Optionsausübung 06/00 bringt neues Geld für MYC. Adhoc v. 01.06.00 anbei

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Optionsausübung 06/00 bringt neues Geld für MYC. Adhoc v. 01.06.00 .

02.06.00 08:23

Underwriting Agreement -Exercise of Options expiring 30/6/00
Document date: Thu 01 Jun 2000 Released time: Thu 01 Jun 2000 18:53:34
Document No: 179864  Document part: A
Market Flag: N
Classification: Issued Capital - Other

MY CASINO LIMITED                             2000-06-01  ASX-SIGNAL-G

HOMEX - Perth                                                        

The Company has entered into an underwriting agreement for the
conversion of options expiring on 30 June 2000 (MYCO) that remain
unexercised by option holders on the expiry date. At the date of the
agreement there were 7,768,475 options on issue, each option
entitling the holder to subscribe for and be allotted one fully paid
ordinary share in the Company by payment of 25 cents.

The underwriters are Media Invest GmbH of Vienna, Austria and
Mr N C S Mansfield of Perth, Western Australia. Each underwriter is
obligated to take up 50% of the shortfall for a fee calculated at 5%
of the conversion value of the options being underwritten.

The exercise of the underwritten options will provide approximately
$1,850,000 in additional working capital to the Company.

P Baird

DAS hätte ich auch unterschrieben...wann werde ich gefragt ob ich bei s.

02.06.00 08:51
dabeisen möchte...*G*

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