aus dem ihub:
balamidas Member Profile balamidas Member Level Share Friday, August 19, 2011 12:11:11 PM
Re: None Post # of 15706
OPTZ 230 million in Revenues REVERSE MERGER DD $$ >>>>
Larry was the VP of Paschal Truck Lines, which happens to be a private company with $220 million in revenues, great opportunity for Paschal Truck Lines go public.
also notice on the
NT-10k The Company’s auditor is completing the financial review on the accounting of companies acquired during the reporting period. Entries may result from their findings which, if considered material, will require updating our report. Additional time is necessary to file the Form 10-K.
Paschal Truck Lines (Larry was VP Bus Dev 1997 - 1999 (2 years )
PTL has been serving the shipping industry as an irregular route carrier, in excess of 35 years. During this period, we have constantly expanded and updated our organization in an effort to achieve a higher level of quality, benefiting all of our valued customers.
We have remained financially stable over the years and currently generate over $220 million in revenue annually.We are committed to the quality process with state of the art systems including EDI, Satellite Communications, and on-line load tracking.
Our headquarters is located in Murray, KY. We also have satellite terminals strategically located with city drivers to cover your needs in: