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18.10.04 18:37

ob es einen Markt dafür gibt ?  http://www.aquaxtremes.com/       http://www.ncvm.net/ NVAC 1678332     


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anscheinend ja .

19.10.04 11:20

Aqua Xtremes Signs up XBoard Dealership in Orlando, Receives Order for 60 XBoards

Company Reporter, Inc.Mike Long, 281-565-5983mike@companyreporter.com

Nova Communications Ltd. (OTCBB:NVAC) announced that its majority-owned subsidiary, Aqua Xtremes, Inc., has signed up Jerry Tacket of Orlando, FL as an XBoard dealer, and received an initial order for 60 XBoards for that area.

This order brings the total orders received to over 300 XBoards with a retail value of nearly $2,500,000. The Company plans to begin fulfilling the orders in early 2005.

Aqua Xtremes has begun an awareness campaign for both distributor and dealer opportunities for XBoard -- the revolutionary jet-powered surfboard that redefines Xtreme water sports with the introduction of jet surfing.

Nova Communications CEO Ken Owen commented, "We welcome Jerry Tacket to the team, and know his dealership will produce tremendous results. Jerry, along with other XBoard distributors and dealers, will be at the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show for the launch of XBoard on October 28th through November 1st."

By securing their territorial rights, distributors will have the right to establish dealers and rental facilities in their exclusive territory, which encompasses over 700 square miles. Aqua Xtremes expects the primary territories to be secured quickly and recommends that interested parties contact the Company immediately in order to request their territory of choice.

Distributors will have protected territories, and those who join initially will receive the benefit of first deliveries, which are scheduled for early 2005. Interested investors, distributors, and dealers can contact us by visiting www.AquaXtremes.com.

Owen added, "With less than 10 days until the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show, we are seeing tremendous activity in dealerships and distributorships. We anticipate that the choice markets may be snapped up quickly, so anyone interested in securing a dynamic territory should contact us immediately. Our territorial sales team is in place and prepared to work with potential distributors to complete the required paperwork."

XBoard allows riders of all skill levels to experience the exhilaration of surfing anywhere, anytime. The XBoard design team has created a revolutionary watercraft that combines innovative hull design and a powerful EPA conforming engine. Photos and more information are available at the Company's web site (www.NCVM.net).

XBoard was developed by Nova's majority-owned subsidiary, Aqua Xtremes Inc., a four-year-old Nevada corporate entity. For more information on XBoard visit AquaXtremes.com.

Cautionary Statement for the Purpose of the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Forward-looking statements in this news release are made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Certain important factors could cause results to differ materially from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements, including the impact of changed economic or business conditions, the impact of competition, the success of existing and new product releases, the management of our growth, other risk factors inherent in the telecommunications industry, and other factors discussed from time to time in reports filed by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Nova Communications has and continues to institute changes to its strategies, operations and processes to address these risk factors and to mitigate their impact on Nova Communication's results of operations and financial condition. However, no assurances can be given that Nova Communications will be successful in these efforts.

Copyright © 2004 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
News Copyright © 2004 Interest!ALERT All rights reserved.


WKN ??? o. T.

19.10.04 12:30

hallo Mr.Esram

19.10.04 12:56

ich müsste lügen wenn ich das wüsste - aber 260440 könnte richtig sein.

Aber solch eine Aktie würde ich niemals in Germ. kaufen und wenn die WKN richtig ist wird das eh nichts.

Split !

19.10.04 13:10
DateOpenHighLowCloseVolumeAdj Close*
8-Oct-041 : 100 Stock Split

Servus und mal anguck ;-)

19.10.04 13:24

oder ist es A0DKMG ?

19.10.04 13:39
       NVAC 1679435

mal eben lockere

19.10.04 16:43

20 % im Plus  !!

0,85 $

was für eine Hektik !

19.10.04 16:50
schon bei 0,98$  =  38 %

40 % = 1,00 $ auch wieder raus !

19.10.04 16:58

und auch wir sehen uns !

Jep, Congrats ;-)

19.10.04 16:59

thx 0815 ! o. T.

19.10.04 17:00

ich hab Geld verschenkt !

21.10.04 21:47

die stehen gerade bei 1,13 $.

mhhh na aber besser 40 % realisieren als drauflegen - jedoch, ärgert mich schon !


1,20 ich krieg ne Kriese !!!!

21.10.04 21:53
das darf nicht wahr sein !

schon wieder 60 Stck.

