social and economic well being of these people and to work toward a modern mining complex that shares a common goal for a better way where social well being and a stake in the future become an integral part of life. If indeed there is a hidden porphyry gold system under this area, as some believe, it will be shared by all stakeholders." Orofino Gold Corp. leading the way by following what is just and proper."

Dr. Hans J. Bocker is an internationally recognized gold expert and academic. His recently published book "Freedom through Gold" has sold out in several languages. Dr. Bocker's organizational and logistical expertise includes production and operational management, cross-cultural and international management, purchasing and procurement, transportation and logistics, quality, safety and loss control. In addition, Dr. Bocker provides leadership training for executives and is a well-published journalist with over 2000 publications.

Orofino's corporate objective is to build shareholder value through the exploration and development of the Senderos de Oro Gold Camp and other potentially accretive acquisitions by capitalizing on the experience and industry relationships management has developed over the past 25 years. Orofino expects to add new technical and financial expertise to its roster as the Company advances its strategic production and cash flow plan. Orofino will announce these additions as they develop and are consummated by the Board of Directors.

Orofino Gold is a Colombian-based gold exploration company initially founded in 2009 as a private corporation by executives with over 50 years of collective experience in mining exploration, finance and development.

For More Information please visit the Orofino Gold website at: www.orofinogoldcorp.com

Forward-Looking Statements: The statements by our officers, and other statements regarding optimism related to the business, expanding exploration and development activities and other statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the Company's business. Words such as expects, anticipates, intends, plans, believes, sees, estimates and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results could vary materially from the description contained herein due to many risk factors that affect the industry the Company operates in and other risk factors listed from time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings under "risk factors" and elsewhere. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release.

SOURCE Orofino Gold Corp.

© 2013 PR Newswire


man o man

28.03.13 18:49
auweija eben noch auf 0.012$   nun wieder runter auf  0.0055$


Orofino Gold Corp

19.04.13 08:51
da sind nen paar informationen zu orfg unter

OTC Disclosure & News Service


news von orofino

23.04.13 07:23
Orofino Gold Corp: The Company files financials and expects to be current this week

LAS VEGAS, April 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Orofino Gold Corp. ("Orofino" or the "Company") (ORFG.PK) Chairman Dr. Hans J. Bocker is pleased to announce that the Company has already filed ALL the financials to be in the current status category.

This update outlining the Company's focus on Colombian mining assets.

As announced earlier, the Company is continuing its planned operation in the Sur de Bolivar region of Colombia and specifically at La Azul (Estrella Mine) it became obvious that these miners and their families needed some financial support and modern machinery to complement their industrious milestones.

Dr. Hans J. Bocker is an internationally recognized gold expert and academic. His recently published book "Freedom through Gold" has sold out in several languages. Dr. Bocker's organizational and logistical expertise includes production and operational management, cross-cultural and international management, purchasing and procurement, transportation and logistics, quality, safety and loss control. In addition, Dr. Bocker provides leadership training for executives and is a well-published journalist with over 2000 publications.

For More Information please visit the Orofino Gold website at: www.orofinogoldcorp.com

Forward-Looking Statements: The statements by our officers, and other statements regarding optimism related to the business, expanding exploration and development activities and other statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the Company's business. Words such as expects, anticipates, intends, plans, believes, sees, estimates and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results could vary materially from the description contained herein due to many risk factors that affect the industry the Company operates in and other risk factors listed from time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings under "risk factors" and elsewhere. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release.

SOURCE Orofino Gold Corp.

Copyright 2013 PR Newswire


man oh man

23.04.13 20:39
auweija gestern noch auf 0,03$ geschlossen   nun wieder runter auf  0,019$



23.04.13 20:45
(Verkleinert auf 80%) vergrößern
Orofino Gold Corp. (ORFG) 600213

Orofino Gold Corp - Kurssenkung...

07.06.13 12:30

Gestern stürzte der Aktienpreis von Orofino Gold Corp (OTCMKTS:ORFG) um 31% beim massiven Handelsvolumen von über 2,8 Mio Aktien ab.

Der Eröffnungskurs von ORFG  war mit $0,0090 unter dem vorigen Schlusspreis von $0,0098. Der Ticker  hat in den ersten Handelsminuten $0,01 erreicht und es scheint, dass  alle Anleger genau darauf gewartet haben, um ihre Anteile abzustoßen.  Typisch für einen Pusch-Job, fanden alle Handlungen in der erste Stunde  der Sitzung statt.

Eigentlich hat das Unternehmen die Anleger durch zwei Pressemeldungen  auf die Promotion vorbereitet. Die eine wurde am 29. Mai  veröffentlicht, und die andere – am 4. Juni, was völlig ausreichend für  das Erzeugen vom Medienrummel war, der seinen Höhepunkt erreichen  sollte, sobald die Puscher ihre Werbemails schickten.

>> mehr



27.02.14 07:17
wow hätte nicht gedacht das diese aktie nochmnal so stark steigt hatte letztes jahr leider meine position hier verkauft
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