ORIENTAL EXPL (0430)'s price noticeably fluctuated 12.857% at 11:30a.m . Its last price is HK$0.142, up 1.429%. Today's highest price is $0.15 and lowest price is $0.132. Total volume is 636K shares and total turnover is HK$90.782K.
ORIENTAL EXPL (0430) has noticeably fluctuated 12.857%. The last price is HK$0.142
ORIENTAL EXPL (0430)'s price noticeably fluctuated 12.857% at 11:30a.m . Its last price is HK$0.142, up 1.429%. Today's highest price is $0.15 and lowest price is $0.132. Total volume is 636K shares and total turnover is HK$90.782K.
Reference Info (Last updated : 2007-10-12 23:07)
MA(10) 0.152 RSI(10) 42.860
MA(50) 0.172 RSI(14) 40.580
MA(90) 0.188 PE 70.952
MA(250) 0.121 Yield(%)
52 week high 0.335 52 week low 0.044
ORIENTAL EXPL (0430) has noticeably fluctuated 12.857%. The last price is HK$0.142
ORIENTAL EXPL (0430)'s price noticeably fluctuated 12.857% at 11:30a.m . Its last price is HK$0.142, up 1.429%. Today's highest price is $0.15 and lowest price is $0.132. Total volume is 636K shares and total turnover is HK$90.782K.
Reference Info (Last updated : 2007-10-12 23:07)
MA(10) 0.152 RSI(10) 42.860
MA(50) 0.172 RSI(14) 40.580
MA(90) 0.188 PE 70.952
MA(250) 0.121 Yield(%)
52 week high 0.335 52 week low 0.044