22.10.04 12:54

Aqua Xtremes Signs Up XBoard Dealership In Texas, Receives Orders For 80 XBoards

Company Reporter, Inc.Mike Long, 281-565-5983mike@companyreporter.com

Nova Communications Ltd. (OTCBB:NVAC) announced that its majority-owned subsidiary, Aqua Xtremes, Inc., has signed up Joe McHaney as an XBoard dealer in Arlington, Texas, and has received an initial order of 20 XBoards for that area.

Additionally, Aqua Xtremes received an initial order for 60 XBoards from a previously signed distributor in the Houston area.

The combined orders from Texas for 80 XBoards, and the previously ordered 305 XBoards from the last few weeks, bring Aqua Xtremes' total orders to 385 XBoards with a retail value of approximately $3,000,000. The Company plans to begin fulfilling orders in early 2005.


die schlafen nicht und

22.10.04 13:21

ich glaube ich geh wieder rein.

Nova Hires Marketing Firm To Support Launch Of XBoard
Wednesday October 20, 5:00 am ET

TORRANCE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 20, 2004--Nova Communications Ltd. (OTCBB:NVAC - News) announced that it has hired BMC Marketing, a Washington State-based marketing firm, to develop, manage and build XBoard's brand and product awareness on a nationwide basis.

BMC Marketing has been selected to develop creative direction and implement marketing strategies for XBoard, the revolutionary jet-powered surfboard that redefines Xtreme water sports with the introduction of jet surfing.

One of BMC's first tasks is to develop strategies for XBoard's unveiling at the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show from October 28th through November 1st. The agreement between the companies covers all aspects of marketing, including brand design, sales collateral, trade show management, advertising and web site design.

Ken Owen, CEO of Nova Communications, stated, "We selected BMC Marketing as our partner based on the creative talent and experience they have in bringing brands to life. With Aqua Xtremes, Inc. and XBoard, we have a revolutionary personal watercraft that needs to speak to the extreme sports enthusiasts, and our message must reach the X and Y generations.

"BMC Marketing and their stable of talent have done an outstanding job of grasping this opportunity and have been working in tandem with our sales and production team to bring XBoard to life."

"We're thrilled to be involved with the launch of such a truly innovative and category changing product," explained Patrick Stimpson, President of BMC. "We believe that XBoard will change water sports as the snowboard has changed skiing. This product will rejuvenate the personal watercraft industry, and the first phase of our program will be to introduce XBoard to the industry as the Company establishes a national distributor and dealer network."

XBoard allows riders of all skill levels to experience the exhilaration of surfing anywhere, anytime. The XBoard design team has created a revolutionary watercraft that combines innovative hull design and a powerful EPA-conforming engine. Photos and more information are available at the Company's web site (www.NCVM.net).

XBoard was developed by Nova's majority-owned subsidiary, Aqua Xtremes Inc., a four-year-old Nevada corporate entity. For more information on XBoard, visit AquaXtremes.com.

Cautionary Statement for the Purpose of the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:


bei 1,17 $ wieder rein !

22.10.04 16:36

und geht ab !!


Plus 50 % = 1,75 $

22.10.04 17:54

so macht die Börse Spaß !


hin und her macht die Taschen leer ;-)

22.10.04 19:17

bin gerade raus bei 1,87 $  =  100 % in 4 Tagen !


wieder Geld verschenkt - die war auf 2,19 $ heute

22.10.04 22:01
also wenn ich einfach dabei geblieben wäre ab 0,71 dann stimmt das - hin und her und so!

aber wer seine Gewinne nicht realisiert hat auch nicht immer so viel Glück wie bei dieser Aktie.

Montag mal überlegen - aber wenn sie wieder etwas fällt bin ich wieder drin, schätze auf Sicht von einem Jahr so um die 5 $.


bei 1,50 US$ wieder rein

02.11.04 17:46


2,10 US$ - macht Spaß !

04.11.04 17:56

na - kein Bock auf Geld ? 2,19 US$

04.11.04 20:52


2,59 US$ ;-) o. T.

05.11.04 19:01

also ich hab bei 1,70 $ nachgekauft ! o. T.

15.11.04 16:35


16.11.04 11:57

Aqua Xtremes Offers Demonstration Rides To Distributors and Dealers
Monday November 15, 5:05 am ET

TORRANCE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 15, 2004--Nova Communications Ltd. (OTCBB:NVAC - News) announced that its majority-owned subsidiary, Aqua Xtremes, Inc., has launched a demonstration program for distributors and dealers of XBoard, the revolutionary jet-powered watercraft that is shaped like a surfboard but powered by a jet-propelled engine.

"Our distribution partners now have the opportunity to ride XBoard and experience the fun and challenge of this revolutionary watercraft," stated Ken Owen, CEO of Nova Communications. "I think they've been surprised at how easy it is to ride, and just how maneuverable and exhilarating the experience can be."

Immediately following the launch of XBoard at the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show in October, a select group of Aqua Xtremes distributors and dealers were invited to demonstrate the product at nearby Lake Osbourne. While the riding capabilities varied from novice to advanced, the positive experience from the ride was reported by all participants. Two demonstration participants commented as follows:     "Riding XBoard for the first time was thrilling. XBoard is a    completely unique experience on the water. I grew up on the lake    and have had the opportunity to experience all types of water-toys    over the past 25 years.    From the moment I started the engine I found XBoard to be exciting    and unique. Getting up was a breeze ... the board was incredibly    stable and user friendly ... the trigger throttle allowed me to    have a firm grip on the handle ... I had the ability to turn with    just a movement of my wrist or by applying pressure with my legs,    whichever I preferred.    Being only 120 lbs., I was surprised with how sharp I could turn.    I had total control and could go wherever I wanted to go. The    conditions on the lake were less than favorable with quite a bit    of choppiness and boat wakes, but XBoard cut through them and    provided an astonishingly smooth ride. I've never ridden anything    like this before -- XBoard is in a class by itself."    -- Becki, South Carolina    "I was able to ride XBoard for the first time at Lake Osbourne    following the Boat Show. It was an experience unlike any I have    had before. I'm an experienced water-skier, wake boarder and jet    skier -- but I've never ridden anything like this before. It was    easy to start and I got up on my first try with little effort.    After falling in deep water, getting back on was easier than    getting on a kneeboard. With XBoard, you have control of the    throttle, which allows for smooth, gradual starts. XBoard cut    through choppy waters and accelerated rapidly, providing me with a    surprisingly smooth ride to top speed. I was able to maneuver it    into tight turns with the board still gripping while never losing    its acceleration. While the board does provide a steering    mechanism for slow turns, my personal preference was to lock-out    the steering and control the turns using my body weight. The easy    handling, storing and transport make this a water toy I must    have."    -- Jason, South Carolina 




18.11.04 13:07

Nova Communications to Appear on MoneyTV with Debut of XBoard

Company Reporter, Inc.Mike Long, 281-565-5983mike@companyreporter.com

Nova Communications Ltd. (OTCBB:NVAC) announced that its CEO, Ken Owen, will be appearing on MoneyTV to discuss the development of the revolutionary XBoard -- the jet-powered watercraft that is shaped like a surfboard, but powered by a jet-propelled engine.

All investors, media, and shareholders are encouraged to tune into MoneyTV to learn more about Nova Communications and the development of XBoard, as Nova CEO Ken Owen will appear in an interview with MoneyTV's Don Baillargeon.

MoneyTV is the nationally syndicated television program all about money and what makes it happen (www.moneytv.net), featuring informative interviews with CEOs, insights into their operations, and outlooks for their futures.

The weekly television program debuted in 1996 and is broadcast nationally on Saturdays at 6:30AM ET, Sundays at 6:30 AM PT, 8:00 AM ET, 11:00 AM ET, and 11:30AM PT, Mondays and Tuesdays at 11:30 AM PT, and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM ET.

MoneyTV is broadcast to 40 million TV homes in Western Europe, Wednesdays at 6:00 PM.

MoneyTV is also broadcast on NBC-TV in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

A complete menu of TV and Radio listings is available at the MoneyTV Web site, www.moneytv.net. Viewers of MoneyTV can receive free information in the mail about featured companies by calling the toll-free phone number on their TV screen.

XBoard is a jet-powered surfboard that redefines extreme watersports with jet surfing. XBoards allow riders of all skill levels to experience the exhilaration of surfing anywhere, anytime. The XBoard design team has created a revolutionary watercraft that combines innovative hull design and a powerful EPA-conforming rotary engine. More information is available at the Company's Web sites www.NCVM.net and www.AquaXtremes.com.

Aqua Xtremes is currently recruiting distributors and dealers to get onboard and catch the wave -- interested parties should inquire at www.AquaXtremes.com or call 775-324-8531. A Regional representative will be available for assistance.

Cautionary Statement for the Purpose of the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Forward-looking statements in this news release are made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Certain important factors could cause results to differ materially from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements, including the impact of changed economic or business conditions, the impact of competition, the success of existing and new product releases, the management of our growth, other risk factors inherent in the telecommunications industry, and other factors discussed from time to time in reports filed by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Nova Communications has and continues to institute changes to its strategies, operations, and processes to address these risk factors and to mitigate their impact on Nova Communication's results of operations and financial condition. However, no assurances can be given that Nova Communications will be successful in these efforts.

Copyright © 2004 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
News Copyright © 2004 Interest!ALERT All rights reserved.

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